My pick for SB Champion

Interesting, this isn't a political thread but I find it interesting you picked people of the distance past to accuse of lying while ignoring recent administration lies like 'you can keep your Health insurance....and so' Just who is the MASTER Liars here Huggy?

Being wrong making a prediction is not lying. All it means is you read the available information and interpreted it wrong. I expect anyone looking at my predictions with a grain of salt.

Someone please call a WAAAAMMMBBUUULLLAAANNCCEE!!!!! :lol:

Considered them called. Your ranting is almost as boring as 9/11.

oh the irony.:lmao:
Correct...if making a sports prediction, and it turned out to be wrong, doesn't make one a liar any more then picking a winner makes one a genus...making wrong picks makes them not a very good predictor. You know like most of the talking head on sports shows.

I understand it is a new way to use the word. But IS IT??? People pass on info they believe to be true all the time when in fact the words were crafted a lie. RWers do it all the time. Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove are MASTERS at starting lies that get repeated by a lot of folks.

But we are just talking sports. I have lied many times about my Hawks. I BELIEVED I was right but found out I was full of shit. The difference is that I can and will admit I was lying and some cling to lies as if the thought of having to face the fact they are wrong is unthinkable.

Get over yourselves. Missinformation is lying. If you say something that turns out to be wrong.... YOU LIED !!!

So if I say the sun will come up's a lie until it happens?
In the past twenty years, only two teams have managed to repeat as champions. Eight teams did not even make the playoffs. In looking at the Seahawks in the offseason, they seem to have more in common with the teams that failed than the teams that repeated

I see SF, Arizona and St Louis inflicting serious damage in divisional games. I predict Seattle will get an attitude wake up call this season
At 3-3 Seattle seems to be falling into the trap that hits Super Bowl teams

They believe their press clippings

I doubt it. DB Marcus Burley who made most of the costly mistakes in the last two game was our third string corner opposite Sherman 4 weeks ago with little game experience. He wasn't even on the team during the Super Bowl. Sherman although blanked for interceptions this season has had only one TD scored on him so far this year and was in possesion of the ball with a minute to go in the last game after the Thomas strip even though the ignorant fuck ref gave the ball back to the Rams.

I seriously doubt Burley has been reading any press clippings.

Britt, a rookie offensive Tackle has been our biggest problem. Wilson protection causing several hurried throws. Him being a rookie...I doubt his locker has many press clippings in it either.

Our Defensive front has been a disappointment not getting to our opponent's QBs as often as they should if at all. This has been a direct influence on the lack of interceptions this season.

Wilson has had one bad game this year, against the Rams he did something that had never been done in the history of the NFL which was pass for over 300 yards and run for over a hundred.

Lynch is still running hard.

The special teams coach blew two calls on Sunday one to watch for the fake punt and the other to watch for Fisher's punt return team to illegally signal a fair catch then advance the ball.

Maybe our Defensive line has all the press clippings. I'm not sure what their problem is.

Most Superbowl teams have plenty of excuses when their performance drops off the following year. Seattle is no different and you are their number one apologist
A second trip to the Superbowl is not the cakewalk you boasted about earlier in the season. Seattle will actually have to work for it. Imagine that

Their best shot is to win the division. I doubt if they can get homefield again. They have played one division game so far and lost it. Still have two against SF, two against Arizona and another against SL. They need to win four of five

Seattle is playing like a true champion and has kicked their game into overdrive. With their backs against the wall and facing the hardest part of their schedule, they have changed into another gear and are leaving the rest of the league behind
In the past twenty years, only two teams have managed to repeat as champions. Eight teams did not even make the playoffs. In looking at the Seahawks in the offseason, they seem to have more in common with the teams that failed than the teams that repeated

I see SF, Arizona and St Louis inflicting serious damage in divisional games. I predict Seattle will get an attitude wake up call this season
At 3-3 Seattle seems to be falling into the trap that hits Super Bowl teams

They believe their press clippings

I doubt it. DB Marcus Burley who made most of the costly mistakes in the last two game was our third string corner opposite Sherman 4 weeks ago with little game experience. He wasn't even on the team during the Super Bowl. Sherman although blanked for interceptions this season has had only one TD scored on him so far this year and was in possesion of the ball with a minute to go in the last game after the Thomas strip even though the ignorant fuck ref gave the ball back to the Rams.

I seriously doubt Burley has been reading any press clippings.

Britt, a rookie offensive Tackle has been our biggest problem. Wilson protection causing several hurried throws. Him being a rookie...I doubt his locker has many press clippings in it either.

Our Defensive front has been a disappointment not getting to our opponent's QBs as often as they should if at all. This has been a direct influence on the lack of interceptions this season.

Wilson has had one bad game this year, against the Rams he did something that had never been done in the history of the NFL which was pass for over 300 yards and run for over a hundred.

Lynch is still running hard.

The special teams coach blew two calls on Sunday one to watch for the fake punt and the other to watch for Fisher's punt return team to illegally signal a fair catch then advance the ball.

Maybe our Defensive line has all the press clippings. I'm not sure what their problem is.

Most Superbowl teams have plenty of excuses when their performance drops off the following year. Seattle is no different and you are their number one apologist
A second trip to the Superbowl is not the cakewalk you boasted about earlier in the season. Seattle will actually have to work for it. Imagine that

Their best shot is to win the division. I doubt if they can get homefield again. They have played one division game so far and lost it. Still have two against SF, two against Arizona and another against SL. They need to win four of five

Seattle is playing like a true champion and has kicked their game into overdrive. With their backs against the wall and facing the hardest part of their schedule, they have changed into another gear and are leaving the rest of the league behind

I was thinking that the Cowboys have been playing pretty good but Seattle has been killing it!

