My revised position on the Bundy Ranch crisis

Look out Joe.....that finger's loaded......

Militia mutts, listen up.

Your neighbors and your LEO know you, know where you live.

The vast majority of Americans will join the fight against you if you ever rise up.
Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.
The American people don't know shit about anything and will hate whoever they are told to hate.

25% of this retarded country doesn't even know that the Earth revolves around the sun. How many of you "freedom-loving patriots" love the invasive drug war? Operation Green Sweep, 1990. Ever heard of it? 300 active duty US Army soldiers rappelled from Blackhawk helicopters into the mountains near Shelter Cove, CA, as part of domestic law enforcement drug war eradication efforts dubbed Operation Green Sweep. Republican President uber-freedom patriot George HW Bush ordered US Army soldiers on a drug "war" raid on American soil.

Not a word from the right-wing about unconstitutionality or big government overreach. Just good ol' Republican support for raiding homes and destroying nature.
Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.
Start with this cocksucker:

Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.

Guy, we had an election. Your side lost.

The fact you guys talk this armed revolution shit when you can't get your way at the ballot box (not that you guys ever do it) kind of outs you all as nujobs.
Militia mutts, listen up.

Your neighbors and your LEO know you, know where you live.

The vast majority of Americans will join the fight against you if you ever rise up.

Did you happen to see any liberals put their foot in the road to confront Americans?

I admit, having the finality of a total split would do the country a lot of good, but as we see, liberals aren't really interested in fighting for their right to oppress others. OWS should have showed up to fight the "rich" rancher. Even they didn't.
Militia mutts, listen up.

Your neighbors and your LEO know you, know where you live.

The vast majority of Americans will join the fight against you if you ever rise up.

Did you happen to see any liberals put their foot in the road to confront Americans?

I admit, having the finality of a total split would do the country a lot of good, but as we see, liberals aren't really interested in fighting for their right to oppress others. OWS should have showed up to fight the "rich" rancher. Even they didn't.
Probably because Nevada is a shithole that no one in their right mind would ever want to go to.
Militia mutts, listen up.

Your neighbors and your LEO know you, know where you live.

The vast majority of Americans will join the fight against you if you ever rise up.

And we KNOW YOU, and the people that take away our freedom. You are all cowards, that need large masses of the low intelligence, and the afraid to lose their salaries and pensions police, to do your dirty work. There are still way more of us than you, and in a one to one elimination, we win...think about that Flakey! Have you ever seen some REAL action, Flakey...ever been shot and continued the fight?
Where were all of these gun monkeys when Bush passed the PATRIOT Act?

Do you assholes actually want to fight against the big government? Quit defending a rich man's ranch and go storm Congress. Put Senators on their knees and execute them. Go to war against your own country.

PROVE that you have what it takes to defend freedom.
I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.
Start with this cocksucker:


Finally, you got something right.... This bastard was a hero also... and a V.P.ASSWIPE!

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.

Guy, we had an election. Your side lost.

The fact you guys talk this armed revolution shit when you can't get your way at the ballot box (not that you guys ever do it) kind of outs you all as nujobs.

Assholes like you will have to learn the lessons of history, Hitler was elected also!

Where were all of these gun monkeys when Bush passed the PATRIOT Act?

Do you assholes actually want to fight against the big government? Quit defending a rich man's ranch and go storm Congress. Put Senators on their knees and execute them. Go to war against your own country.

PROVE that you have what it takes to defend freedom.

The way the Patriot act was supposed to act was an infringement on our liberties, BUT AT THE TIME, with the muslim attack on our citizens, and soil, the memories were strong, and many of us were willing to watch and see how effective that would be. We see now, how the NEXT REGIME has perverted it into more than it should be. I, for one, THANK Edward Snowden, for being what many call a traitor. He EXPOSED the government for the horror they are!
Militia mutts, listen up.

Your neighbors and your LEO know you, know where you live.

The vast majority of Americans will join the fight against you if you ever rise up.
Wrong. I've been a member on a cop forum for many years and they are overwhelmingly pro 2nd amendment types that do not like where we've been heading. You watch too much TV.
Cowards think like that, patriots REFUSE to buckle under to the subversive hoards. YOU and your friends are THE traitors enable people and regimes that currently control this once great country....It will come to pass that millions will have to be dispatched in order to bring back the Republic. IMHO, of course.

Guy, we had an election. Your side lost.

The fact you guys talk this armed revolution shit when you can't get your way at the ballot box (not that you guys ever do it) kind of outs you all as nujobs.

Assholes like you will have to learn the lessons of history, Hitler was elected also!


Yes, he was. And most Germans were totally good with what he did until Germany lost the war.

What is your fucking point here?

And let's be honest, most of you conservatives are running away from George W. Bush like he was an ex-wife with a lawyer.

Seems like you want to not respect elections when you lose and not take responsibility when you win.

I voted For Bush twice. After losing tens of thousands of dollars when my investment tanked, and having to work three jobs now because I had to take a 20% pay cut in his recession, I'll admit I fucked up voting for the guy.

Obama hasn't been great- I personally think the guy is a bit of a wuss - but he isn't the complete screwup Bush was.

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