‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

Every murder victim is "a powerful argument" for surrendering society to murders because YOU are afraid of so many things? Wrong. The tiny minority of weak-minded cowards are not a force before which society must cower and abandon principles. They are vermin that can stay hidden in the dumpster or be stepped on and then wiped off the shoe of history.

Every murder victim is a powerful argument for considering the factors that create murderers, and to take steps to address those factors so as to prevent the creation of murderers.

Considering an at risk group and making sure that they are hopeless and despised, it a great plan, if you want to increase the problem.

What is your motivation here? Some sort of get evenism?

Mine is to see such movements whither and die from lack of recruitment and/or retaining people.

Criminals and dictators have always relied on people willing to cower and crawl because they are afraid. Cowardice is not a governing philosophy.

YOur talk of fear means nothing to me.

You seem to be trying to convince yourself that you are macho.

I wish you the best with that. Be macho. YOu have my full moral support.

My point about wanting to see the fascists whither and die out stands.
That's up to the stupid kid.

You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

Until right now, it was not predictable that taking part in a single protest would ruin your life......

That marching around with fucking nazis and the fucking kkk would mark you as a hopelessly stupid fucking scumbag? Of course it was predictable.

Of course it was not.

That's your imagination.
You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

Until right now, it was not predictable that taking part in a single protest would ruin your life......

That marching around with fucking nazis and the fucking kkk would mark you as a hopelessly stupid fucking scumbag? Of course it was predictable.

Of course it was not.

That's your imagination.

Maybe. I'm not on face book. I'm not tapped into the social media.

BUt I don't recall this type of thing happening before.

THat undermines your claim of "predictable".
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

I'm sure many of folks are just quaking in their shoes

Cantwell thought folks were scared of him till he broke down and cried like a little girl. :laugh2:
I'm telling you.

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

Every murder victim is "a powerful argument" for surrendering society to murders because YOU are afraid of so many things? Wrong. The tiny minority of weak-minded cowards are not a force before which society must cower and abandon principles. They are vermin that can stay hidden in the dumpster or be stepped on and then wiped off the shoe of history.

Every murder victim is a powerful argument for considering the factors that create murderers, and to take steps to address those factors so as to prevent the creation of murderers.

Considering an at risk group and making sure that they are hopeless and despised, it a great plan, if you want to increase the problem.

What is your motivation here? Some sort of get evenism?

Mine is to see such movements whither and die from lack of recruitment and/or retaining people.

Criminals and dictators have always relied on people willing to cower and crawl because they are afraid. Cowardice is not a governing philosophy.

YOur talk of fear means nothing to me.....

Your avoidance of your most obvious characteristic doesn't negate it.
Agreed, but I think most Nazis, White Supremacists, anarchists and other extremists are already bitter.

IMHO, employers and business owners should have a right to determine who they employ and who they have as customers.

A 21 year old kid is a drama queen.

Ruin his life and check back in ten years, then you will see bitter.
Any kid who is on that path, just like the ones on the AntiFa path, are going down a road of hurt. He won't change until he has to change. If he's as doomed as you say, then maybe being in jail with the Aryan Brotherhood will give him some solace.

I've never seen any data to support the idea that a 21 year old "on that path" "won't change".
Did you get into massive political street fights and protests as a 21 year old?

One data point? Not very convincing.
Not one data point, but millions. Only the fringe nutjobs, a few thousand, participate in this shit. Even if a few of those Fields ran down were completely innocent bystanders, in the future, it will only be the nutjobs....including Jerrod Kuhn, just like he's done before.

Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

What will you tolerate in this country?

Also will you support my right to fire any BLM members?

BLM isn't founded on black supremacy. Nazis are founded in hate and racism.

Now if a BLM was caught chanting hateful chants, then an employer has the right and should fire them.

Chanting at work or on their own time ?

Only the thought police would expect an employer to fire someone for something they chose to do on their own time.

If someone is caught on camera chanting nonsense about Jews and doing the Nazi salute, an employer has every right to fire them. Doing something in your own home is different than going to a rally where there are literally hundreds of cameras around.

In most cases they can fire them if they don't do those things.

However, the left (meaning morons like you) and their thought police are the real danger here.

