My opinion on the COVID vaccine.

Many here are loud and verbose about the Vaccine and how they will never take it. I say fine.

My feeling is that it is similar to Abortion. If a woman doesn’t want the baby it is none of my business if she aborts the fetus. It is her body. Her choice. I have said before many years ago that in many ways Liberals were aborting their chance at a Majority. But that is irrelevant now since the Right has gotten even crazier since those days.

If you don’t want the vaccine. Fine. But if you get sick and die. I don’t care either.

Because you on the right are doing everything possible to eliminate yourselves. Be my guest. Cheer your freedoms. Avoid the vaccine. It’s your life.

And if you end up in intensive care with your lungs filling with fluid and suffocation is the means of your death. So much the better for the rest of us. We are rid of a radical RW conspiracy theorist with no grasp on reality. We have improved the environment by getting rid of a person who’s only contribution to society is feces and CO2.

And here is the best part. You no longer get to vote. Thanks to you nuts Georgia has gone blue. And instead of adjusting the narrative you idiots are doubling down on the radical nonsense.

It reminds me of the nuts on the left after Gore lost. They screamed that the problem wasn’t that Gore was too liberal. It was that the party wasn’t Liberal enough. They even took out Lieberman the former candidate for VP in the primary.

82 police officers have died this year from COVID. That is more than every other cause combined. Accident and intentional. It seems the greatest threat facing cops is a virus.

So anti vaccine folks. Embrace your freedoms.

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in the US are blacks and hispanics:

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.
If the unvaccinated spread the virus to the vaccinate, what's the point of the vax?
Seriously, you're seriously not keeping up?
Vaccinated become carriers with a very small chance of being hospitalized.
Ergo the CDC has determined that masks are needed again so that both the un and the vaxxed stop spreading the virus.
Many here are loud and verbose about the Vaccine and how they will never take it. I say fine.

My feeling is that it is similar to Abortion. If a woman doesn’t want the baby it is none of my business if she aborts the fetus. It is her body. Her choice. I have said before many years ago that in many ways Liberals were aborting their chance at a Majority. But that is irrelevant now since the Right has gotten even crazier since those days.

If you don’t want the vaccine. Fine. But if you get sick and die. I don’t care either.

Because you on the right are doing everything possible to eliminate yourselves. Be my guest. Cheer your freedoms. Avoid the vaccine. It’s your life.

And if you end up in intensive care with your lungs filling with fluid and suffocation is the means of your death. So much the better for the rest of us. We are rid of a radical RW conspiracy theorist with no grasp on reality. We have improved the environment by getting rid of a person who’s only contribution to society is feces and CO2.

And here is the best part. You no longer get to vote. Thanks to you nuts Georgia has gone blue. And instead of adjusting the narrative you idiots are doubling down on the radical nonsense.

It reminds me of the nuts on the left after Gore lost. They screamed that the problem wasn’t that Gore was too liberal. It was that the party wasn’t Liberal enough. They even took out Lieberman the former candidate for VP in the primary.

82 police officers have died this year from COVID. That is more than every other cause combined. Accident and intentional. It seems the greatest threat facing cops is a virus.

So anti vaccine folks. Embrace your freedoms.
the comparison to abortion is just pathetic,,,

its not her body the mother is killing,, its her child,,
Many here are loud and verbose about the Vaccine and how they will never take it. I say fine.

My feeling is that it is similar to Abortion. If a woman doesn’t want the baby it is none of my business if she aborts the fetus. It is her body. Her choice. I have said before many years ago that in many ways Liberals were aborting their chance at a Majority. But that is irrelevant now since the Right has gotten even crazier since those days.

If you don’t want the vaccine. Fine. But if you get sick and die. I don’t care either.

Because you on the right are doing everything possible to eliminate yourselves. Be my guest. Cheer your freedoms. Avoid the vaccine. It’s your life.

And if you end up in intensive care with your lungs filling with fluid and suffocation is the means of your death. So much the better for the rest of us. We are rid of a radical RW conspiracy theorist with no grasp on reality. We have improved the environment by getting rid of a person who’s only contribution to society is feces and CO2.

And here is the best part. You no longer get to vote. Thanks to you nuts Georgia has gone blue. And instead of adjusting the narrative you idiots are doubling down on the radical nonsense.

It reminds me of the nuts on the left after Gore lost. They screamed that the problem wasn’t that Gore was too liberal. It was that the party wasn’t Liberal enough. They even took out Lieberman the former candidate for VP in the primary.

82 police officers have died this year from COVID. That is more than every other cause combined. Accident and intentional. It seems the greatest threat facing cops is a virus.

So anti vaccine folks. Embrace your freedoms.

LOL, most of us aren't anti vax, we're anti THIS vax and for good reason
Seriously, you're seriously not keeping up?
Vaccinated become carriers with a very small chance of being hospitalized.
Ergo the CDC has determined that masks are needed again so that both the un and the vaxxed stop spreading the virus.
You still didn't answer my question.

Why get the vax?

I can see absolutely zero benefit in getting a substance put into my body that lacks FDA approval, and for which I have no recourse for recovery, when it does absolutely jack shit at best.
Many of us are anti death by Covid
Many of us are also anti-death by unapproved substances for which we have no legal recourse against the manufacture.

It appears that, at best, this vax does absolutely jack shit. That is the best outcome we can expect. That's not even getting into the Documented cases of paralysis and even death from the jab.

Some people are doing a very shitty job at convincing me that it's better to take the vaccine than not.
You still didn't answer my question.

Why get the vax?

I can see absolutely zero benefit in getting a substance put into my body that lacks FDA approval, and for which I have no recourse for recovery, when it does absolutely jack shit at best.
the virus itself isnt FDA approved, and you have no choice to catch it.
You're not very convincing that you don't care.

In fact, you sound more ass hurt about my decision than your stated support for my choice to not be injected by a substance that lacks FDA approval AND for which big pharma manufacturers are shielded from liability.

it's almost as if I can measure the sound nature of my decisions based on whether or not they piss you off.

Since when did you trust the FDA? They get bought off regularly to get drugs and medical devices pushed through for approval. (Ever hear of a little thing called Oxycontin and Purdue Pharmaceuticals???) I know of someone with firsthand knowledge of this.
There's no monetary benefit for the CDC in what they do.
Back in the 1980s we had a real hard time convincing morons that second-hand cigarette smoke was dangerous to non-smokers. Now everyone accepts that the only place to smoke is outside or in your own home, therefore not inflicting danger to others.

Now we're dealing with their moronic offspring but this time it's a vaccine that could save their lousy, sorry-assed lives.
I don't fear a bug that kills .08 of those it infects.

There are fates worse than death.

Researchers are concerned about the possibility that COVID-19 might lead to dementia​

Maybe you got a mild case but the dementia has already started.
I bet JustanAss would never have guessed the death toll would go over 600,000 either.
Bullshit. CDC has even admitted that the number is only 6% of your assertion. They also have quit using the PRC test because it was lumping the flu in with covid--Now you know why there was no flu last year. This is a globalist/democrat scamdemic and you are a moron for spreading these lies.

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