my my how two faced liberals are

Well, Obama paid $1.3 billion in ransom money to Iran's mullahs to get them to release the Americans they were holding. You didn't see the media and the Dems complain about that. But they're upset that Trump congratulated Putin for his reelection, just as Obama did.
Well, Obama paid $1.3 billion in ransom money to Iran's mullahs to get them to release the Americans they were holding. You didn't see the media and the Dems complain about that. But they're upset that Trump congratulated Putin for his reelection, just as Obama did.
Wow, it’s that simple huh? Sounds like Obama and the left are simply insane. How can so many people be so irrational?
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.
I’m not seeing your point... the Dems are fighting for gun control, why would they use a democratic gunman as an example for anything? Politics is about pushing agendas, politicians push the things that help their agendas. Media should ask questions, expose truths and challenge the powerful. Jake Tapper just tweeted about Obama’s call to Putin. What exactly are you complaining about?
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
There's no needle on the Liberal moral compass; their true north is wherever they point that day
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest
Facebook Data Scandal: When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

lets look back at 2012 and the BO campaign in regards to facebook. Sound familiar???? None of the left wing political sluts whined about that.
With respect Eagle, you are comparing apples and oranges. The Obama campaign collected emails and facebook accounts from people who communicated directly with the campaign.
Obama, Facebook and the power of friendship: the 2012 data election

What facebook is now accused of is allowing Team Trump to access accounts of people who just happened to have facebook accounts
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin
11:35 AM, MAR 09, 2012 | By DANIEL HALPER
Pres. Obama phoning congratulations from Air Force 1 to Pres-elect Vladimir Putin of Russia.
Yet with President Obama reportedly calling to congratulate Putin, apparently the White House isn't too concerned with the fraudulent election--or even its worrisome outcome.
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin

Can you imagine for a second if President Trump was caught on a hot mic promising leniency with Russia?
The media would go haywire!
But, because the MSM was in Obama’s pocket and they show an open distain for President Trump the tables have turned. Nearly the entirety of the mainstream media, and the predictably moronic John McCain, has lashed out at President Trump for a relatively standard diplomatic move. Was Trump supposed to call Putin and say, “F*** you and your rigged elections” – would that have made the MSM happy?
You don’t need to look any further than these side-by-side news searches to spot how disgusting and biased the “American” MSM is against the Trump Administration:
FLASHBACK: Remember When Obama Called Putin To Congratulate Him On Phony Election Win & Promised Him 'Flexibility'?

Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'
Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'

So why again was it OK for Obama to congratulate Putin and even tell Putin through his second in command..

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

This thread is a perfect example of how even USMESSAGEBOARD monitors are biased!
In this case I started this thread totally unique from this topic i.e. two faced liberals... and distinguished by showing perfect examples of biased MSM NOT caring if Obama
called Putin but oh my the hue and cry about Trump even from idiots like McCain! Where were they and the biased monitors at that time?
Now I've been on this board since 2011 longer than the moderator that moved my original thread to here. And I was surprised because the thread topics are distinct.
This thread is about liberals being two faced. My original thread was a specific example of how the biased MSM presents the biased news!
There is a distinction and while I agree with the comments in this thread, I don't appreciate the inclusion in this thread as MY thread title and comment is not germane to this thread.
Please advise the monitor of the distinction as I don't think they read my thread closely.
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
Facebook Data Scandal: When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

lets look back at 2012 and the BO campaign in regards to facebook. Sound familiar???? None of the left wing political sluts whined about that.

I was thinking of this as well. BO was lauded as a GEEEENYUS for his use of FB, which involved far more people than the CA efforts for Trump.

Yet more evidence that FB is a biased, anti-free speech, surveillance platform.
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin
11:35 AM, MAR 09, 2012 | By DANIEL HALPER
Pres. Obama phoning congratulations from Air Force 1 to Pres-elect Vladimir Putin of Russia.
Yet with President Obama reportedly calling to congratulate Putin, apparently the White House isn't too concerned with the fraudulent election--or even its worrisome outcome.
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin

Can you imagine for a second if President Trump was caught on a hot mic promising leniency with Russia?
The media would go haywire!
But, because the MSM was in Obama’s pocket and they show an open distain for President Trump the tables have turned. Nearly the entirety of the mainstream media, and the predictably moronic John McCain, has lashed out at President Trump for a relatively standard diplomatic move. Was Trump supposed to call Putin and say, “F*** you and your rigged elections” – would that have made the MSM happy?
You don’t need to look any further than these side-by-side news searches to spot how disgusting and biased the “American” MSM is against the Trump Administration:
FLASHBACK: Remember When Obama Called Putin To Congratulate Him On Phony Election Win & Promised Him 'Flexibility'?

Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'
Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'

So why again was it OK for Obama to congratulate Putin and even tell Putin through his second in command..

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

This thread is a perfect example of how even USMESSAGEBOARD monitors are biased!
In this case I started this thread totally unique from this topic i.e. two faced liberals... and distinguished by showing perfect examples of biased MSM NOT caring if Obama
called Putin but oh my the hue and cry about Trump even from idiots like McCain! Where were they and the biased monitors at that time?
Now I've been on this board since 2011 longer than the moderator that moved my original thread to here. And I was surprised because the thread topics are distinct.
This thread is about liberals being two faced. My original thread was a specific example of how the biased MSM presents the biased news!
There is a distinction and while I agree with the comments in this thread, I don't appreciate the inclusion in this thread as MY thread title and comment is not germane to this thread.
Please advise the monitor of the distinction as I don't think they read my thread closely.
I do agree that the mods on this board are way to quick to merge threads. All it does is derail conversations
Facebook is for 12 year old girls...give me a break...
That’s what you said about twitter until your fuhrer started using it.
It's the old double standard going back to the 20th century. The media tolerates all sorts of abuse by democrats but feigns outrage at republicans. Thanks to John McCain the biggest propaganda source for democrats, Media Matters, (we monitor only conservative speech) is freaking tax exempt. If a republican activist opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would never (and I mean never) hear the end of it but less than a year after a democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team nobody even remembers the guy's name.

Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples
Imagine if white supreeemists went on a weeks long rampage like BLM black supremacists did in Ferguson.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Let’s look at that. What would the white supremasist message be? What was the BLM message? Be honest

Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?
Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

The difference is skin color. Non whites get a free pass to riot and commit murder. They get special laws meant to benefit them and any white person who says "hey wait a minute this isnt fair" gets labeled as a Nazi by multi billion dollar international media corporations.

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