My Friends! We have an FDR-era-style crisis. we need an FDR-like president. that Joe Biden!

Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

only an idiot votes for what a person looks like
Obama divided the US
so just what do you see happening now?

Obama was a typical black---basing his policies on RACE!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama doesn't see race
you are so naive
..sent his BLACK AG to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..thought a WHITE woman was not good enough!!!!
etc etc
Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

only an idiot votes for what a person looks like
..I would vote for Tulsi
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

Biden's first theoretical term would be like FDR's last. He's already too far gone.
Trump is like Buchanan and Hoover, presidents who refused to act in times of crisis

Obama and Biden are like FDR, folks who saved us from despair through their decisive action
Trump is like Buchanan and Hoover, presidents who refused to act in times of crisis

Obama and Biden are like FDR, folks who saved us from despair through their decisive action

President Franklin D. Roosevelt may have been a great war president but he was a failure with regard to his economic policies. His economic policies extended the Great Depression by seven years.
Trump is like Buchanan and Hoover, presidents who refused to act in times of crisis

Obama and Biden are like FDR, folks who saved us from despair through their decisive action
You're either blinded by partisanship, or just don't know the facts.
Trump's travel ban from China was ridiculed by Biden and the "globalist" democrats as "xenophobic & racist".
Biden and the democrats had no plan to stop COVID-19 from entering the US.
Democrats are devoid of "decisive action". All they know is "political correctness".

You have your facts ass-backwards. Trump acts, democrats like Obama & Biden don't.
Trump defeated ISIS in short order after Obama let them expand to their maximum size in 2015.
This is max ISIS in 2015. Thanks Obama.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

FDR prolonged the GD. Do some research dumbass. Everything he did prolonged the GD. Hell he was taxing corps at 99% in some cases. WWII is what brought us out of the GD. Not FDR.

What an idiot you are.
So, who was elected in 1988? Wow. It has been Republicans cleaning up Dem messes since forever.
And now it's your turn in the barrel again... the American voting public is quite probably going to send you characters back down to the minors again on November 3rd.

Think Herbert Hoover and the 1929 Stock Market Crash and onset of the Great Depression... come 1932, the public sent him packing, merely because he was in-charge in '29.

Now... we have the onset of yet another Great Depression, 20%+ unemployment, a lethal pandemic, 1.3M infected, 80K dead, and the next election now < 6 months away.

Unless Sleepy Old Uncle Joe makes a stupid decision regarding a running mate, or unless you manage to destroy him with charges of sexual escapades, Joe will probably win.

And, if you DO manage to set him aside, the Democrats will take their next most visible media star... NY Governor Andrew Cuomo... and nominate him, to kick Rump's rump.

The difference in quality between Cuomo and Rump is vast and substantial... Cuomo 'trumps' your Orange Baboon-God's ass in any test of character, style or competency.
FDR pushed through 15 major bills in his 1st 100 days in office. that's the kind of urgency President Biden will bring to the presidency, my friends
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

So you actually want a great depression? By any measure, FDR made the Depression worse, and actually created a recession during the Depression. Go look up the 1936-1939 recession.

You put in place an FDR, and we'll end up a 3rd world country.

FDR, Carter, and Obama came in during painful times economically for the country. Many of the policies they pursued only lengthened recovery or made the situation worse. FDR got lucky because WW2 necessarily put people back to work.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

You may want to consider laying off the mind altering substances.

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