My Friends! We have an FDR-era-style crisis. we need an FDR-like president. that Joe Biden!

1. There is no GOP caused COVID mess, its a China caused mess.
2. Trump is cleaning up Obama's messes in Syria, ISIS, NK, NATO, the borders, the military, trade policies, globalization, cleaning up the DOJ & FBI, gangs like MS-13, the opioid problem, leftist judges, energy policy, negated the Iran mess and the Paris Treaty, opened up ANWR, and many more Obama era messes.
This is not a list of clean ups but a list of Trump screw-ups in my book. Especially trade policies (disastrous for our farmers), the opioid problem (only gotten worse under Trump), energy policy (trying to rig it so that coal and oil stay on top), the Paris Treaty (Climate Change is the #1 existential threat in the world), ANWR (ruining one of the last truly wild places on Earth).
Trump is a madman with an explosive temper

Biden has a 1st class temperament by contrast, just like FDR
President Trump doesn't value transparency and accountability

But a President Biden will.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

We need an idiot? How is Joe Biden the answer to ANY problem?
its not just 4 more years of Trump we dont want, we dont want 4 more years of Moscow Mitch, Stephen Miller, and Javanka

clear choices for voters, my friends!
Obama bailed out the crooks on wall street and billionaires, as did Trump

FDR bailed out Americans. my friends, JOE BIDEN is the man who is an outsider not involved in washington who will work for the people!
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

Dont change horses in the middle of the stream

That's what he does. Every day it's a new personality from this loon.

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways"--God
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

Dont change horses in the middle of the stream

That's what he does. Every day it's a new personality from this loon.

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways"--God

i'm REFRESHING, at least!
If Biden won and passed into law, say, a $15 hourly minimum wage, it would show voters that the progressive movement can deliver
hey dumbass,,,presidents dont pass laws,,,
its called using the bully pulpit. thats why i'm a future president and you're not
thats not what you said,,,,
i know people in the media like you like to play gotcha, but you fail on this one

there are a lot of laws passed by presidents. if you want, i'll find ya some and get 'em for ya!

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