My pick for SB Champion

If there is a Jewish God I hope he brings the Cowpies back into Seattle for the revenge asswhoopin they deserve. The Hawks will win in AZ this February but that isn't the real point now is it. The REAL point is that we MUST destroy Jerry Jones will to live and to NEVER try to make the playoffs again.

I am SO sick and tired.. But besides that the Cowgirls got lucky in OUR HOUSE and all I see and hear is how THEY have the formula for winning in the CLink... BULLSHIT !!!

OKAY friggin DOKAY bring those bitches back into the real house of pain and make em PROVE IT !!!!

I would absolutely fckin HATE to see Green Bay have the pleasure of knocking those whiney fcks out of the playoffs.


We already spanked Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass by 20 points in game UNO this season.

Tony Homo had ONE lucky throw onna 20 yard 3rd down while OUR own prima friggin donna Harvin refused to play in the game.. I'll face up to it... We had issues. They got lucky. Sherman and Chancellor just happened to both have lackluster games. Shit happens.

BUT NOW it is time to make claim to what is OURS. Best Defense of all time. To do that we really need to put Dallas back where they belong. That would be under our feet as we squish them and make their spleens bleed.

This is all I ask.
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'd take Rogers over Wilson any day of the week. Wilson is a good QB, Rogers is much better and he works with less.

PUUULLLEEEEZZZ!!!!! Wilson has the pedestrian receivers. Ask ANYBODY.

So does Green Bay, with less of a running game, with a lesser offensive line, less front seven and lesser D backs.

The overall talent level in Seattle exceeds almost any team in the NFL? give me Rogers over Wilson.
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'd take Rogers over Wilson any day of the week. Wilson is a good QB, Rogers is much better and he works with less.

PUUULLLEEEEZZZ!!!!! Wilson has the pedestrian receivers. Ask ANYBODY.

So does Green Bay, with less of a running game, with a lesser offensive line, less front seven and lesser D backs.

The overall talent level in Seattle exceeds almost any team in the NFL? give me Rogers over Wilson.

Why was Rodgers ascared to throw a single pass in Sherman's area in game one? Seems to me a great QB like AR would just play his game and let the chips fall.

I am confident that Wilson will throw to ANY open Seahawk no matter where they are on the field. But then he is just a game manager and doesn't know any better. He is just the winningest QB in his first three seasons than any QB in history two games. That's some serious dumb luck. He musta just squeaked by Rodgers to get that record... No? You mean to say that Aaron wasn't even close to near the best in that catagory? Stwange! That's right...he didn't win ANY. And to think they threw our little Russell into the fire from day one. THE BASTIAGES !!!!!
As always I'll be rooting for my Steelers to win the Super Bowl. Big game on Saturday. I hope we destroy the Ravens but it will decided more then by a few points like most of the meeting between the two. They are the team I despie the most in the NFL.
As always I'll be rooting for my Steelers to win the Super Bowl. Big game on Saturday. I hope we destroy the Ravens but it will decided more then by a few points like most of the meeting between the two. They are the team I despie the most in the NFL.

Mee two!!!! I pray that the Steelers meet my Hawks in AZ... you can even bring your own refs like last time.
As always I'll be rooting for my Steelers to win the Super Bowl. Big game on Saturday. I hope we destroy the Ravens but it will decided more then by a few points like most of the meeting between the two. They are the team I despie the most in the NFL.

Mee two!!!! I pray that the Steelers meet my Hawks in AZ... you can even bring your own refs like last time.

These grapes sure are sour. lol. Did the refs forces the Seahawks to drop all those passes as well? I would love see you folks in AZ. I've always liked the Seahawks and I usaully root for them unless they are playing us of course.
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'll let our little Russell splain it to ya if Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship game.

And if the measure of a QB was merely how well the team they play for performed, you would have a point. Then again, if that were true, Trent Dilfer would be a better QB than Dan Marino, so......
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'll let our little Russell splain it to ya if Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship game.

And if the measure of a QB was merely how well the team they play for performed, you would have a point. Then again, if that were true, Trent Dilfer would be a better QB than Dan Marino, so......

Ya...If I said it was the only or even the most important measure. It is one of several that add up to what Wilson has produced that make up his value as an NFL QB.

