My re-write of the end of Return of the Jedi.....I think it makes much more sense....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is my rewrite of the Return of the Jedi end....

First, I never liked the idea that Darth Vader was Lukes dad....I thought that was dumb.....he should have simply been the guy who murdered Luke's dad.....


As they try to destroy the force field protecting the new Death Star, Luke allows himself to be captured in order to distract Vader from stopping the other rebels....since the Emperor really wanted to meet Luke and try to turn him the way he brought in Vader....

Vader Brings Luke in front of the Emperor where the Emporer tries to recruit Luke.....he, of course says no, so the Emperor begins killing Luke with the force lightening, enjoying torturing him first, slowly, as in the original.....

As the Emperor is doing this Vader stabs the Emperor in the back with his light saber........

At this point, Vader offers Luke to take his old job and be his right hand man .....Luke....again, refuses, and force pulls his lightsaber and begins to fight Vader....

Luke, having been beaten before by Vader, is losing per the original scene.......then, Vader taunts Luke, and realizes he has a sister, and Vader tells Luke he will go after his sister to corrupt her and bring her to the Dark side........and Luke again becomes focused and enraged and then kills vader.......

Now..... I also have a problem with Leia being Luke's Sister...that too was dumb......but going with it...

And scene......

The whole idea that Vader could be redeemed simply because he saved his son from the Emperor was also a really stupid idea........

When Mof Tarkin genocided an entire planet....Vader did not complain, he did not advocate to not do it, and chided Tarkin, after they found out Leia lied, that Leia would never give up the rebellion that easily....he said it as a joke to remorse, regret, second thoughts...

You do not get to murder an entire planet full of innocent people and get a "redemption" arc..........
Don't give up on Star Wars......right now, it has been captured by leftists......but given time, we can take it back...someone is out there who will come along and save it.

I disagree.

I read the George Lucas approved novels and expanded universe starting with the Thrawn trilogy that take place after the Skywalker saga.

Once Lucas sold Disney the rights to the movie, Disney's next move, should have been to buy the rights to those author's books, and continued with that.

Disney should have then continued to work extremely close with Brian Henson . . . I don't think he has been consulted on any of their shit, TBH. He was involved with the Henson company after his dad died.

I have only seen one thing I liked that Disney did after they bought the rights. . the Rogue One flick. Other than that? meh, none of it has been any good.

I heard a lot of hoopla about that series, The Mandalorian, but even that, I found a bit on the unoriginal and boring side.

Sure the cinematography, music, special effects and acting were great. . but the STORY? meh. It was tepid at best. It didn't compare to say, the Brian Henson's Farscape. He has the creativity of Lucas, his dad, and Frank Oz IMO.

None of the new stuff has the same flavor of the old stuff. It relies too much on tech and is uninspired IMO.
And grooming.

Yup. For folks that are part of that community, for them, it's just politics. They don't consider manipulating other's kids. . . "grooming."

For others, they don't understand, it has always been politics. . and that is why it has gotten as far as it has.

When I stated "politics," and you responded with, "and grooming,' this? Is a classic symptom of how it has gotten so bad.

Mostly because folks don't understand what is really going on, nor what these tax-free, billionaire foundations teach in our public universities.

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It’s a terrible franchise and the last several movies are bad to very bad .
Terminator is even worse franchise

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