‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

“‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group”

He has only himself to blame.

If a conservative is going to be a purveyor of fear, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism, he needs to understand that persons of good faith and good conscience are going to oppose him and that there are consequences for being on the wrong side of an issue, consequences for being a hateful bigot and racist.
Agreed. He chose to put himself out there. If others call him on it, he has no one to blame but himself.

As I keep telling LVatorman, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!"
I find it reprehensible that
So it's obvious your a product of public education. . .


And you have the nerve to make fun of my intellect, when you don't even know the difference between 'your' and 'you're '
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.

Yes I make mistakes all time. But I don't go around making smart ass comments to people about getting a public school education.
You were the one that claimed that the reason for WWII was ignoring Nazi rallies, not me.

Where else would you get such specious ideas, the TV?

Nazis were able to gain as much power as they did because of appeasement by neighboring German countries and the US ignoring what was happening in Germany.

Let me get this straight, you are comparing geopolitics and realpolik to a kid at a protest, is that correct?

Every murder victim is a powerful argument for considering the factors that create murderers, and to take steps to address those factors so as to prevent the creation of murderers.

Considering an at risk group and making sure that they are hopeless and despised, it a great plan, if you want to increase the problem.

What is your motivation here? Some sort of get evenism?

Mine is to see such movements whither and die from lack of recruitment and/or retaining people.

Criminals and dictators have always relied on people willing to cower and crawl because they are afraid. Cowardice is not a governing philosophy.

YOur talk of fear means nothing to me.....

Your avoidance of your most obvious characteristic doesn't negate it.

I'm not avoiding anything. I'm telling you that your understanding of my feelings of this subject are bat shit crazy.

Apart from our disagreement on the issue, your ability to read me (and others presumably) is terrible.

Your history of posting here strongly suggests that your position on every subject is driven primarily by personal fear.

You have admitted to being afraid of: hard work, competition, children who live in urban areas, angering or upsetting low-life shitbag racists, etc.

1. YOu are terrible at reading people. TERRIBLE. Stop even trying to do it.

2. I have a vision of the future I want, and increasing racial tensions and violence is not part of it.
I've never seen any data to support the idea that a 21 year old "on that path" "won't change".
Did you get into massive political street fights and protests as a 21 year old?

One data point? Not very convincing.
Not one data point, but millions. Only the fringe nutjobs, a few thousand, participate in this shit. Even if a few of those Fields ran down were completely innocent bystanders, in the future, it will only be the nutjobs....including Jerrod Kuhn, just like he's done before.

Not following you.

There have been times in history, when these types of movement instead of remaining small, or whithering away, instead grew and become more violent causing terrible harm.

What leads you to conclude that it is not possible at this time?
Agreed, but notice that those events took specific requirements to come to fruition. Look at Germany after WWI; the Treaty of Versailles not only put the entire fault of the war on Germany, but made them pay for it. The Treaty broke the economy of Germany. It was such overkill that the US refused to sign it.

Germany, destitute from the Treaty, missing an entire generation of young men and much of the country shattered was in severe pain. Out of chaos comes order; usually not the good kind either. The US was unique in having a revolution which didn't turn into a dictatorship. France wasn't so lucky and Germany's conditions were ripe for a dictator.

The US today doesn't have those conditions. Most people are happy at home but uncertain about the future, especially for their children. They have jobs (that don't pay well, but pay), they have homes (not the greatest, but secure) and they have both food and entertainment. You won't see a fucking Nazi or Socialist Party takeover of the US until current conditions in the US are more like Germany in the early 1920s.

IMO, we are headed in that direction, and ever step in that direction that can be avoided, or reversed is a good thing.
1. You are confusing the young man in the OP with the driver. The man in question attacked no one.

2. You also seem confused about the way watching works. Watching someone doesn't stop them from doing anything, unless there are ample warning signs. Driving a car to a rally is hardly a warning sign.
These groups are well known to the authorities. Where is the problem ?

Because it is hard to tell intent from watching someone from a distance.

Even if you have someone in the room, they might still not be included in any plot.

AND there might not BE a plot. There might be ONE guy deciding to do something, never speaking out loud about it, not doing anything really noteworthy,

like driving a car to a rally. Is some FBI guy going to get an arrest warrant based on that?
What do you think is the intent "from a distance" of these young men? Maybe some kindness and forgiveness will see them turn from their dark path?


Please don't spin my position.

NOT ruining someone's life, is not "kindness".

My point about the limits of "Watching" was valid. Would you like to actually address it?

The line between slogans and actual incitement or intent to commit violence is recurring issue. YOu should me any information that suggests that young man was/is doing inciting or planning to commit violence,

and the answer then is CERTAINLY NOT to ruin his life while letting him walk around free, but he needs to be arrested, immediately.
Spin? No. Truth? Yes. You say one thing if the person is a white supremacist male and another if he is a Muslim male. Is that what you are admitting?

