My God people. Fauci conspired with the CIA to lie to you. Wake up

For those who saw this right away, it was pretty obvious, you let covid affect your lives minimally as possible................... BUT your kids were forced locked in the homes

for those that bought this hoax, i really feel sorry for you could follow every goobermint word to run your lives like you adored the altar of fauci

just because of your hatred for trump, you put this country through hell.....because of your selfish and childish ways

First, the New York Post is a MAGA outlet. So I'll wait until more reliable sources discuss this.

Second, "House Republican alleges"

That's makes this story about as reliable as a Bigfoot sighting.
First, the New York Post is a MAGA outlet. So I'll wait until more reliable sources discuss this.

Second, "House Republican alleges"

That's makes this story about as reliable as a Bigfoot sighting.
Reliable as in the Washington Post and NY Times. Right?
These fools honestly believe democrats care about them.
You fools bleev Covid is a hoax, Comet Pizza sponsored pedophile parties in their basement, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a gay prostitute, a Jewish space laser started the California wildfires, Trump won the 2020 election, Republicans are fiscally conservative, Ted Cruz's dad killed Kennedy, it's okay for married men to fuck porn stars, the Democrats laundered money through Ukraine via FTX, Biden took a $5 million bribe from Burisma, it's okay for Trump to steal from cancer kids, and no end of bullshit.

And you dare call yourself "BS Filter". :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Reliable as in the Washington Post and NY Times. Right?
"House Republican alleges."

The Republicans have perpetrated so many hundreds of hoaxes that no one should believe a word they say. Just like Trump.

Someone should send them Aesop's fable about the boy who cried wolf.
You fools bleev Covid is a hoax, Comet Pizza sponsored pedophile parties in their basement, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a gay prostitute, a Jewish space laser started the California wildfires, Trump won the 2020 election, Republicans are fiscally conservative, Ted Cruz's dad killed Kennedy, it's okay for married men to fuck porn stars, the Democrats laundered money through Ukraine via FTX, Biden took a $5 million bribe from Burisma, it's okay for Trump to steal from cancer kids, and no end of bullshit.

And you dare call yourself "BS Filter". :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
You're believing your own party propaganda. I'm not the idiot who voted for an old washed up dementia patient.
"House Republican alleges."

The Republicans have perpetrated so many hundreds of hoaxes that no one should believe a word they say. Just like Trump.

Someone should send them Aesop's fable about the boy who cried wolf.
Be sure and get your covid shot.
You're believing your own party propaganda. I'm not the idiot who voted for an old washed up dementia patient.
….. and one who never accomplished a thing in his fifty years of government service, other than to help turn The Family into multimillionaires.
Who says I trust Trump?
So you're not voting for him. Great. That is one vote for Biden.'re actually going to vote for someone whom you don't trust.

Are you enjoying that corner you painted yourself into dumb ass?
Reuters isn't very thorough. Here Einstein: the first Homo sapiens to sequence SARS2 worked for the Beijing CDC.
Sure.......................the Beijing "CDC"?
What a fucking moron.

Sequencing only identifies a pathogen/virus it doesn't create it, dumbass.
Sure.......................the Beijing "CDC"?
What a fucking moron.

Sequencing only identifies a pathogen/virus it doesn't create it, dumbass.
Yes, Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Beijing CDC first sequenced SARS2. Zhang then gave it to Edward Holmes in Australia for dissemination. You're the moron. that can't debate these facts. We should establish true moronicities before moving on to the creation of SARS2.
RFK Jr. 2024
The book was published in 2021. The Elf's actual stinking rump did not have to be physically present in any (dipshit) CIA facility.

'From 2015 until October 2020, the Chair of Wellcome Trust - the UK version of the Gates Foundation - was the former director general of MI5, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, a thirty-five-year counterespionage veteran who also functioned as official liaison between British and US intelligence agencies. Anthony Fauci's emails reveal that Wellcome Trust Director Sir Jeremy Farrar worked directly with Dr. Fauci to orchestrate the cover-up of the Wuhan lab leak evidence, assigning a staff of five Wellcome Trust operatives to manage the fraud.

Dame Manningham-Buller has served as chair of the Imperial College London since 2011. Anthony Fauci and Western health officials widely cited the Imperial College's inaccurate COVID-19 fatality projections -- ginned up by Wellcome Trust's notorious epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson -- to justify the draconian global lockdowns....MI6 spy Christopher Steele is a leader of the British organization "Independent Sage," a sketchy, yet highly influential collective of social scientists, psychologists, and professional propagandists who use news media to relentlessly pressure the UK government....'
(The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 431)

We think that one prompt for Manningham-Buller's moves in 2011 was the collection, by Wuhan bat lady and Peter Daszak, of the Yunnan RsSH014 coronavirus in Aug of that year, a virus that went on to be made very dangerous by the Baric UNC Chapel Hill lab (publication on 9 Nov 2015).

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