My home golf course is in the news

Why are dams beavers build natural but a dam a person builds not natural? I always find it interesting that people feel like we humans are not part of the natural world. We didn't come here from some alien planet, so everything we do to change our environment is just as much a part of nature as any other animal that changes their surroundings to better suit them.
A beaver uses his own hands, using God given trees etc, to build their dams, that trap their food, in to a specified area of the river, making them a grocery store out of nature?

Man uses machines named Gigantica in a horror movie, to unnaturally block a river for electricity or to bring water to dry lands that were never created by God or Nature, for farming Almond trees???
Tammy Duckworth.

I defended a veteran getting what they deserve. I could not care at all what party they belong to

Didn't you also say you wanted to abolish tax deductions?

I said I want to get rid of all Tax expenditures, which are revenue losses attributable to provisions of Federal tax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability.

If you can find a Dem pushing this, I would like to know who they are.
I defended a veteran getting what they deserve. I could not care at all what party they belong to

I said I want to get rid of all Tax expenditures, which are revenue losses attributable to provisions of Federal tax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability.

If you can find a Dem pushing this, I would like to know who they are.
Yeah, that's what I said you said. I'll say again, you ain't much of a capitalist. Good thing you don't own your own business.
A beaver uses his own hands, using God given trees etc, to build their dams, that trap their food, in to a specified area of the river, making them a grocery store out of nature?

Man uses machines named Gigantica in a horror movie, to unnaturally block a river for electricity or to bring water to dry lands that were never created by God or Nature, for farming Almond trees???
And how was that machine made? Some alien dropped it off made of materials from some alien planet? Oh wait humans used their hands to make the machines out of the God given materials in the earth. Then used other God given materials to construct the dam. How is that any more unnatural than what the beaver did? It isnt different you’re just as arrogant as the other guy, and frankly most humans who put themselves above natural things.

Again, the only reason beavers don’t use chainsaws is they can’t.
Again, the only reason beavers don’t use chainsaws is they can’t

Thanks for the good chuckle!

Those beaver likely would use chain saws, if they could! :)

We humans don't do anything small... Our dams, they change nature completely. A beaver's dam, is nature.

But you are right, that they both dam rivers, streams, or creeks. More damage is done to the habitat, when done by humans.... Up here we have a problem with alewives (Herring) not being able to make it upstream to spawn, due to dams, that we've been trying to dismantle the past decade or two or three.

The harmful consequences of our actions, aren't always foreseen....hydropower is clean energy, fossil free.... But we learned we were killing off another fishing industry...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't ever make a dam... I'm just saying we usually end up doing quite a bit of harm, that comes with it. A beaver can't cause that much harm to nature and other creatures, we can....

We just need to think things through, and be smarter....where the good of our manipulation, overwhelmingly outweighs, the how I look at it.
I would have hauled that beaver down to hole 8 and tide him to a tree we all hate

Kill the gophers and the beavers.


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