Not ruining someone's life is not an act of kindness.

I have not ruined your life, would you say that I have been kind to you?

That was spin on your part.

And what difference do you detect in my positions on the two?
I find it reprehensible that

And you have the nerve to make fun of my intellect, when you don't even know the difference between 'your' and 'you're '
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.

Yes I make mistakes all time. But I don't go around making smart ass comments to people about getting a public school education.
You were the one that claimed that the reason for WWII was ignoring Nazi rallies, not me.

Where else would you get such specious ideas, the TV?

Nazis were able to gain as much power as they did because of appeasement by neighboring German countries and the US ignoring what was happening in Germany.

Let me get this straight, you are comparing geopolitics and realpolik to a kid at a protest, is that correct?


Its not just about this 21 year Hitler youth. Its about the alt right/ white supremacist movement.
I find it reprehensible that
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.

Yes I make mistakes all time. But I don't go around making smart ass comments to people about getting a public school education.
You were the one that claimed that the reason for WWII was ignoring Nazi rallies, not me.

Where else would you get such specious ideas, the TV?

Nazis were able to gain as much power as they did because of appeasement by neighboring German countries and the US ignoring what was happening in Germany.

Let me get this straight, you are comparing geopolitics and realpolik to a kid at a protest, is that correct?


Its not just about this 21 year Hitler youth. Its about the alt right/ white supremacist movement.
No, no, it really isn't.

You are made to believe it is about something more. But it really isn't.

The political, cultural and intellectual elites want you to surrender your first Amendment rights, they want you to beg to give up your open society. . . They are using a Hegelian dialectic on you. And, thus far, it seems to be working.

It wasn't the Nazi's of Germany that did away with free speech, it was the fascists that convinced the free people to give up their freedoms and do convinced them the communists were a threat. This weekend, all over the nation, Antifa is marching in dozens of cities. . . . How do you think middle America is going to react?

You really don't get how the political and cultural elites are emotionally manipulating the masses to closes down society, do you?

Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

Why would you go on a march, if you don't want people to know?
When you go on an anti nazi march or demo in the UK the chinless wankstains take photos of you to stick up on their website. They then try and identify you so that they can threaten and intimidate you. Im on one of them I believe.
You want to bet the lives of your fellow citizens, that he will just meekly wallow in his shit life?

If he's a conservative, that's what he'll do. He'll spend the rest of his days talking about how everyone else is at fault for what he did.

If he acts like a liberal, he'll take responsibility, try to turn his life around, and demonstrate repentance. And the liberals will encourage him.

More importantly, however, is that thousands of young men who were being tempted by the dark side now see what consequences that brings, and will now turn away from the dark side.
Let me get this straight, you are comparing geopolitics and realpolik to a kid at a protest, is that correct?

As I parse the simple English, I see that's not at all what he said.

So, you created a false equivalency, apparently because you couldn't address his actual point.

That point would be that ignoring Nazis is not harmless. The fascists were considered to be a joke in Europe, up until they weren't.
Nazis were able to gain as much power as they did because of appeasement by neighboring German countries and the US ignoring what was happening in Germany.
OMFG. Fucking liberals. You're actually blaming Hitler on the United States?

Sweetie, one of the reasons Hitler came to power was because of how the Euro Treaty of Versailles devastated and collapsed Germany. The US was not a signatory of the ToV nor required to enforce it. The Euros were the ones to failed to enforce it and appeased Germany. Ever read about Chamberlain's Munich Agreement? The phrase "Peace for our time"? If not, please do some reading.

One reason the US was so late in both WWI and WWII was because it was extremely isolationist. Yet you seem to be advocating the US should not be isolationist. This requires a great military power, something the Liberals always bitch about. Please explain the discrepancy.
That's a load of nonsense. Just because something isn't against the law, doesn't mean it is not morally wrong. Many employers have moral and ethical policies. Being a white supremacist would be against most employers policy. Especially if you work in retail. Its not good for business having a white supremacist working for you.
A White Supremacist as defined by who exactly?

According to you leftards, anyone that disagrees with you is a White Supremacist, lol.

If you choose to march alongside people who are wearing swastikas, give the Nazi salute and chant racist and anti semitic chants, then chances are you're a white supremacist.
Agreed. Conversely, if you march alongside people who burn the American flag, shit on it or wipe their ass with it, then chances are you're an anti-American.
Did you get into massive political street fights and protests as a 21 year old?

One data point? Not very convincing.
Not one data point, but millions. Only the fringe nutjobs, a few thousand, participate in this shit. Even if a few of those Fields ran down were completely innocent bystanders, in the future, it will only be the nutjobs....including Jerrod Kuhn, just like he's done before.