Since week 12, the Hawks are 5-0 and the Boys are 4-1. Pretty much a wash.
The SOS for the Hawks was 45-30. For the Boys it was 39-36 Advantage Hawks.
The Points allowed is striking. For the hawks it's been 33 points. For the Boys it's been 123!!! Adv. Hawks

The Boys have drastically outscored the Hawks 162-114 but I don't see that offense holding if Dallas has to go to Seattle to play in that madhouse against that defense.

Biggest advantage Dallas has is that nobody expects them to win outside of their locker room. Seattle's offensive woes have been curious and they're going to need to find some solutions.
Go Pats! :D They've been pretty much kicking butt lately. Sure, Brady is getting older, but he still seems to be able to turn it on, so to speak, when he has to in order to win games. It's almost like sometimes Tom Brady needs to be slapped by the other team, and then he has laser like focus on that end zone. I think he also has a lot more distractions than he did when he was a younger man too.
Seahawks in a re-PETE baby!!!!! Gimmie the Pats too. We have already beaten the Broncos twice in the last year and once absolutely slaughtered them. They lost their right to challenge. Next man up and that's the Patriots for the AFC. Of course Russell already beat Brady once. One more time will stick the point.

-Go Hawks!!!
Who ever gets the nod in the AFC title game may have to play Seattle and that will be tough for any team in the AFC as they don't have any defenses in the AFC that matches what Seattle can put on the field. Just like last year when Seattle defense destroyed Manning and the Broncos it will happen again this year.
You know what is scary right now...Seattle's defense is better and smarter than last years defense. Also Russel Wilson is still improving game in and game out. If last weeks game against Arizona, which has a very good defense is any indication, whoever the AFC puts up will have a very tough time playing Seattle.
Seattle has developed a plan over the last 3 years to be READY for the playoffs.

THAT may be one of if not the most remarkable skill Carroll brings to the NFL.

He has learned and shown the wisdom of dealing with the predictable early season injuries that ALWAYS seem to crop up. He allows those players aflicted to take all the time they need to get game ready and as the first string makes it back on the field his teams seem ready to make the final push where other teams seem to manage the injury syndrone with more difficulty.

Also seperately is the potential TEAM season ending injury of the QB. Wilson has been brought along protecting his health by design. The same cannot be said for many teams such as GreenBay and The Broncos among several other teams that completely fold when they lose their starter. When one stops to think about is astonishing how healthy Russell Wilson remains yet still leads the rushing stats for QBs in the NFL by a HUGE margin.
Who ever gets the nod in the AFC title game may have to play Seattle and that will be tough for any team in the AFC as they don't have any defenses in the AFC that matches what Seattle can put on the field. Just like last year when Seattle defense destroyed Manning and the Broncos it will happen again this year.
You know what is scary right now...Seattle's defense is better and smarter than last years defense. Also Russel Wilson is still improving game in and game out. If last weeks game against Arizona, which has a very good defense is any indication, whoever the AFC puts up will have a very tough time playing Seattle.

I wouldnt be so confidant of that.I am still not sold that seattle has that much of an impressive offense to boot. the arizona game only confirmed for me that their offense wasnt all that dangerous. they did exactly what I said they would.

I said the cards would keep the game close in the first half because of their defense.It wasnt till the second half that the seahawks started piling on the points and that was because the cardinals defense was tired out in the second half with so many three and outs from their offense which is why Lynch was able to break free and go for his long touchdown run as wilson was sloppy tackiling from the defense because they were so tired from so many three and outs.

Had the game been a blow out and over with in the first half like the donkeys game was and it did not take the seahawks the second half to start pulling away,i would be impressed but thats not what happened.

Yes tom brady is old for a quarterback but unlike Manning,he doesnt panic and get scared in big games and their defense is much better this year with a healthy wolfork and the addition of revis that while I believe the hawks will win the whole thing again and beat the pats,i think this superbowl will be the superbowl casual fans around the country wanted to see last year,a close game with the seahawks winning by just a field goal.
I agree that it will be NE.

Seattle will treat Gonzo or whatever his name is.. just like the Hawks did the GREAT Bronco receivers in the opening qtr. Brady will spend much of Half Uno on his butt.

The big difference will be that Brady will get his ass kicked so thoroughly that he will refuse to come out after the half and the punks from Chowderville will be forced to forfeit the game.

Ya....That's how i see it.
I would love to see Rothlisburger slime his way through the AFC gauntlet so my Hawks could extract revenge for the last time we both met in the SB. I fuckin absolutely despise the Steelers.
Atlanta Falcons.

Your pick?

Stop embarrassing yourself, and stick to manicures and massages, candycorn.

Football is obviously not your thing.

Here to help.

Gee, a pick I made before a game was played this year didn't pan out and the team missed the playoffs by one loss....I should be so ashamed...not.

Some picked San Francisco or the Saints...Atlanta was in it longer than either of those teams.
Dallas is about the only team that can seriously challenge Seattle. Denver CAN but I doubt they can get past New England. I think we are going to see a Seahawks / New England Super Bowl and Seattle will RE-PETE
Atlanta Falcons.

Your pick?

Stop embarrassing yourself, and stick to manicures and massages, candycorn.

Football is obviously not your thing.

Here to help.

Gee, a pick I made before a game was played this year didn't pan out and the team missed the playoffs by one loss....I should be so ashamed...not.

Some picked San Francisco or the Saints...Atlanta was in it longer than either of those teams.

Arthur Blank most likely read your post and got his hopes up. You are the one that probably got the coach fired because a team that gets so close to the playoffs almost never gets fired. Except didn't the Falcons end up 6-10? And you are bragging that they were one game out of the second season?

Right now, Seattle is showing they can shut down any offense in the league

Going to be hard to keep them from repeating

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