‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

I've never seen any data to support the idea that a 21 year old "on that path" "won't change".
Were you willing to say that about folks at Gitmo?

If all they did before they were arrested was walk and say some stuff, yes.
Many on the Right were against having some of them imprisoned in the US.

There is the whole POW vs Bandit issue. That seems very much off topic.
Nope, the difference is between Nazi and Taliban .. equally disgusting.

I was referring to the reasons to not have them on us soil, that you brought up.

Sooooo, my answer was,

If all they did before they were arrested was walk and say some stuff, yes.

Soooo, your point?
You are right! He is now certain to become a lifelong white supremacist and we can blame libs for it. Perfectly stated.

Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.
Hasn't worked for the left and their pet projects Antifa,BLM and ISIS.
ISIS is extreme Right.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

We may not like what he said while protesting, but all he did was peacefully protest, unless there is evidence he attacked someone.
I think what people are so upset about is that he was marching with, chanting with, and showing support for, two of the most hateful and vile of all domestic TERRORIST groups: the KKK and Nazis. And he traveled a long 500 miles to do it. This was not a 'casual' drive across town.

The Nazis of Germany in the 30' started as a very tiny group, too. And they were ignored. The rest is history. America cannot afford to ignore these terrorist crackpots. They have to be exposed in the clear light of day and, yes, identified for what they are.

The neo-Nazis have been around for decades, and ignoring them has worked quite well. The far left want the KKK and Nazis to have a resurgence, which is why the media is giving them all this air time. The media would love a resurgent KKK so they can recruit more "Antifa" thugs.
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just as sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.
The KKK was created by the democrats after the civil war. They have had 150 years to take over the US and they still only have 8000 members. Knock off the hysteria...chicken little.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

We may not like what he said while protesting, but all he did was peacefully protest, unless there is evidence he attacked someone.

If this is the new precedent though, this means we can go after Islamists that attend Islamic hate rallies.

Antifa members as well.
Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.

So, a year from now, this guy applies for a job, would you hire him? Would you boycott the place that does?
I wouldn't hire him. I also wouldn't hire a BLM supporter.

I'd let him go on his way and hope he learns from his mistakes. And that one day he learns that our decisions and actions have consequences. No one owe us a living, or anything else.

GOt it, no jobs for him, from now on. like I thought.

That will certainly teach him that actions have consequences. And that society is his enemy.

What does he do next?

If you're afraid of a craven little racist idiot (like you're afraid of inner city children and competition) that's your weakness, not society's burden.

Tell that to her.

View attachment 144574

I'm telling you.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

We may not like what he said while protesting, but all he did was peacefully protest, unless there is evidence he attacked someone.
I think what people are so upset about is that he was marching with, chanting with, and showing support for, two of the most hateful and vile of all domestic TERRORIST groups: the KKK and Nazis. And he traveled a long 500 miles to do it. This was not a 'casual' drive across town.

The Nazis of Germany in the 30' started as a very tiny group, too. And they were ignored. The rest is history. America cannot afford to ignore these terrorist crackpots. They have to be exposed in the clear light of day and, yes, identified for what they are.

The neo-Nazis have been around for decades, and ignoring them has worked quite well. The far left want the KKK and Nazis to have a resurgence, which is why the media is giving them all this air time. The media would love a resurgent KKK so they can recruit more "Antifa" thugs.
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just as sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.
The KKK was created by the democrats after the civil war. They have had 150 years to take over the US and they still only have 8000 members. Knock off the hysteria...chicken little.
And the Alt-Right is Far Right .. the new Neo-Nazis.
We may not like what he said while protesting, but all he did was peacefully protest, unless there is evidence he attacked someone.
I think what people are so upset about is that he was marching with, chanting with, and showing support for, two of the most hateful and vile of all domestic TERRORIST groups: the KKK and Nazis. And he traveled a long 500 miles to do it. This was not a 'casual' drive across town.