Suggesting that Trent Dilfer is even in the same stadium as Russell Wilson is ridiculous. Dilfer was one of Wilson's biggest naysayers making idiotic statements from the moment Seattle drafted him.

Trent is probably the worst QB to ever get a SB ring.

Like I said...let's just be patient and hope Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship. We will get to evaluate two QBs on the same field AGAIN under the same conditions. Even though I would much rather Dallas gets there for my own personal reasons. Rodgers...Romo... no matter...the results will be the same.

The fruit will taste all the sweeter in the coming years as Wilson keeps improving and his reputation steadily gains stature.
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'll let our little Russell splain it to ya if Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship game.

And if the measure of a QB was merely how well the team they play for performed, you would have a point. Then again, if that were true, Trent Dilfer would be a better QB than Dan Marino, so......

Ya...If I said it was the only or even the most important measure. It is one of several that add up to what Wilson has produced that make up his value as an NFL QB.

Suggesting that Trent Dilfer is even in the same stadium as Russell Wilson is ridiculous. Dilfer was one of Wilson's biggest naysayers making idiotic statements from the moment Seattle drafted him.

Trent is probably the worst QB to ever get a SB ring.

Like I said...let's just be patient and hope Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship. We will get to evaluate two QBs on the same field AGAIN under the same conditions. Even though I would much rather Dallas gets there for my own personal reasons. Rodgers...Romo... no matter...the results will be the same.

The fruit will taste all the sweeter in the coming years as Wilson keeps improving and his reputation steadily gains stature.

The QB's are never on the field at the same time, teams are made up of more than QBs. Seattle as a whole is better than other teams, so when you evaluate Wilson, you have to look at what surrounds him, he is a good QB, would he thrive on team that is inferior to the one he plays on now? If you put Rogers on the Seahawks would the Seahawks win more games than with Wilson? :dunno: If you put Wilson on The Packers would the Packers win more games? :dunno:

To say that Wilson is superior to Rogers if they beat the Packers is pretty silly logic. There are more than just those two playing and when they are never on the field at the same time?
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'll let our little Russell splain it to ya if Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship game.

And if the measure of a QB was merely how well the team they play for performed, you would have a point. Then again, if that were true, Trent Dilfer would be a better QB than Dan Marino, so......

Ya...If I said it was the only or even the most important measure. It is one of several that add up to what Wilson has produced that make up his value as an NFL QB.

Suggesting that Trent Dilfer is even in the same stadium as Russell Wilson is ridiculous. Dilfer was one of Wilson's biggest naysayers making idiotic statements from the moment Seattle drafted him.

Trent is probably the worst QB to ever get a SB ring.

Like I said...let's just be patient and hope Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship. We will get to evaluate two QBs on the same field AGAIN under the same conditions. Even though I would much rather Dallas gets there for my own personal reasons. Rodgers...Romo... no matter...the results will be the same.

The fruit will taste all the sweeter in the coming years as Wilson keeps improving and his reputation steadily gains stature.

I might argue a couple of other QBs as the worst to get a SB ring (Mark Rypien, Joe Namath), but yeah, Dilfer was never a great QB. But that's entirely the point : team success does not require a great QB. Even when you have a great QB, such as Peyton Manning, it required his team playing lights-out defense in the playoffs for him to get a SB ring, since he's been average as a playoff QB.

So, while Russell Wilson has been undeniably a quality QB in his time in the league, Aaron Rogers has been possibly the best QB during his time as a starter. They have somewhat different skill sets, so they are unlikely to fit perfectly into the same offenses. More importantly, if you wanted to evaluate them 'under the same conditions', you would need to have them play with the same teams against the same teams. The best you can do is evaluate them based on what they do with what's around them. So, while Rogers is certainly on a team with a more pass-oriented offense and with better receivers, Wilson is on a team with what is being discussed as possibly the best defense ever assembled. Eddie Lacy is a good back, but Wilson gets to hand it off to the premier power back of this decade. I would guess that the Packers have a better pass-blocking O-line, if for no other reason than Seattle has struggled with pass protection this year. I don't know how the respective special teams units are.

