My revised position on the Bundy Ranch crisis

How so, TK. I don't live in my grandmother's basement. I have supported myself since I was an adult very successfully. I used the GI bill for education, small business loan, and a home loan. Now retired, I earn I bet three to five times annually the overwhelming number on the Board.

Low blow.

If I want your autobiography I'll ask for it. You're liberal. You've proven to be. Using the GI bill to get an education could be construed as a form of welfare, Jake. Sorry. Moreover, you advocate policies that keep people on their butts and in their basements (like me). You praise policies that destroy work ethic in America and it's economy.

And you have the gall to lecture me or anyone else on Welfare?

I'm sure Cliven Bundy could use the stunt double. Perhaps you'll understand when you're in his shoes instead of passing judgement here on an obscure political board on the internet.

I understand Bundy's plight quite well. He has trespassed and broke the law for 20 years. And now the bill is coming due. So he calls in a bunch of fruitloops and attempts to start a shooting war. He, and his family will lose. Lose badly, given that there will be no understanding from the government now.

And you, Boy, had better learn to address your elders and betters with more respect. On welfare? And you are a 'Conservative'? Hilarious. I am 70, working 40+ hours a week as an industrial millwright, and into my second year taking classes at a university also. So why cannot you, a young man, get some worthwhile work? Or at least attend a school to learn a skill that earn you a living?

Sending in 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to collect a debt is a tad over the top don't you think?
I hope the left is paying attention and understand people are getting fed up with their nonsense. This is not over and may be a prelude of things to come not just there, but in other parts of the country. The push back just powered up and I hope it never shuts down again.
Low blow.

If I want your autobiography I'll ask for it. You're liberal. You've proven to be. Using the GI bill to get an education could be construed as a form of welfare, Jake. Sorry. Moreover, you advocate policies that keep people on their butts and in their basements (like me). You praise policies that destroy work ethic in America and it's economy.

And you have the gall to lecture me or anyone else on Welfare?

I'm sure Cliven Bundy could use the stunt double. Perhaps you'll understand when you're in his shoes instead of passing judgement here on an obscure political board on the internet.

I understand Bundy's plight quite well. He has trespassed and broke the law for 20 years. And now the bill is coming due. So he calls in a bunch of fruitloops and attempts to start a shooting war. He, and his family will lose. Lose badly, given that there will be no understanding from the government now.

And you, Boy, had better learn to address your elders and betters with more respect. On welfare? And you are a 'Conservative'? Hilarious. I am 70, working 40+ hours a week as an industrial millwright, and into my second year taking classes at a university also. So why cannot you, a young man, get some worthwhile work? Or at least attend a school to learn a skill that earn you a living?

Sending in 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to collect a debt is a tad over the top don't you think?

It's par for the course with "government". Ruby Ridge. 14 Armored Personnel carriers, 200 FBI agents and a Sniper who shot a woman holding her baby. All for a Special Forces Viet Nam Vet who sold a shotgun to an FBI informant that was 1/2 inch TOO short. His 10 year old Son killed, Wife killed and the "government" says too bad. Weaver ended up with just over a million dollars. Bet he'd rather have his Wife and Son back though....

Remember, as was told to the Native peoples of the plains, "When the government shows up at your teepee and tells you that "we're here to help you" it's time to run like hell".
WOW! Coming from a lover of the Koch brothers!

Wouldn't be the first time a federal judge ruled incorrectly to help the rich squash the little people under their thumb.
I hope the left is paying attention and understand people are getting fed up with their nonsense. This is not over and may be a prelude of things to come not just there, but in other parts of the country. The push back just powered up and I hope it never shuts down again.

its happening in Colorado
so you are just for restoration of the white boys it

he has no 'right' to this land....he was a paying tenant

has nothing to do with white boys rights

the Native Americans do not own the land their reservations sit on

the federal government does

what they are doing to bundy they can do to the Native Americans again



The Indians own that land. The Federal government does not.

They don't collect taxes on it. And the regions are autonomous. That's why you have gambling in Indian Reservations.

The Indians own that land. The Federal government does not.

