my friends: we need Bernie to run as a independent, win, enact the green new deal, & save the planet


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost
Brothers and sisters: Meaningful action against climate change and other ecological problems will require big changes in how products and services are distributed, marketed, sold, bought, used and recycled. This will affect not just billionaires and their outsize carbon footprint, but working- and middle-class people. Precisely what those shifts entail and how to manage them democratically are political questions we have to face, my friends
Brothers and sisters: Meaningful action against climate change and other ecological problems will require big changes in how products and services are distributed, marketed, sold, bought, used and recycled. This will affect not just billionaires and their outsize carbon footprint, but working- and middle-class people. Precisely what those shifts entail and how to manage them democratically are political questions we have to face, my friends
This is how to commit suicide by killing yourself...

Run with those sharpened scissors.
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost
Trump would make a superpac for Bernie if he ran as an independent
Easy to see NOUB running independent (or American Communist Party) against Hillary but not against Biden because Biden won't be running.
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost
Trump would make a superpac for Bernie if he ran as an independent
So would I....
I have no time for philosophical, airy bullshit

I don’t want to hear about Lenin. I don’t want to hear about Marx. I just want a super plainspoken, straightforward agenda with a straightforward way of selling it.

Senator Sanders provides that agenda!
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost

He already has bent the knee to kiss Biden’s ass.
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost

He already has bent the knee to kiss Biden’s ass.
not to go all Pogo on ya,
Our economy is crashing hard and fast. But with a bold set of policies, like nationalizing the banks to fund a Green New Deal, we can save millions of workers from untold suffering — and transform the country in the process.
Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost

Get an education, please.
Sanders isn't done yet, he will milk this cow for as long that he can to fatten his bank account for all its worth.
I have so much optimism because, like what you guys all just said, young people have such great politics, and I’m so proud of everything that we’ve built on the US left in such a short time. But I also feel like we’re in the early stages of doing what’s necessary to build real power in this country, especially with regard to things like mass worker militancy and powerful left institutions. I think we’re doing that, but on the other hand I’m very worried because the climate change clock is ticking.

We can look back at the history of this country and see that every single challenge we’ve been presented with has allowed us to seek an opportunity and to push for progress. The only time we’ve had regress in many of the progresses we’ve made is when we have decided to not utilize the opportunities that are presented by the challenges. Today, I think it’s important for us to realize that the majority of the base on the Left is young people. They are people who live on the margins of society, people who have really been beaten up and neglected and set aside in this political process, people who don’t see themselves represented in government or their interests or their priorities.

We have an opportunity to make sure that this particular challenge that we have of turnout and commitment is used as an opportunity for us not to only get angry and go to rallies and tweet but to angrily and passionately organize our communities and have the difficult conversations that are necessary to urge people to come and fight for a seat at the table.
40 percent of insects gone. 60 percent of animals have disappeared in the last 60 years.

what will we eat if there's no more fish, cockroaches?

100K folks in Milan, 40K in Paris, 150K in Montreal all turned out to protest calling for the Green New Deal

Trump, i'm calling you out, listen to all the protesters who are protesting now around the world, they're calling you out.

if you dont have the guts to enact a green new deal, get the hell out of politics, find another job!

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I think the green new deal would be taken more seriously nationwide if it had a more realistic time table and realistic expectations. Take fossil fuels for example. You can't completely eliminate fossil fuels altogether from our economy and our infrastructure in the next 10 years, probably not even the next 20 years. Not only are you talking about completely changing the concept of transportation as we know it but you are also talking about the elimination or at the very least dramatic changing of thousands of thousands of products made by fossil fuels that millions of people in this country need and utilize. So you have to settle with the reality around fossil fuels and come up with a slower and more gradual way to address these concerns to have any shot of success and without completely destroying the economy and way of life for hundreds of millions of people, and if the economy changes that dramatically and way of life changes that drastically in a relatively short amount of time then you never really know what awaits you on the other side. It may not be what you hoped for.

I am all for seeing change in this country around environmental policy and true sustainable efforts, it is very important, and I sympathize with the concept of a green new deal, but you have stay grounded in reality too and you can't appeal to people's fear in hopes of getting fast results. Fear usage such as telling kids that the Earth is going to be uninhabitable in ten years if these policies aren't forced is not a sustainable way of changing culture or changing minds for the long term because if something fails or if something doesnt end up the way the fear was expected to end up then credibility is lost. That won't work in my opinion and lacks authenticity and integrity and eventually people will see that and will resist all of the real progress we could make towards a healthier planet out of either resentment or because they feel that it was exaggerated. Just my opinion.

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