My Little Pony cartoon debuts lesbian ponies

Have you missed the Bronies?

It's no surprise this happened.


Inside the Bizarre World of ‘Bronies,’ Adult Male Fans of ‘My Little Pony’
Mohammad always helped all his lesbian ponies... no on say he isn't helpful, and, efficient... ?... Early each day at he steps of S. Paul's the old bird woman calls, two pennies, only, tuppence, the old widow at the temple, feed the birds, their nests are so bare.
The Media and Entertainment industry are constantly trying to MAINSTREAM sexual deviancy (Gays and Lesbians), mental illness (Trans) and Pedophilia. Turn them off!
that guy just looks like cartoon anime japan fan from school. he who casts the first stone, shall pay, 5 ducats.
The powers that be do know that ponies in real life do not know what being homosexual/lesbian is, right?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, why are they trying to make the characters be like people when in real life, they are not?
The Media and Entertainment industry are constantly trying to MAINSTREAM sexual deviancy (Gays and Lesbians), mental illness (Trans) and Pedophilia. Turn them off!
I'd imagine 40 years ago you'd probably spew the same nonsense about interracial couples.

What if one of your children come out as gay? Are you going to shun them?

This type of hate is the reason why the LGBT community has such a high suicide rate.
The Media and Entertainment industry are constantly trying to MAINSTREAM sexual deviancy (Gays and Lesbians), mental illness (Trans) and Pedophilia. Turn them off!
I'd imagine 40 years ago you'd probably spew the same nonsense about interracial couples.

What if one of your children come out as gay? Are you going to shun them?

This type of hate is the reason why the LGBT community has such a high suicide rate.
I still do spew that TO mixed couples..saw one today with their FUGLY bastard child. Oh and yes I would shun any child of mine that race mixes or is a homosexual and they know this. The homosexual community has a high rate of suicide because they are mentally unhealthy...
The Media and Entertainment industry are constantly trying to MAINSTREAM sexual deviancy (Gays and Lesbians), mental illness (Trans) and Pedophilia. Turn them off!
I'd imagine 40 years ago you'd probably spew the same nonsense about interracial couples.

What if one of your children come out as gay? Are you going to shun them?

This type of hate is the reason why the LGBT community has such a high suicide rate.
I still do spew that TO mixed couples..saw one today with their FUGLY bastard child. Oh and yes I would shun any child of mine that race mixes or is a homosexual and they know this. The homosexual community has a high rate of suicide because they are mentally unhealthy...

May all of your grandchildren be biracial.
The Media and Entertainment industry are constantly trying to MAINSTREAM sexual deviancy (Gays and Lesbians), mental illness (Trans) and Pedophilia. Turn them off!
I'd imagine 40 years ago you'd probably spew the same nonsense about interracial couples.

What if one of your children come out as gay? Are you going to shun them?

This type of hate is the reason why the LGBT community has such a high suicide rate.
I still do spew that TO mixed couples..saw one today with their FUGLY bastard child. Oh and yes I would shun any child of mine that race mixes or is a homosexual and they know this. The homosexual community has a high rate of suicide because they are mentally unhealthy...

May all of your grandchildren be biracial.
That's not going to happen. I don't fill my kids with cultural marxist bullshit. I let them see the world for what it is,the world is anti white and wants us to disappear and they are actively trying to erase white people from the world. I expect from 5 white kids to get at least 10-15 white grandchildren :)
just so long as this is the white's land... then, share with the African bountifully... the Mexican has his beans... native amongst us... then we segregate into 3 neighborhoods so that we may throw presents at each other... won't you please, be my neighbor...

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