The Nazis of Germany in the 30' started as a very tiny group, too. And they were ignored. The rest is history. America cannot afford to ignore these terrorist crackpots. They have to be exposed in the clear light of day and, yes, identified for what they are.

The neo-Nazis have been around for decades, and ignoring them has worked quite well. The far left want the KKK and Nazis to have a resurgence, which is why the media is giving them all this air time. The media would love a resurgent KKK so they can recruit more "Antifa" thugs.
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just as sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.
The KKK was created by the democrats after the civil war. They have had 150 years to take over the US and they still only have 8000 members. Knock off the hysteria...chicken little.
And the Alt-Right is Far Right .. the new Neo-Nazis.
The alt right is a made up word by the left to whine about people that disagree with them.
I think what people are so upset about is that he was marching with, chanting with, and showing support for, two of the most hateful and vile of all domestic TERRORIST groups: the KKK and Nazis. And he traveled a long 500 miles to do it. This was not a 'casual' drive across town.

The Nazis of Germany in the 30' started as a very tiny group, too. And they were ignored. The rest is history. America cannot afford to ignore these terrorist crackpots. They have to be exposed in the clear light of day and, yes, identified for what they are.

The neo-Nazis have been around for decades, and ignoring them has worked quite well. The far left want the KKK and Nazis to have a resurgence, which is why the media is giving them all this air time. The media would love a resurgent KKK so they can recruit more "Antifa" thugs.
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just as sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.
The KKK was created by the democrats after the civil war. They have had 150 years to take over the US and they still only have 8000 members. Knock off the hysteria...chicken little.
And the Alt-Right is Far Right .. the new Neo-Nazis.
The alt right is a made up word by the left to whine about people that disagree with them.
Nope it was coined by Richard Spencer .. a Right Wingnut.

Alt-right - Wikipedia
So, a year from now, this guy applies for a job, would you hire him? Would you boycott the place that does?
I wouldn't hire him. I also wouldn't hire a BLM supporter.

I'd let him go on his way and hope he learns from his mistakes. And that one day he learns that our decisions and actions have consequences. No one owe us a living, or anything else.

GOt it, no jobs for him, from now on. like I thought.

That will certainly teach him that actions have consequences. And that society is his enemy.

What does he do next?

If you're afraid of a craven little racist idiot (like you're afraid of inner city children and competition) that's your weakness, not society's burden.

Tell that to her.

View attachment 144574

I'm telling you.

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.....

Also his choice. Let him step out of line, and throw him in the deepest, darkest hole.

To what end?

That's up to the stupid kid.

You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.....

Also his choice. Let him step out of line, and throw him in the deepest, darkest hole.

To what end?

That's up to the stupid kid.

You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

Until right now, it was not predictable that taking part in a single protest would ruin your life.

How the idiot responds to having his life ruined, is up to him.

You want to bet the lives of your fellow citizens, that he will just meekly wallow in his shit life?
I wouldn't hire him. I also wouldn't hire a BLM supporter.

I'd let him go on his way and hope he learns from his mistakes. And that one day he learns that our decisions and actions have consequences. No one owe us a living, or anything else.

GOt it, no jobs for him, from now on. like I thought.

That will certainly teach him that actions have consequences. And that society is his enemy.

What does he do next?

If you're afraid of a craven little racist idiot (like you're afraid of inner city children and competition) that's your weakness, not society's burden.

Tell that to her.

View attachment 144574

I'm telling you.

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

Every murder victim is "a powerful argument" for surrendering society to murders because YOU are afraid of so many things? Wrong. The tiny minority of weak-minded cowards are not a force before which society must cower and abandon principles. They are vermin that can stay hidden in the dumpster or be stepped on and then wiped off the shoe of history.
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

I'm sure many of folks are just quaking in their shoes

Also his choice. Let him step out of line, and throw him in the deepest, darkest hole.

To what end?

That's up to the stupid kid.

You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

Until right now, it was not predictable that taking part in a single protest would ruin your life......

That marching around with fucking nazis and the fucking kkk would mark you as a hopelessly stupid fucking scumbag? Of course it was predictable.

