My God, Trump threw you isolationists under the bus faster than you can say Mike Flynn

Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
It's very clear which side the pussy hats back. One of the biggest losers on the forum bragged about his unwavering support for Iran over the US last week. We know what they are.
Maybe some of you dipshits forget who "ISIS" is.

We dropped a bomb on ISIS in Afghanistan.

ISIS....we bombed ISIS.


You know.....ISIS.
I wonder if Dangerous Donald knew they were in Syria when he warned we shouldn't go there.
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
but in 2013 he said we should not enforce the red line. Line up the hypocrites for Dangerous Donald. LOL
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
but in 2013 he said we should not enforce the red line. Line up the hypocrites for Dangerous Donald. LOL
Another confused snowflake. Obama was anti gay. Things change. Obama cut a deal with the Russians, knew the Russians didn't keep up their end of the deal and more chemical weapon attacks resulted. Just like all the deals Obama made with Russia, it was a failure. Now Trump has to clean up after the multitude of Obama failures.
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
but in 2013 he said we should not enforce the red line. Line up the hypocrites for Dangerous Donald. LOL
Another confused snowflake. Obama was anti gay. Things change. Obama cut a deal with the Russians, knew the Russians didn't keep up their end of the deal and more chemical weapon attacks resulted. Just like all the deals Obama made with Russia, it was a failure. Now Trump has to clean up after the multitude of Obama failures.


But he is Nigerian Jesus, and the world was going to hold hands and sing KUM BA YA once Obama was elected.


Snowflakes idiotic wet dreams with POTUS Obama....

– Hit By Snipers, Syria Chemical Weapons Inspection Team Persists | ENS

The REALITY: 2013 Chemical Weapons attack in Syria:

Donald J. Trump


The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A

Donald J. Trump



8:20 AM - 5 Sep 2013

Four years ago.

Things change, you know?
Well, do tell. What, specifically pertaining to Assad's previous and mot recent use of chemical weapons has changed between 2011, when the Syrian civil war began, and just before the U.S. bombing Syria's airfied? I'll tell you what's changed...Donald Trump has begun to become better informed about Assad, Syria and the Syrian civil war and the portents and risks attendant to each of them. In the context of the bombing Trump authorized, that's what's materially different.
I love it when leftist douchebags who have never accurately represented anything in their lives, giggle about how they continue to misinterpret the whole mindset of the people who elected Trump...and the reasons they elected them.

You were wrong when you called Trump supporters "isolationists" and "extremists" before the election, and you're still wrong.

Well you have been bred to be stupid, so I guess it makes sense.

Uh....I guess you missed Trump's campaign slogan....and hat.

I love it when leftist douchebags who have never accurately represented anything in their lives, giggle about how they continue to misinterpret the whole mindset of the people who elected Trump...and the reasons they elected them.

You were wrong when you called Trump supporters "isolationists" and "extremists" before the election, and you're still wrong.

Well you have been bred to be stupid, so I guess it makes sense.

The Arab League stated that it wants nothing to do with an attack on Syria, but they want us to attack.Are our leaders insane or just stupid

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 2, 2013

Ooops. Righties really have a collective problem with short-term memory, ya' know.
Donald J. Trump

[emoji818] @realDonaldTrump

The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A

Donald J. Trump

[emoji818] @realDonaldTrump


8:20 AM - 5 Sep 2013

Four years ago.

Things change, you know?

So tell us. What is the differences from 4 years ago than today in Syria?
The complete demolition of the country?
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

trump was all over the twittersphere denouncing any kind of action against syria when obama was prez.

oh ya... & obama went to congress to gain approval to strike syria & of course the 'party of no' said nooooooooooooo.
Trump enforces Obamas Red Line, because Obama ran like a bitch, and hypocritical pussy hats throw a fit. Predictable.

Trump enforces Obama red line of menstruation....snowflakes whine.
Trump bombs ISIS....snowflakes whine.
but in 2013 he said we should not enforce the red line. Line up the hypocrites for Dangerous Donald. LOL
Another confused snowflake. Obama was anti gay. Things change. Obama cut a deal with the Russians, knew the Russians didn't keep up their end of the deal and more chemical weapon attacks resulted. Just like all the deals Obama made with Russia, it was a failure. Now Trump has to clean up after the multitude of Obama failures.

... It was agreed, that my endeavours should be directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic, yet so as to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith. Mr. Wordsworth on the other hand was to propose to himself as his object, to give the charm of novelty to things of every day, and to excite a feeling analogous to the supernatural, by awakening the mind's attention from the lethargy of custom, and directing it to the loveliness and the wonders of the world before us ...
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge​

Are you a novelist? If you aren't, you should be, for you've clearly mastered the "art" of willfully suspending disbelief and are well practiced at presenting ideas derived from the "lethargy of custom."
I don't like the missile strike that happened. I doubt Assad was behind chemical gas attack,

especially when the "eyewitness" is an out-of-country rebel fighter.

I think Trump acted hastily.

It's done now, what's next?

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