My MAIN and ONLY reason why I'll vote for Hillary Clinton

You dislike her ethics, attitude and cronyism yet you're still going to vote for her ? Congratulations you're PART OF THE PROBLEM, the reason the Republic is in such a fucking mess is because we have an electorate that is primarily made up of clueless dickheads like You.

If you had any integrity or principles at all you'd vote 3rd Party or just stay the hell at home.

So, tell us....are you voting 3rd party or staying home in Nov.?????...I mean, you are the few ones with "integrity" or "principles", correct?
Let's put it this way, I will never vote for someone whose integrity, ethics and competence I question, now we'll see what the 3rd parties have to offer but in any case I won't have to look my children in the eye and explain that I willingly participated in putting liars & thieves in charge of the Republic so that their liberty and prosperity could be stolen from them.

You on the other hand are no better than the liars & thieves since all you're doing is voting for 'em so they can do your dirty work for you.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......


It is not that bad... If consider the amount of lies is said about her from the right, she must be doing something right....

Truth is I see her presidency being quite close to something like Bill's...
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

So, you want uber liberal justices?

Got it.

Everyone to the left of you looks uber liberal.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

So, you want uber liberal justices?

Got it.

Everyone to the left of you looks uber liberal.

......and let us not forget that Obama just nominated a fairly moderate judge for the SCOTUS, which the insane McConnell and company wont even bother to interview him....So, right wingers will "pay the price" with a Hillary in the oval office and a very, very good chance of a democrat majority senate.

It is not that bad... If consider the amount of lies is said about her from the right, she must be doing something right....

Truth is I see her presidency being quite close to something like Bill's...

Very true, especially regarding your last sentence...But it was Bill who gave us (went along, I should say) with NAFTA and the dismantling of the Glass-Steagal (among several other issues with which I disagreed.)
You dislike her ethics, attitude and cronyism yet you're still going to vote for her ? Congratulations you're PART OF THE PROBLEM, the reason the Republic is in such a fucking mess is because we have an electorate that is primarily made up of clueless dickheads like You.

If you had any integrity or principles at all you'd vote 3rd Party or just stay the hell at home.

So, tell us....are you voting 3rd party or staying home in Nov.?????...I mean, you are the few ones with "integrity" or "principles", correct?

I'll be voting,

for governor, state/local representatives, congressmen

I'm leaving the spot for president blank.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

So, you want uber liberal justices?

Got it.

Everyone to the left of you looks uber liberal.

......and let us not forget that Obama just nominated a fairly moderate judge for the SCOTUS, which the insane McConnell and company wont even bother to interview him....So, right wingers will "pay the price" with a Hillary in the oval office and a very, very good chance of a democrat majority senate.

Or the GOP'er might win and then the Democratic Senate can filibuster his nominees into oblivion,

if those Democrats have the guts.
Wishing to keep rightwing reactionary ideologues hostile to the rights of citizens and necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy is a perfectly appropriate reason to vote against Trump.
If you had any integrity or principles at all you'd vote 3rd Party or just stay the hell at home.

Morally pure wimps like you voted for Nader, which means we got Bush. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died in his trumped up wars. The economy cratered. Civil liberties were crushed.

Try to understand that there's more to this world than you and your pwecious feewings. Millions of real people suffer and die depending on who gets elected. If you deliberately sit back and let evil win, the blood is on your hands, no matter how morally pure you declare yourself to be.

Grownups understand such things. Lord save us from children throwing tantrums.
Think of how much a Hillary presidency will piss off conservatives

What better reason to vote Hillary?
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I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

Low information voters like you should consider not voting until such time you unplug yourself from MSNBC.
Think of how much a Hilary presidency will piss off conservatives

What better reason to vote Hillary?

Indeed, 8 years of Hillary will allow for TX and FL to turn purple, and then republicans can kiss the oval office farewell for decades to come.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

If you vote for someone you know would make a lousy President you are a part of the problem.
Think of how much a Hilary presidency will piss off conservatives

What better reason to vote Hillary?

Indeed, 8 years of Hillary will allow for TX and FL to turn purple, and then republicans can kiss the oval office farewell for decades to come.

Can you imagine what would happen to the GOP if Trump were elected?

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