My MAIN and ONLY reason why I'll vote for Hillary Clinton

I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

You dislike her ethics, attitude and cronyism yet you're still going to vote for her ? Congratulations you're PART OF THE PROBLEM, the reason the Republic is in such a fucking mess is because we have an electorate that is primarily made up of clueless dickheads like You.

If you had any integrity or principles at all you'd vote 3rd Party or just stay the hell at home.
I believe you would be shocked to discover the amount of Republicans that would and will rather vote for Hillary than Trump or Cruz.

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I have never met a person with a brain that said they were voting for Hillary.
Hillary is a rat bag old hag incompetent piece of shit. Only a braindead fool would think about voting for that clown show.

Another future pissed off right winger this coming November....take heart, you won't be alone. LOL
I have never met a person with a brain that said they were voting for Hillary.

That's not surprising, being you've never met anyone with a brain.

In case it's not clear, I'm pointing out how you're a bedwetting retard who hangs out exclusively with other betwetting retards.
I have never met a person with a brain that said they were voting for Hillary.

That's not surprising, being you've never met anyone with a brain.

In case it's not clear, I'm pointing out how you're a bedwetting retard who hangs out exclusively with other betwetting retards.
Wow. That's one helluva comeback there. Let me guess: you're a braindead, armstretched Maddow worshipper.
Heres some advice - Don't pick your nose, your head will cave in.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

Absolutely! Realize too, that much of the Clinton "ethics" issues are nothing but Right Wing smear campaigns dating back to Whitewater. Republicans have wasted millions of our hard-earned tax dollars on myriad fake scandals that have yielded nothing. Clinton haters don't care about this though, they still don their tin foil hats, somehow convinced there's a smoking gun, despite some of the best investigators not being able to find it. Sadly, Republicans feel they can only compete with her by taking the low road. She's far from perfect, like all poiticians, but the ethics violations are overblown. Trump is why a record number of Republicans are considering voting Democrat this year. I would have considered Kasich, but Trump and Cruz are absolutely out of the question.
I very much dislike Clinton...I don't like her ethics, her attitude that she is "entitled" to the presidency, and her cronyism.

Nonetheless, the alternatives are outrageous, so that I will vote for her this November with a clothespin firmly placed on my nose (very few times in my long voting life have I voted FOR someone...usually I've voted AGAINST someone else.)

So, my MAIN reason why I'll vote for Hillary boils down to just one factor:
The selection of THREE Supreme Court Justices.......

Absolutely! Realize too, that much of the Clinton "ethics" issues are nothing but Right Wing smear campaigns dating back to Whitewater. Republicans have wasted millions of our hard-earned tax dollars on myriad fake scandals that have yielded nothing. Clinton haters don't care about this though, they still don their tin foil hats, somehow convinced there's a smoking gun, despite some of the best investigators not being able to find it. Sadly, Republicans feel they can only compete with her by taking the low road. She's far from perfect, like all poiticians, but the ethics violations are overblown. Trump is why a record number of Republicans are considering voting Democrat this year. I would have considered Kasich, but Trump and Cruz are absolutely out of the question.
Benghazi and classified emails are scandals? And I have yet to meet or hear of any conservative that would consider voting for the leftist socialist Hitlery. You, sir, don't quite have all your groceries bagged - doya?
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...
Nobody gives a shit.
BS, every independent recount proved Gore lost FL.

No, they all showed Gore had more legal votes in Florida. And buried that news.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida. Period. The chads were irrelevant. Overvotes with clear voter intent were legal under every version of Florida law. They should have been counted, but were never counted even once. Gore would have won if they had been counted, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were just the excuse Republicans used to prevent the legal votes from being counted.

Republicans cheated, they won, and they need to get over it. Sorest winners ever.

Yeah yeah yeah, Gore was, is and always will be a loser, liar and a phony.
Would have made a much better president than Bush
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...

Fucking Birther
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

1. Hillary Clinton was born in Illinois and not Arkansas, so know where someone home state is at before making such asinine conclusions!

2. Blaming Nader or those that voted for him for what George W. Bush did is the most retarded nonsense I have read for a long ass time.

Al Gore lost his home state and if you did the math you would realize had Gore won his home state Florida would have not mattered, but instead admitting the failure on Gore part you will double down on stupidity and claim nonsense that the third party voter cost Al Gore in the 2000 election.

3. If you are making the claim that if someone does not vote for one or the other big ticket candidate and they instead vote for the third party candidate is consider anti-American and a wasted vote then fuck off because you are more of the problem than the solution.

