My MAIN and ONLY reason why I'll vote for Hillary Clinton

1. Hillary Clinton was born in Illinois and not Arkansas, so know where someone home state is at before making such asinine conclusions!

Being everyone considers Arkansas to be her home state, it's a weasel-like evasion to claim it's really Illinois.

2. Blaming Nader or those that voted for him for what George W. Bush did is the most retarded nonsense I have read for a long ass time.

Yet you still can't explain why it's not correct. You rage and scream, but fail in any way to refute the point.

Al Gore lost his home state and if you did the math you would realize had Gore won his home state Florida would have not mattered, but instead admitting the failure on Gore part you will double down on stupidity and claim nonsense that the third party voter cost Al Gore in the 2000 election.

I never said Nader was the only factor in Gore's loss. But he's one indisputable factor. If Nader voters in Florida had voted for Gore, he would have been president. Period. End of story. Therefore, it's profoundly stupid and delusional to claim the Nader voters did not cost Gore the election.

3. If you are making the claim that if someone does not vote for one or the other big ticket candidate and they instead vote for the third party candidate is consider anti-American and a wasted vote then fuck off because you are more of the problem than the solution.

Stings, having the possible immorality of your cowardice pointed out, eh?

People have the right to vote for the candidate they feel is the best for the job, and if you disagree then Stalin would be proud of you.

And nobody said otherwise. However, having the "right" to do it doesn't mean you should do it. You're having a hysterical meltdown because you can't address what I actually say.

Final comment:

Maybe those like you need to stop blaming third party voters for the failure of your candidate. If your candidate can not win the state because of some third party candidate then that is their fault and not the other candidate nor is it the voter fault.

Only idiots believe that you have to vote either Democratic or Republican and if the Founding Fathers were alive today they would be ashamed of fools like you!

Who gets elected President affect others. Millions may suffer or die over a bad choice. It's not just about you and your feelings of moral purity. Those hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis are not taking any comfort in the feelings of moral purity held by the Florida Nader voters.

If it's not close in your state, go ahead. Make your protest vote. Getting your moral purity fix in that way isn't hurting anything.

However, if it is close, you have a moral obligation to resist the evil. If you don't, you have effectively aided the evil.
Bush is the only moron who would have invaded Iraq in response to 9-11

Well, in "fairness" to baby-Bush....It was Cheney who really ran the country from one of Dante's circles of Hell.
I don't buy any of this....the OP likes everything about Hildabeast and is playing coy to avoid being laughed off the board.
Hillary's "ethics (or lack of them) and attitude" are important enough but what about her personal history? Isn't it important to discuss allegations that she enabled her husband's world class abuse of women in exchange for reflected political power? Trump takes a shot from alleged "woman's rights advocates" for his stand on abortion but Hillary used the resources of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government (with the cooperation of the liberal media) to intimidate and threaten women who were sexually abused by her husband.
Hillary's "ethics (or lack of them) and attitude" are important enough but what about her personal history? Isn't it important to discuss allegations that she enabled her husband's world class abuse of women in exchange for reflected political power? Trump takes a shot from alleged "woman's rights advocates" for his stand on abortion but Hillary used the resources of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government (with the cooperation of the liberal media) to intimidate and threaten women who were sexually abused by her husband.

The above is a pretty good synopsis of what this nitwit has learned from Fox "News"....But, thank you for omitting all the dumb commercials........
I don't buy any of this..

.....and the moron that you surely must you are showing your imbecility. Go figure !!!

I'm a moron for seeing through your tepid crap about "holding your nose" to vote for that fat old witch? :badgrin: You leftists' imaginary mental superiority is terrific entertainment...most of you couldn't start a campfire or change a flat tire if your life depended on it and yet you think reading some German communist's malarkey gives you some edge on normal people. Quit hiding behind your own shadow,'re an idiot and everybody here knows it.
yet you think reading some German communist's malarkey gives you some edge on normal people

Actually, he was from Prussia but lived in France, Belgium and the UK for most of his life.....Glad to be of help in educating you. LOL
Actually, he was from Prussia but lived in France, Belgium and the UK for most of his life.....Glad to be of help in educating you. LOL

You enjoy being a pinhead don't ya? :lol: You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and you're proud of it.
Soooo. You're a fool then. Ok, that explains a lot.

nothing foolish about voting against trump.

in fact, it's the smart move.

Jilly keeps dancing by to imaginary music.....

BS, every independent recount proved Gore lost FL.

No, they all showed Gore had more legal votes in Florida. And buried that news.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida. Period. The chads were irrelevant. Overvotes with clear voter intent were legal under every version of Florida law. They should have been counted, but were never counted even once. Gore would have won if they had been counted, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were just the excuse Republicans used to prevent the legal votes from being counted.

Republicans cheated, they won, and they need to get over it. Sorest winners ever.

Yeah yeah yeah, Gore was, is and always will be a loser, liar and a phony.
Would have made a much better president than Bush

That dingbat SOB would have been worse than the dear leader, and he's the crappiest in history.

Bush is the only moron who would have invaded Iraq in response to 9-11

Rewriting history again I see. Goooooooood job.
Soooo. You're a fool then. Ok, that explains a lot.

nothing foolish about voting against trump.

in fact, it's the smart move.

Why? Hillary's record is FILLED with failures, miss steps, mistakes, and "we didn't find outs", not to mention violation of multiple secrecy act laws and ignorance of internet and hard copy security measures. The one thing that is apparent is she will sell her country out to the highest bidder as she did while Sec of State when AFTER receiving multi million dollar "donations" to the Clinton Foundation the donors got favorable rulings from the State Department.

That sort of pay to play bullshit is worse than anything Trump has done.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......


It is not that bad... If consider the amount of lies is said about her from the right, she must be doing something right....

Truth is I see her presidency being quite close to something like Bill's...

Really, you think it will be that unethical just as bad for the middle class as was Bill's, wow that is saying something.
Soooo. You're a fool then. Ok, that explains a lot.

nothing foolish about voting against trump.

in fact, it's the smart move.

Why? Hillary's record is FILLED with failures, miss steps, mistakes, and "we didn't find outs", not to mention violation of multiple secrecy act laws and ignorance of internet and hard copy security measures. The one thing that is apparent is she will sell her country out to the highest bidder as she did while Sec of State when AFTER receiving multi million dollar "donations" to the Clinton Foundation the donors got favorable rulings from the State Department.

That sort of pay to play bullshit is worse than anything Trump has done.
According to right-wingers, money is speech. Donors just had a nice talk then. Nothing that politicians on the right haven't been doing forever.

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