‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

What will you tolerate in this country?

Also will you support my right to fire any BLM members?
Go for it.
You are right! He is now certain to become a lifelong white supremacist and we can blame libs for it. Perfectly stated.

Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.

So, a year from now, this guy applies for a job, would you hire him? Would you boycott the place that does?
I wouldn't hire him. I also wouldn't hire a BLM supporter.

I'd let him go on his way and hope he learns from his mistakes. And that one day he learns that our decisions and actions have consequences. No one owe us a living, or anything else.
You don't know the future.

And you don't know everything, period.


I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
So Self-Righteous, you are. Have you considered becoming a minister?

You can get a certificate, online, for about two bucks. That's more than all of the opinions you've stated today are worth, by 1.98.

Your use of ridicule to attempt to challenge my point is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

THus it is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
The point is... that YOU have no point. Just never-ending opinions, laced with a huge helping of good old Self-Righteous Indignation.

You cannot possibly know ANY of the things you continue to claim will happen in the future.

You're full of crap. Plain and simple.

And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You've lost, again.
Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.

So, a year from now, this guy applies for a job, would you hire him? Would you boycott the place that does?
I wouldn't hire him. I also wouldn't hire a BLM supporter.

I'd let him go on his way and hope he learns from his mistakes. And that one day he learns that our decisions and actions have consequences. No one owe us a living, or anything else.

GOt it, no jobs for him, from now on. like I thought.

That will certainly teach him that actions have consequences. And that society is his enemy.

What does he do next?
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.
His choice. Maybe he'll follow his leader.

The neo-Nazis have been around for decades, and ignoring them has worked quite well. The far left want the KKK and Nazis to have a resurgence, which is why the media is giving them all this air time. The media would love a resurgent KKK so they can recruit more "Antifa" thugs.
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just a sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.

Germans didn't ignore Nazis you idiot, they empowered them.

Just like the left is empowering globalists now.
When Hitler first began to gather his supporters they were no threat to the government. Those in power ignored them, thinking they would never be a threat. It was a long time before the Nazis became anything like the powerful force we now remember. You think they just bloomed full grown, you stupid asshole?

So they were ignored at first, and then eventually got noticed and empowered by the Germans. Meaning they were powerless as long as they were ignored.

By the way, what's your master plan for eliminating the KKK?
I've made no claim that I have all the answers (or any answers). But I do have a lot of questions. And I've found that ignoring (hiding) from problems is never a good idea. Imo, it's foolish to believe the American Nazis and the KKK are anything but extremely dangerous domestic terrorist groups. Probably any thinking person who looks at the Klan's history would agree.

Would you rather we ignore them, and allow them to grow at their own pace? Wouldn't that be rather like hearing a burglar roaming around your house in the middle of the night, then choosing to remain in bed, hoping the criminal won't find you? Wouldn't it be better to grow some balls, pick up your gun, then seek out the intruder so you can blow his freeking head off? Cowardice and patience will not solve our Nazi and KKK problem.

In other words you don't have an answer. You think that giving them air time and stirring up racial tensions is going to make all of them go away.

This is a free country, which means people have the freedom to beleive in some fucked up things, and say stupid shit. So unless you are talking about abolishing the First Amendment, there is nothing anyone can do to totally eradicate ideologies like Nazism or the KKK, we just have to learn to live with the fact some people will be like that.

The only thing Antifa will do at such protests is intimidation and violent attacks, in other words deny the Nazis their First Amendment rights. They usually like to vandalize local property and businesses while they are at it. Such stupidity by the far left will only generate more sympathy for the KKK side.

I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
So Self-Righteous, you are. Have you considered becoming a minister?

You can get a certificate, online, for about two bucks. That's more than all of the opinions you've stated today are worth, by 1.98.

Your use of ridicule to attempt to challenge my point is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

THus it is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
The point is... that YOU have no point. Just never-ending opinions, laced with a huge helping of good old Self-Righteous Indignation.

You cannot possibly know ANY of the things you continue to claim will happen in the future.

You're full of crap. Plain and simple.

And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You lose, again.

i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.
His choice. Maybe he'll follow his leader.


You happy with the way Charlottesville worked out?
You cannot possibly "know" what the media or the far left "want".

You're just making shit up as you go.

And the idea of "ignoring" the Nazis is pure bullshit. Ignoring them didn't work out too well for Germany. And the American version of the Nazis is just a sick, hateful, and dangerous as the AHs who supported Hitler.

Germans didn't ignore Nazis you idiot, they empowered them.

Just like the left is empowering globalists now.
When Hitler first began to gather his supporters they were no threat to the government. Those in power ignored them, thinking they would never be a threat. It was a long time before the Nazis became anything like the powerful force we now remember. You think they just bloomed full grown, you stupid asshole?

So they were ignored at first, and then eventually got noticed and empowered by the Germans. Meaning they were powerless as long as they were ignored.

By the way, what's your master plan for eliminating the KKK?
I've made no claim that I have all the answers (or any answers). But I do have a lot of questions. And I've found that ignoring (hiding) from problems is never a good idea. Imo, it's foolish to believe the American Nazis and the KKK are anything but extremely dangerous domestic terrorist groups. Probably any thinking person who looks at the Klan's history would agree.

Would you rather we ignore them, and allow them to grow at their own pace? Wouldn't that be rather like hearing a burglar roaming around your house in the middle of the night, then choosing to remain in bed, hoping the criminal won't find you? Wouldn't it be better to grow some balls, pick up your gun, then seek out the intruder so you can blow his freeking head off? Cowardice and patience will not solve our Nazi and KKK problem.