People have the right to vote for the candidate they feel is the best for the job, and if you disagree then Stalin would be proud of you.

Final comment:

Maybe those like you need to stop blaming third party voters for the failure of your candidate. If your candidate can not win the state because of some third party candidate then that is their fault and not the other candidate nor is it the voter fault.

Only idiots believe that you have to vote either Democratic or Republican and if the Founding Fathers were alive today they would be ashamed of fools like you!
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...

Fucking Birther

I wrote Hawaii and not Kenya...:afro:
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...
Nobody gives a shit.

And I do not give a shit what you thin either if you even think before posting you worthless fuck!
BS, every independent recount proved Gore lost FL.

No, they all showed Gore had more legal votes in Florida. And buried that news.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida. Period. The chads were irrelevant. Overvotes with clear voter intent were legal under every version of Florida law. They should have been counted, but were never counted even once. Gore would have won if they had been counted, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were just the excuse Republicans used to prevent the legal votes from being counted.

Republicans cheated, they won, and they need to get over it. Sorest winners ever.

Yeah yeah yeah, Gore was, is and always will be a loser, liar and a phony.
Would have made a much better president than Bush

That dingbat SOB would have been worse than the dear leader, and he's the crappiest in history.
Nader, The USSC and the hanging chad did not cost Al Gore the 2000 general election but the mere fact he lost his home state cost him that election.

Multiple causes can exist, you know.

Gore's margin of loss in Florida was far smaller than the number of Nader votes. Hence, it's delusional to claim that Nader didn't cost Gore the election.

So put the blame where it belongs and if someone can not win their home state during a Presidential Election they do not deserve to be President...

Interesting standard. You seem to be claiming that if Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president. That doesn't seem very sensible.

But again, the point. Those Nader voters in Florida share a part of the blame for killing several hundred thousand Iraqis, no matter what their good intentions were.

Trump has been very clear about wanting to break all treaties with Iran and start a war there. A moral person will work to prevent that. An immoral person will stand back and do nothing, and then protest that it wasn't their fault. Except it would be their fault, because they could have attempted to stop it, and chose not to.

Hillary loses Arkansas, as is likely to happen, she doesn't deserve to be president.

Hillary was born, and lived, in Chicago until she went to college,

Somehow, I believe she could win Illinois as a write in if she doesn't get the nomination

It is amazing how some believe Hillary Clinton was born in Arkansas when the reality is she is from Illinois.

If she win she will be the second President ever from Illinois ( Birth state and no President Obama was born in Hawaii )...

The only other President to be born in Illinois was not Lincoln but Ronald Reagan...
Nobody gives a shit.

And I do not give a shit what you thin either if you even think before posting you worthless fuck!
Lol you Takers are funny!
Absolutely! Realize too, that much of the Clinton "ethics" issues are nothing but Right Wing smear campaigns dating back to Whitewater. Republicans have wasted millions of our hard-earned tax dollars on myriad fake scandals that have yielded nothing. Clinton haters don't care about this though, they still don their tin foil hats, somehow convinced there's a smoking gun, despite some of the best investigators not being able to find it. Sadly, Republicans feel they can only compete with her by taking the low road. She's far from perfect, like all poiticians, but the ethics violations are overblown. Trump is why a record number of Republicans are considering voting Democrat this year. I would have considered Kasich, but Trump and Cruz are absolutely out of the question.

Indeed....Hillary's "preference quotient " increases in direct proportion to the Donald's' "unfavorable ratings"...
This November there will be a very loud groan from the ultra right wingers and a collective sigh of relief by sane republicans that their task for the next 8 years will simply be "bitching" over Hillary and NOT be in constant apology-mode over the Trumpster.
Benghazi and classified emails are scandals? And I have yet to meet or hear of any conservative that would consider voting for the leftist socialist Hitlery. You, sir, don't quite have all your groceries bagged - doya?

Its probably time for your nap......You're sounding dumber than usual...and that's not an easy task for you.
BS, every independent recount proved Gore lost FL.

No, they all showed Gore had more legal votes in Florida. And buried that news.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida. Period. The chads were irrelevant. Overvotes with clear voter intent were legal under every version of Florida law. They should have been counted, but were never counted even once. Gore would have won if they had been counted, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were just the excuse Republicans used to prevent the legal votes from being counted.

Republicans cheated, they won, and they need to get over it. Sorest winners ever.

Yeah yeah yeah, Gore was, is and always will be a loser, liar and a phony.
Would have made a much better president than Bush

That dingbat SOB would have been worse than the dear leader, and he's the crappiest in history.

Bush is the only moron who would have invaded Iraq in response to 9-11

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