Not following you.

There have been times in history, when these types of movement instead of remaining small, or whithering away, instead grew and become more violent causing terrible harm.

What leads you to conclude that it is not possible at this time?
Agreed, but notice that those events took specific requirements to come to fruition. Look at Germany after WWI; the Treaty of Versailles not only put the entire fault of the war on Germany, but made them pay for it. The Treaty broke the economy of Germany. It was such overkill that the US refused to sign it.

Germany, destitute from the Treaty, missing an entire generation of young men and much of the country shattered was in severe pain. Out of chaos comes order; usually not the good kind either. The US was unique in having a revolution which didn't turn into a dictatorship. France wasn't so lucky and Germany's conditions were ripe for a dictator.

The US today doesn't have those conditions. Most people are happy at home but uncertain about the future, especially for their children. They have jobs (that don't pay well, but pay), they have homes (not the greatest, but secure) and they have both food and entertainment. You won't see a fucking Nazi or Socialist Party takeover of the US until current conditions in the US are more like Germany in the early 1920s.

IMO, we are headed in that direction, and ever step in that direction that can be avoided, or reversed is a good thing.
Disagreed for exactly the same reasons why I disagree with the LWLs that the US is turning into the Fourth Reich. Only fucking morons and extremists believe American citizens are so stupid or lack faith in the American way of life.
These groups are well known to the authorities. Where is the problem ?

Because it is hard to tell intent from watching someone from a distance.

Even if you have someone in the room, they might still not be included in any plot.

AND there might not BE a plot. There might be ONE guy deciding to do something, never speaking out loud about it, not doing anything really noteworthy,

like driving a car to a rally. Is some FBI guy going to get an arrest warrant based on that?
What do you think is the intent "from a distance" of these young men? Maybe some kindness and forgiveness will see them turn from their dark path?


Please don't spin my position.

NOT ruining someone's life, is not "kindness".

My point about the limits of "Watching" was valid. Would you like to actually address it?

The line between slogans and actual incitement or intent to commit violence is recurring issue. YOu should me any information that suggests that young man was/is doing inciting or planning to commit violence,

and the answer then is CERTAINLY NOT to ruin his life while letting him walk around free, but he needs to be arrested, immediately.
Spin? No. Truth? Yes. You say one thing if the person is a white supremacist male and another if he is a Muslim male. Is that what you are admitting?

Not ruining someone's life is not an act of kindness.

I have not ruined your life, would you say that I have been kind to you?

That was spin on your part.

And what difference do you detect in my positions on the two?
Why are you making it personal? I'm talking about generalities. Yes, there is the specificity of Fields and Kuhn.
Nazis were able to gain as much power as they did because of appeasement by neighboring German countries and the US ignoring what was happening in Germany.
OMFG. Fucking liberals. You're actually blaming Hitler on the United States?

Sweetie, one of the reasons Hitler came to power was because of how the Euro Treaty of Versailles devastated and collapsed Germany. The US was not a signatory of the ToV nor required to enforce it. The Euros were the ones to failed to enforce it and appeased Germany. Ever read about Chamberlain's Munich Agreement? The phrase "Peace for our time"? If not, please do some reading.

One reason the US was so late in both WWI and WWII was because it was extremely isolationist. Yet you seem to be advocating the US should not be isolationist. This requires a great military power, something the Liberals always bitch about. Please explain the discrepancy.
Hitler declared war on the US.
The ones protesting aren't "innocent bystanders", but this is in the middle of the city. People have jobs or just want to see what's happening. They aren't armed, they aren't carrying signs and they aren't screaming. They're just exercising their right to move freely around the city.

While Heyer was there as a protester, that doesn't justify murdering her. As for the other 19 people run over, I don't know how many were bystanders, if any were kids accompanying their protester parents or anything else about them. Do you? I'd really like to know.

Please tell me that there are parts of your city or town where you would not go for a stroll. Same with demonstrations today. My profession, next to law enforcement is one of the most dangerous in the country. When training new agents, especially the women, I would tell them before getting into a situation, ask yourself, what would my Mom say? I say it today!

NO one was justified in being murdered. There is still such a thing as personal responsibility, especially in this day and age of terrorist attacks such as the one in Barcellona.

You've seen this historic photo a thousand times. The young man in the photo was an innocent bystander who was simply trying to cross the street.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.
I guess there is only one thing to do:

Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

Why would you go on a march, if you don't want people to know?
When you go on an anti nazi march or demo in the UK the chinless wankstains take photos of you to stick up on their website. They then try and identify you so that they can threaten and intimidate you. Im on one of them I believe.

Hardly surprising. It's what they know best.

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