my next door neighbor keeps letting my cat in his home

Then there was the stray cat in a neighborhood I used to live in long ago. I was renting a room for a short time, not in any position to keep a cat myself, but couldn't help noticing this scrawny stray that was obviously scraping for scraps to eat and not getting much. So I got some cat food and would occasionally feed it if our paths crossed. In a short time I could see he put on weight and his coat started looking much better. I still wasn't in a position to look after his veterinary health or make the meals regular or anything like that but at least I could help him to a better state of health to cope with the world and defend himself. I don't regret having done that for a moment.

That of course is not what's happening in the OP's topic though. In that case the cat's welfare is more than adequate with from its own POV multiple options. The OP's problem seems to be entirely with the behaviour of, and communication with, his neighbor. The cat's just watching from the sidelines.
If the OP is doing such a fine job with his cat. Why does he care if his cat goes visiting once in a while?
If you are worried, call your neighbor, ask if the cat is there and thank him if he is watching your cat
Why all the whining.....But its MY cat, I don't want him loving anyone but me!
Neighbor needs to call animal control and have them take the stray cats so he can get posession of them. 6 adult animals in a home with one man? That's also likely against local ordinances.
Neighbor needs to call animal control and have them take the stray cats so he can get posession of them. 6 adult animals in a home with one man? That's also likely against local ordinances.
The neighbor could also get a havaheart trap, catch the little bugger, and let it loose in a neighborhood far, far away.

I heard what sounded like cats fighting last night outside, but just though it was some bitches, well, bitching.
Sounds like you are jealous of your cat's new found friend. Also, your understanding of the relationship is backwards. You don't own a cat, the cat owns you. He also now owns your neighbor. Be happy for the cat as he has become more powerful. Someday this cat may rule over the entire neighborhood.

Bottom line, as long as the cat has no collar and is free to roam the neighborhood, it's likely to be making all kinds of friends that you may or may not approve of.
Somebody who hasn't read the entire thread.:rolleyes:
I have read the entire thread and stand by my post.
I actually not only find my cat in somebody else's home, I bring him there at the friend's request. She doesn't have a cat but she's all for having mine staying for a few days and hunting rodents. He got some too.

I call the process a "cat scan". :eusa_shifty:
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My next door neighbor's cat runs inside of our house if we leave the back door open. He has no boundaries. Maybe Mindy is running into Mike's house, too.
Just my 2 cents...
The cat doesn't belong to you. Cats are not dogs, dogs are pack animals. Cats are not. They can live with a group, or without. They do well either way.
"Your" cat prefers your neighbor over you. It could be for numerous reasons - who knows.
Get over it. If you want a pet that only wants you...get a dog.
They are better anyway.
If you have a cat on a farm and let it run free that is your business. If you live in an apartment or condo and let it run free it is your neighbors business

In this case, the neighbor seems pretty reasonable, ninja007 seems like a dick
I thought post number 1 was pretty lame.

Until I read post number 2.

My post summed up this entire thread because I knew everything that was to be.

It was lame and mindless. "Cats are for lesbians"? Poster please. You need a damn psychologist as much as the OP and his neighbor.

You don't honestly debate that? Lol..
I do admit, the times I've seen two cats mating, the the Tom cat does appear to be raping the female cat.
Just my 2 cents...
The cat doesn't belong to you. Cats are not dogs, dogs are pack animals. Cats are not. They can live with a group, or without. They do well either way.
"Your" cat prefers your neighbor over you. It could be for numerous reasons - who knows.

And it would come in real handy if the OP had to go out of town for a couple of weeks.
Just my 2 cents...
The cat doesn't belong to you. Cats are not dogs, dogs are pack animals. Cats are not. They can live with a group, or without. They do well either way.
"Your" cat prefers your neighbor over you. It could be for numerous reasons - who knows.

And it would come in real handy if the OP had to go out of town for a couple of weeks.
I would see such a situation as a win-win. The cat is happy, the neighbor is happy, and being an unselfish person, I would be happy. Let's share the kitty-cat love if possible.
i bet the cat likes that guy

or at least likes to hang out there for a spell

if he was treating the cat poorly

it would stop going there to visit

being an "outside" cat

the cat is its own master

at least that is how the cat views it

so as long as the cat lives outside

it also lives outside of your powers

there is not much you can or should do

to try and break the social contract the cat has with others
ok, lets make this short for those who don't wanna read a novel.

1. neighbor takes my outdoor-only cat inside his house.

2. says he doesn't want a cat.

3. lets my cat out when I go to his house.

4. keeps letting cat in his house though later at night.

5. i keep letting him know shes mine but she cannot come in my house because of other cats in my house and she has food shelter water everyday at my house on porch. As well as her twin sister misses her a lot.

6. I go to work, come home and shes back in his house, again (2 days in a row now) AFTER telling him she is mine and she is ok outside.

7. rinse, repeat. He says he does not want the cat.

eta- I tell him the reason she keeps wanting to go in his house is because he let her in already (duh).

8. don't know what to do next after leaving another friendly note in his mailbox. Me thinking call humane society or police if I have to (last resort).

My personal opinion is this:

Cats are at risk when they're outside. Anything can happen to them. If you don't want anything to happen to this one bring him inside.​

I understand that reason, but she cannot come in (other cats- already tried it). She has been fine outdoors for 6 years until now. He had her in his house AGAIN tonight (3rd night in a row). She ran in , he said as he was walking in w/ his toolbox and talking to his boss and he forgot to get her out. I guess it IS POSSIBLE, but I'm wary. I asked him AGAIN- do you want a cat- I can get you many if you like- he still says NO.

I made the offer of let us do something so she cannot run in his door...I let him know the reason WHY she runs in now is BECAUSE he took her in for 4 days THE 1ST TIME. I told him he can come on my porch to look at my set up for the cats (insulated wooden shelters with straw and cat beds etc..), he said no its ok.

He apologized to me (sincerely btw).

Such a weird situation. I like my neighbor too tbh. He is a cool guy but he has gotta watch so she doesn't run in; but for all I know he MIGHT call her in...not sure tbh. Anyway I'll take this day by day. I told him I don't like coming over here 3 nights in a row. I was very polite.

I think he said something about a dog coming over in his house, so that should fix the issue- I hope.

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