In other words you don't have an answer. You think that giving them air time and stirring up racial tensions is going to make all of them go away.

This is a free country, which means people have the freedom to beleive in some fucked up things, and say stupid shit. So unless you are talking about abolishing the First Amendment, there is nothing anyone can do to totally eradicate ideologies like Nazism or the KKK, we just have to learn to live with the fact some people will be like that.

The only thing Antifa will do at such protests is intimidation and violent attacks, in other words deny the Nazis their First Amendment rights. They usually like to vandalize local property and businesses while they are at it. Such stupidity by the far left will only generate more sympathy for the KKK side.
I never suggested any kind of violence toware the KKK/Nazi losers. But I WOULD suggest talking about them and exposing them and discussing their hate-filled ideologies so that sane Americans can fully understand how sick and twisted and disgusting and dangerous these people are.
So Self-Righteous, you are. Have you considered becoming a minister?

You can get a certificate, online, for about two bucks. That's more than all of the opinions you've stated today are worth, by 1.98.

Your use of ridicule to attempt to challenge my point is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

THus it is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
The point is... that YOU have no point. Just never-ending opinions, laced with a huge helping of good old Self-Righteous Indignation.

You cannot possibly know ANY of the things you continue to claim will happen in the future.

You're full of crap. Plain and simple.

And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You lose, again.

i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
I thought I asked you to go away.

What can't you understand in that simple request?
Your use of ridicule to attempt to challenge my point is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule.

THus it is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

I predict that ruing a man's life, like you lefties on this thread are gloating about doing, will make him more bitter and angry,

and I stand by that prediction.
The point is... that YOU have no point. Just never-ending opinions, laced with a huge helping of good old Self-Righteous Indignation.

You cannot possibly know ANY of the things you continue to claim will happen in the future.

You're full of crap. Plain and simple.

And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You lose, again.

i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
I thought I asked you to go away.

What can't you understand in that simple request?

IMO, I think that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

IMO, that is not a path to reducing hatred, and violence.

Which is what I want.

Just saying.
Not really.

He's young and stupid. Odds are, give him a job, and a family and he would drop out of such nonsense in a few years.

NOw? That is less likely.

Excellent move. If you want a bloody violent future.

You are right! He is now certain to become a lifelong white supremacist and we can blame libs for it. Perfectly stated.

Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.
Agreed. OTOH, that applies to all radicals, left or right. I haven't seen an extremist yet who didn't hate and wasn't bigoted in one way or another. This forum is full of people like that although I'm sure most of them just hide behind their keyboards and don't parade their faces on national television.

Why do you think the anarchists/AntiFa and the KKK hide their faces?
The point is... that YOU have no point. Just never-ending opinions, laced with a huge helping of good old Self-Righteous Indignation.

You cannot possibly know ANY of the things you continue to claim will happen in the future.

You're full of crap. Plain and simple.

And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You lose, again.

i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
I thought I asked you to go away.

What can't you understand in that simple request?

IMO, I think that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

IMO, that is not a path to reducing hatred, and violence.

Which is what I want.

Just saying.
Agreed, but I think most Nazis, White Supremacists, anarchists and other extremists are already bitter.

IMHO, employers and business owners should have a right to determine who they employ and who they have as customers.
You are right! He is now certain to become a lifelong white supremacist and we can blame libs for it. Perfectly stated.

Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.
Agreed. OTOH, that applies to all radicals, left or right. I haven't seen an extremist yet who didn't hate and wasn't bigoted in one way or another. This forum is full of people like that although I'm sure most of them just hide behind their keyboards and don't parade their faces on national television.

Why do you think the anarchists/AntiFa and the KKK hide their faces?

Damn. What is the mental block that prevents some people from understanding cause and effect?
Standard strawman taken to an absurd absolute.

Perfect indicator for a lefty that is being dishonest to hide the fact that there is no reasonable way for him to disagree with the conservative who is painfully and obviously right.

DO you want him to become a more angry and bitter nazi?

What is your goal in this?

What will happen?

The individuals they want to punish will join the welfare society while some will become part of the Prison system that will train them to become domestic terrorists...

More riots, more bloodshed, leading to more radicalized people on both sides, an every increasing cycle of violence and retribution.

Nope. Doesn't have to be that way. He can get a grip and leave his hatred and bigotry behind. It is never too late.
Agreed. OTOH, that applies to all radicals, left or right. I haven't seen an extremist yet who didn't hate and wasn't bigoted in one way or another. This forum is full of people like that although I'm sure most of them just hide behind their keyboards and don't parade their faces on national television.

Why do you think the anarchists/AntiFa and the KKK hide their faces?

Damn. What is the mental block that prevents some people from understanding cause and effect?
Damn! What is the mental block that prevents some people from understanding cause and effect?
And you are here attacking me for predicting that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

You are the one that is full of crap. Plain and simple.
Please, let's end this exchange. You're convinced that your 'opinions' are the only truth in life.

And, I disagree. I think you're full of shit.

Neither of us will change our views.

So, goodbye. You lose, again.

i think that everytime I point out that you are ridiculing me for thinking that ruining a man's life will piss him off,

that I win.
I thought I asked you to go away.

What can't you understand in that simple request?

IMO, I think that ruining a man's life will piss him off and make him bitter.

IMO, that is not a path to reducing hatred, and violence.

Which is what I want.

Just saying.
Agreed, but I think most Nazis, White Supremacists, anarchists and other extremists are already bitter.

IMHO, employers and business owners should have a right to determine who they employ and who they have as customers.

A 21 year old kid is a drama queen.

Ruin his life and check back in ten years, then you will see bitter.

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