My OS is better than you OS


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Here ya go people. A thread to argue the caliber of your chosen operating system and objurgate everyone elses.
Have fun!!
possum workin' onna program so's ya can tie right into the internet...

... an' not need a ISP.
Here ya go people. A thread to argue the caliber of your chosen operating system and objurgate everyone elses.
Have fun!!

I use windows.

I also now use (a little bit) ubuntu.

I'd like to use a Mac OS, but I don't have one yet. Someday.

On the other hand, I have an old friend who taught himself how to program in computer language (or assembly language). I think he has it -- and guys like him have it -- ALL over folks like me who are obliged to accept the OS of folks who know the nuts and bolts of programming.
got windows XP home. my PC was getting old and having probs. so I bought a new motherboard and she runs like new. beats buying a new one
Trying out Kubuntu, I'm sure it'll be 1000% better than any commercial OS........... :eusa_whistle:
Uncle Ferd likes playin' like he's a Linux geek onna computer...
Ubuntu swaps application menus for HUD control system
25 January 2012 - The HUD control replaces menus with a panel into which users write the command that they want carried out
The Ubuntu operating system is to replace its application menus with a "head-up display" (HUD) box. Users control the HUD interface by typing in the command they want carried out. Developers of the Linux-based software say they will initially offer the HUD as an option, allowing users to "hide" their menu bars. They say that using the HUD is faster than "mousing through a menu" and makes applications feel more powerful.

The changes were revealed on a blog posted by Mark Shuttleworth, the lead designer at Canonical - the London-based firm behind Ubuntu. "It's smart, because it can do things like fuzzy matching and it can learn what you usually do so it can prioritise the things you use often," he wrote. "When you've been using it for a little while it seems like it's reading your mind, in a good way." To operate the HUD, users can guess the name of the command they want, rather than having to memorise each one.

For example, if someone types "settings" into the panel it can work out that the command they want is "preferences". Mr Shuttleworth admits people may find it harder to discover the full functionality of a program if they do not have a menu system to hunt around, but he says other benefits make up for this loss. "We observe people staying more engaged and more focused on their task when they can keep their hands on the keyboard all the time." He added that removing menus also saved spaced on the computer screen.

Historical relic?
ernie@Ernie-laptop:~$ uname -a
Linux Ernie-laptop 2.6.32-37-generic #81-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 20:32:42 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ernie@Ernie-laptop:~$ uptime
19:45:57 up 14 days, 11:19, 2 users, load average: 0.18, 0.29, 0.33
I use XP, but that will soon change.
I am going to buy a Notebook, my lap top needs to be retired and I don't need anything spectacular....

I also use iIOS 5 on my phone. I would love to own a MAC now but I don't have a sugar daddy.
Kubuntu wasn't for me, very limited apps available (though it beats Windows and Mac hands down......). :eusa_whistle:

Did some digging and learned how to get rid of Unity in Ubuntu 11.10, it's really simple. We're still using Gnome 3 but there's no getting around that, support for Gnome 2 is quickly disappearing so everyone will eventually have to migrate to 3.
I use XP, but that will soon change.
I am going to buy a Notebook, my lap top needs to be retired and I don't need anything spectacular....

I also use iIOS 5 on my phone. I would love to own a MAC now but I don't have a sugar daddy.

Are you still driving a horse and buggy????!!!!!! :eek:

Kubuntu wasn't for me, very limited apps available (though it beats Windows and Mac hands down......). :eusa_whistle:

Did some digging and learned how to get rid of Unity in Ubuntu 11.10, it's really simple. We're still using Gnome 3 but there's no getting around that, support for Gnome 2 is quickly disappearing so everyone will eventually have to migrate to 3.

Yeah. I wanna bang her too.:cool:


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