You want to bet the lives of your fellow citizens, that he will just meekly wallow in his shit life?

You want to fall on your knees and beg his forgiveness? Go ahead. Society will crush the fucking scumbag if he acts out, as the kitchen light is now on.
GOt it, no jobs for him, from now on. like I thought.

That will certainly teach him that actions have consequences. And that society is his enemy.

What does he do next?

If you're afraid of a craven little racist idiot (like you're afraid of inner city children and competition) that's your weakness, not society's burden.

Tell that to her.

View attachment 144574

I'm telling you.

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

Every murder victim is "a powerful argument" for surrendering society to murders because YOU are afraid of so many things? Wrong. The tiny minority of weak-minded cowards are not a force before which society must cower and abandon principles. They are vermin that can stay hidden in the dumpster or be stepped on and then wiped off the shoe of history.

Every murder victim is a powerful argument for considering the factors that create murderers, and to take steps to address those factors so as to prevent the creation of murderers.

Considering an at risk group and making sure that they are hopeless and despised, it a great plan, if you want to increase the problem.

What is your motivation here? Some sort of get evenism?

Mine is to see such movements whither and die from lack of recruitment and/or retaining people.
To what end?

That's up to the stupid kid.

You are talking about actions to be taken beyond his control, directed AT HIM.....

Not at all. We're talking about the entirely predictable consequences of his own decisions. I know you liberals hate personal responsibility, but it still applies. How the fucking idiot responds to those consequences is also up to him. Maybe deciding to march around with fucking nazis was not the best choice. Up to him.

Until right now, it was not predictable that taking part in a single protest would ruin your life......

That marching around with fucking nazis and the fucking kkk would mark you as a hopelessly stupid fucking scumbag? Of course it was predictable.

Of course it was not.

You want to bet the lives of your fellow citizens, that he will just meekly wallow in his shit life?

You want to fall on your knees and beg his forgiveness? Go ahead. Society will crush the fucking scumbag if he acts out, as the kitchen light is now on.

YOur desire to make this personal is very odd.

NOthing I've said justifies your odd question about "forgiveness".

Your bravery with regard to this one specific fool is not very impressive.

I want to see this movement die, not grow.
i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
I thought I asked you to go away.

What can't you understand in that simple request?

IMO, I think that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

IMO, that is not a path to reducing hatred, and violence.

Which is what I want.

Just saying.
Agreed, but I think most Nazis, White Supremacists, anarchists and other extremists are already bitter.

IMHO, employers and business owners should have a right to determine who they employ and who they have as customers.

A 21 year old kid is a drama queen.

Ruin his life and check back in ten years, then you will see bitter.
Any kid who is on that path, just like the ones on the AntiFa path, are going down a road of hurt. He won't change until he has to change. If he's as doomed as you say, then maybe being in jail with the Aryan Brotherhood will give him some solace.

Fuck your bullahit false equivalence.
If you're afraid of a craven little racist idiot (like you're afraid of inner city children and competition) that's your weakness, not society's burden.

Tell that to her.

View attachment 144574

I'm telling you.

And the dead woman is a powerful argument that being concerned about such young men is a reasonable concern.

YOu got that, right?

But you just ignored it, because you had no answer...

Every murder victim is "a powerful argument" for surrendering society to murders because YOU are afraid of so many things? Wrong. The tiny minority of weak-minded cowards are not a force before which society must cower and abandon principles. They are vermin that can stay hidden in the dumpster or be stepped on and then wiped off the shoe of history.

Every murder victim is a powerful argument for considering the factors that create murderers, and to take steps to address those factors so as to prevent the creation of murderers.

Considering an at risk group and making sure that they are hopeless and despised, it a great plan, if you want to increase the problem.

What is your motivation here? Some sort of get evenism?

Mine is to see such movements whither and die from lack of recruitment and/or retaining people.

Criminals and dictators have always relied on people willing to cower and crawl because they are afraid. Cowardice is not a governing philosophy.

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