As you can see, these are two very different teams. I wouldn't say that Seattle would want Rogers instead of Wilson. Wilson may fit better into their offense than Rogers would. That said, overall, for the majority of teams, I think that Rogers would be the superior QB. It's not an indictment of Wilson but rather an acknowledgement of the greatness Rogers has shown.
Aaron Rodgers and his fake injury ass?

Why don't you tell us how Wilson is the better QB.....

I'll let our little Russell splain it to ya if Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship game.

And if the measure of a QB was merely how well the team they play for performed, you would have a point. Then again, if that were true, Trent Dilfer would be a better QB than Dan Marino, so......

Ya...If I said it was the only or even the most important measure. It is one of several that add up to what Wilson has produced that make up his value as an NFL QB.

Suggesting that Trent Dilfer is even in the same stadium as Russell Wilson is ridiculous. Dilfer was one of Wilson's biggest naysayers making idiotic statements from the moment Seattle drafted him.

Trent is probably the worst QB to ever get a SB ring.

Like I said...let's just be patient and hope Green Bay makes it to Seattle for the NFC Championship. We will get to evaluate two QBs on the same field AGAIN under the same conditions. Even though I would much rather Dallas gets there for my own personal reasons. Rodgers...Romo... no matter...the results will be the same.

The fruit will taste all the sweeter in the coming years as Wilson keeps improving and his reputation steadily gains stature.

The QB's are never on the field at the same time, teams are made up of more than QBs. Seattle as a whole is better than other teams, so when you evaluate Wilson, you have to look at what surrounds him, he is a good QB, would he thrive on team that is inferior to the one he plays on now? If you put Rogers on the Seahawks would the Seahawks win more games than with Wilson? :dunno: If you put Wilson on The Packers would the Packers win more games? :dunno:

To say that Wilson is superior to Rogers if they beat the Packers is pretty silly logic. There are more than just those two playing and when they are never on the field at the same time?

Of course you are correct on the points you made.

I like seeing the two QBs playing in the same game. Accuracy comparisons, decisions under pressure... just a couple of qualities that show up. In the playoffs there are no stiffs. Sure Seattle has clearly the athletes on Defense, Rodgers avoided Sherman in the season opener for a good reason, but Green Bay didn't get to be in the position they are in without great defense.

Wilson's skills are somewhat unfair to stack up against an aging and injury prone Rodgers. Russell can do some things no other QB in the NFL can do. There are no widely acceptable or more popular stats that can account for what he brings to the position. The whirling twirling escapes that thrill the 12's may only end up with 5 or 6 yards and a first down but Wilson runs 30-40 yards to get there and more importantly the Defense has to try to contain him after fighting off blocks they are treated to exhausting wind sprints attempting to corral Mr Wilson. There is good reason why Seattle plays so well in the 3rd and 4th QTRs. It is not uncommon for the D-Line and the Linebackers to be breathing hard with their hands on their hips late in a game against Russell Wilson.

There are no stats that cover what Wilson does to a Defense that wears them down and finally allows our pedestrian receivers to get wide open. It used to be viewed as a novelty how Russell extends plays but it happens with such consistency game after game that any rational analysis has to include that ability in comparing QB to QB.

The truth is that Seattle DOES NOT have a whole stable of great players surrounding Wilson on Offense. We have Lynch who pounds away usually from the 2nd QTR on and forces the Defense to respect the running back aspect to the read option. Lynch is a wrecking ball no doubt. He alone wears down attempted tacklers more than the average running back. But our receivers seldom get separation early on in a game. It usually takes linebackers and strong safeties getting out of position by a steady dose of Lynch runs and Wilson extending plays before Seattle can take advantage of those dropped assignments.

We don't have any great Tight Ends like the Charger's Antonio Gates tearing up the field like many teams do. We don't have a Jordy Nelson like Green Bay that consistently breaks open on timing routes.

Wilson MAKES our pedestrian receivers look great at times only by extending plays. One thing that stands out is YAC by Seattle receivers only because they are so wide open when the ball gets there.

Ya...I think Wilson is a better QB than Rodgers. Whether he would stand out for the same reasons on a different team? Who knows? I believe Rodgers would have a harder time winning playing at Seattle with our less than speedy receivers.


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