My Friends! We have an FDR-era-style crisis. we need an FDR-like president. that Joe Biden!

We got a 19th century type politician as POTUS instead.




The difference in quality between Cuomo and Rump is vast and substantial... Cuomo 'trumps' your Orange Baboon-God's ass in any test of character, style or competency.

Yeah, about the competency of Cuomo. Didn't he force elderly patients with COVID-19 symptoms BACK into nursing homes, places filled with the most vulnerable? Didn't that cost thousands of lives?

FACT: NY Gov. Cuomo Has Done Abysmal Job Handling COVID-19
By Joseph Curl
Published May 13, 2020 at 8:30am
That means nearly eight in 10 of all the people the CDC has provisionally ruled died of COVID-19 were 65 and older. So protecting the elderly is, clearly, the key. And how has Cuomo done?

New York state has seen more nursing home deaths from the coronavirus than any other state. Why? Cuomo enacted a state directive that required nursing homes to take in any and all coronavirus patients, which then swept through the most vulnerable population.

“New York has seen over 5,300 coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes, which is about one-fifth of the nation’s total of nursing home deaths (about 26,000). The Associated Press reports an average of 20 to 25 nursing home deaths per day in the state of New York,” the AP wrote Monday.

How did Cuomo respond to the news? He said at a recent briefing that providing masks and protective wear to nursing homes is “not our job” because the homes are privately owned. Mr. Compassion speaks.
in this time of rising seas and rising fascism, voters have a clear choice to make to restore the soul of america, my friends!
Another global catastrophe like the deaths of over 80 million people in WW2 might suit today's democrat party. Go for it Creepy Joe.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

When you say "FDR like", do you mean brain dead for decades?
Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

only an idiot votes for what a person looks like
...says the racist!
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

You may want to consider laying off the mind altering substances.

No. That is the only way he returns to sanity. He is mentally unstable.
Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

only an idiot votes for what a person looks like
...says the racist!
Projection liar
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

You may want to consider laying off the mind altering substances.

No. That is the only way he returns to sanity. He is mentally unstable.

Projecting again?
Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

only an idiot votes for what a person looks like
...says the racist!
Projection liar
...says the person living in denial.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

/——-/ Old Joe has lost it, he’s painful to watch. He won’t last three minutes debating Trump.

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