The U.S. government does own many Indian reservations throughout the country. But there are important differences between the reservations of Indians who have lived on their ancestral lands since time immemorial and the reservations of Indians who have been moved from their home territories to government-owned reservations.

There are two types of Indian land – trust land and non-trust land. Trust land is owned by the federal government for the exclusive benefit of an individual Indian or a tribe. Non-trust land is owned solely by an Indian or a tribe. All Indian land – trust or non-trust – is subject to the control of Congress.

The federal government established the “trust” system when it began moving entire tribes westward in order to make room for expanding European settlements. For example, when the Cherokee were moved from their ancestral lands in the East to the Oklahoma territory, the federal government held the Oklahoma reservation in trust for the tribe.

Reservations | Oneida Indian Nation | Sovereignty
Low blow.

If I want your autobiography I'll ask for it. You're liberal. You've proven to be. Using the GI bill to get an education could be construed as a form of welfare, Jake. Sorry. Moreover, you advocate policies that keep people on their butts and in their basements (like me). You praise policies that destroy work ethic in America and it's economy.

And you have the gall to lecture me or anyone else on Welfare?

I'm sure Cliven Bundy could use the stunt double. Perhaps you'll understand when you're in his shoes instead of passing judgement here on an obscure political board on the internet.

I understand Bundy's plight quite well. He has trespassed and broke the law for 20 years. And now the bill is coming due. So he calls in a bunch of fruitloops and attempts to start a shooting war. He, and his family will lose. Lose badly, given that there will be no understanding from the government now.

And you, Boy, had better learn to address your elders and betters with more respect. On welfare? And you are a 'Conservative'? Hilarious. I am 70, working 40+ hours a week as an industrial millwright, and into my second year taking classes at a university also. So why cannot you, a young man, get some worthwhile work? Or at least attend a school to learn a skill that earn you a living?

Sending in 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to collect a debt is a tad over the top don't you think?

not when the person is calling for militia to join the fight
So, you loons are determinded to start a shooting war. If not in Nevada, then some other place that you can find a silly excuse to act out your insane fantasies. And then the rest of the nation will come down on you like a brick wall. What a fucked up bunch of psychos you assholes truly are.
So, you loons are determinded to start a shooting war. If not in Nevada, then some other place that you can find a silly excuse to act out your insane fantasies. And then the rest of the nation will come down on you like a brick wall. What a fucked up bunch of psychos you assholes truly are.


It appears to me the Government was the first to arrive with the armed agents and snipers, Rocks. So tell me, who was it that was determined to start a shooting war? The Government. The Government was willing to kill a man over some cows. And you call us a bunch of psychos and assholes?

Earth to you!
Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'
WOW! Coming from a lover of the Koch brothers!

Wouldn't be the first time a federal judge ruled incorrectly to help the rich squash the little people under their thumb.

Lover of the Koch Brothers?:cuckoo:

None of us knew who they were till you looneys started harping about them.

Looking at the facts one can conclude the only reason you hate them is because they are the top private entity that gave to conservative causes. What they gave is a mouse fart in a hurricane compared to the money that Democrats get from George Soros and unions. What's worse, Democrats have taken contributions from them. Chuck Schumer got contributions from the Koch Brothers and he even sent them a thank you letter pictured below:

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Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.
Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Are you off your Meds again..............or did they let you out of your padded cell............

Your posts are boring as usual.
Thomas Jefferson — 'A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!'

I honestly am a lot more afraid of gun nuts who think they can take on the government than the government themselves.

I also don't take protestations about "Democracy" and "Freedom" terribly seriously from a guy who went home and raped his slave every night.

Bet this scares the hell out of you........

WOW! Coming from a lover of the Koch brothers!

Wouldn't be the first time a federal judge ruled incorrectly to help the rich squash the little people under their thumb.

Lover of the Koch Brothers?:cuckoo:

None of us knew who they were till you looneys started harping about them.

Looking at the facts one can conclude the only reason you hate them is because they are the top private entity that gave to conservative causes. What they gave is a mouse fart in a hurricane compared to the money that Democrats get from George Soros and unions. What's worse, Democrats have taken contributions from them. Chuck Schumer got contributions from the Koch Brothers and he even sent them a thank you letter pictured below:


so did harry reid


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