You never answered if a crime was committed by this guy.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

awwwww.... my heart bleeds for the little white supremacist scum.
Agreed, but I think most Nazis, White Supremacists, anarchists and other extremists are already bitter.

IMHO, employers and business owners should have a right to determine who they employ and who they have as customers.

A 21 year old kid is a drama queen.

Ruin his life and check back in ten years, then you will see bitter.
Any kid who is on that path, just like the ones on the AntiFa path, are going down a road of hurt. He won't change until he has to change. If he's as doomed as you say, then maybe being in jail with the Aryan Brotherhood will give him some solace.

I've never seen any data to support the idea that a 21 year old "on that path" "won't change".
Did you get into massive political street fights and protests as a 21 year old?

One data point? Not very convincing.

would you worry about "data points" if it were a young black man picked up for a joint?

he's 21.... if he thought that it was "cool" to dabble in hate, I'd say that's his problem.

he can change his life... let him go do something decent for society instead of being a pathetic loser blaming blacks and jews for the epic fail that is his life.
Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

So what do you suggest society do with white supremacist roaches like this young man?

Did he break the law ?


Then society has no claim upon him.

What say he find out who the homos are that live in his area and out them to the anti gay group ?

That's a load of nonsense. Just because something isn't against the law, doesn't mean it is not morally wrong. Many employers have moral and ethical policies. Being a white supremacist would be against most employers policy. Especially if you work in retail. Its not good for business having a white supremacist working for you.

I am afraid your argument is what is nonsense.

First: What qualifies ? You'd need a test of some kind.

Second: It is the equivalent to the thought police.

Third: That is what many say about having gays work for you. Don't work there either.

Wearing swastikas, chanting racial slurs or associating with such people. That is what makes you a white supremacist.


Only the left could generate this kind of claptrap.

But then again, we have this supremacist from the left showing her colors.

She's white too. What's that make her (besides a total jerk) ?
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

awwwww.... my heart bleeds for the little white supremacist scum.

Not as much as mine does for people like you.

Liars who claim to be productive members of society, but in reality are total drones.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

awwwww.... my heart bleeds for the little white supremacist scum.

Not as much as mine does for people like you.

Liars who claim to be productive members of society, but in reality are total drones.

nice projection little loser. :thup:

you wing nuts are so boring... you have nothing to say so lash out like little toddlers.

but please, go defend white supremacists.

and go back to trying to pretend you're human. :rofl:

here's the world's smallest violin:

Any kid who is on that path, just like the ones on the AntiFa path, are going down a road of hurt.....
Fuck your bullahit false equivalence.
Feel better? Your attitude is one reason why the Republicans control the White House, the Senate, the House and dominate SCOTUS. Do you think that, too, is bullshit false equivalence?

Yeah. It's my attitude. That must be it.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
If he was being watched why was he allowed to attack innocent people ?

1. You are confusing the young man in the OP with the driver. The man in question attacked no one.

2. You also seem confused about the way watching works. Watching someone doesn't stop them from doing anything, unless there are ample warning signs. Driving a car to a rally is hardly a warning sign.
These groups are well known to the authorities. Where is the problem ?

Because it is hard to tell intent from watching someone from a distance.

Even if you have someone in the room, they might still not be included in any plot.

AND there might not BE a plot. There might be ONE guy deciding to do something, never speaking out loud about it, not doing anything really noteworthy,

like driving a car to a rally. Is some FBI guy going to get an arrest warrant based on that?
What do you think is the intent "from a distance" of these young men? Maybe some kindness and forgiveness will see them turn from their dark path?

Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

As we should do with the Antifa, BLM, and the New Black Panthers!
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

awwwww.... my heart bleeds for the little white supremacist scum.

Not as much as mine does for people like you.

Liars who claim to be productive members of society, but in reality are total drones.

nice projection little loser. :thup:

you wing nuts are so boring... you have nothing to say so lash out like little toddlers.

but please, go defend white supremacists.

and go back to trying to pretend you're human. :rofl:

here's the world's smallest violin:


Awwwww Schillian.......

You not get a cookie today and now you are all cranky ?

We understand....it's what you do.

Why don't you put your arm around the next left wing loser sitting next to you on the sidelines watching the GOP run the show.....

and together you can suck on it.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

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