My solution to the VA problems, ABOLISH the VA

Yep, and I said so a few days ago. I've worked in one and seen them in action. There are good VA hospitals and good VA doctors but the system is typical government. Bloated beyond belief, laden with bureaucracy and red tape and managed by dipsticks that are in it for the security and bennies.

Before my grandfather died, a ww2 vet, I remember my grandmother bitching to no end about the troubles they had getting him adaquate care at the VA in Topeka Ks.
I'm not sure about totaling doing away with the VA, but I think most of the healthcare services could be provided near home. Let vets go to private health care providers in their community. I have a good friend that goes to the VA hospital and clinic often. He drives over 25 miles, usually he sees a different doctor every time he goes. He could get the same if not better care two blocks from his house and the claims could be handled by Medicare.
Exactly... issue voucher cards that should be universally accepted at local clinics and hospitals to vets like myself that are service connected disabled and live over 60 miles away from the nearest VA care facility. Why pay me $45 travel pay? Keep the money and let me go to a local clinic.
We know the VA issued orders to doctors that they should postpone treatment for certain patients and we know some government workers received bonuses for saving money. Put two and two together and freaking fire the people responsible including the Obama administration.

Obama's policies are not only job killers....

[ame=]Pres. Obama Veterans Health Care Budget Reform Act - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama 7 Broken Promises To Veterans - YouTube[/ame]

The Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care — problems that have turned into a growing scandal.

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting.

Read more: Obama warned about VA wait-time problems during 2008 transition - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
In 2005 the VA under Bush delayed healthcare services to hundreds of thousands of Vets. Under Clinton, there was abuse and scandals over appropriations and utilization. The problems with VA healthcare began long before Obama became president and are continuing.
Yep, and I said so a few days ago. I've worked in one and seen them in action. There are good VA hospitals and good VA doctors but the system is typical government. Bloated beyond belief, laden with bureaucracy and red tape and managed by dipsticks that are in it for the security and bennies.

Before my grandfather died, a ww2 vet, I remember my grandmother bitching to no end about the troubles they had getting him adaquate care at the VA in Topeka Ks.

My dad refused to go near a VA hospital... he told me to let him die in the street first.

What did you do with the body? I hope you didn't just leave it there.
And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.

Wow, imagine how cheap that would be. Did you come up with this plan all on your own? Glad it isn't "socialism".
Before my grandfather died, a ww2 vet, I remember my grandmother bitching to no end about the troubles they had getting him adaquate care at the VA in Topeka Ks.
I'm not sure about totaling doing away with the VA, but I think most of the healthcare services could be provided near home. Let vets go to private health care providers in their community. I have a good friend that goes to the VA hospital and clinic often. He drives over 25 miles, usually he sees a different doctor every time he goes. He could get the same if not better care two blocks from his house and the claims could be handled by Medicare.
Exactly... issue voucher cards that should be universally accepted at local clinics and hospitals to vets like myself that are service connected disabled and live over 60 miles away from the nearest VA care facility. Why pay me $45 travel pay? Keep the money and let me go to a local clinic.
Letting patients see local healthcare providers would increase availability and reduce delays and I suspect it might be less expensive. There are some provisions in VA healthcare that allow people that are far away from VA facilities to see local healthcare providers, however the intent is for all patients to be served by VA facilities.

Unlike Medicare or Medicaid, VA healthcare is true socialized medicine. It's government funded, delivered by and controlled by the government. Medicare is government insurance. Medicaid is insurance paid by the government but in most states private companies now provide that insurance. Neither Medicare nor Medicaid are healthcare providers. Other than setting limits on payments to healthcare providers which all health insurance companies now do, they have no real involvement in healthcare delivery. Obamacare does not provide insurance nor healthcare delivery. It regulates insurance companies and requires coverage.

Someday we will probably see most VA healthcare delivered by non-government providers with payments and transfers handled by by the government.
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And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.

Interesting, but it will fail for lack of cost control.
Yep, and I said so a few days ago. I've worked in one and seen them in action. There are good VA hospitals and good VA doctors but the system is typical government. Bloated beyond belief, laden with bureaucracy and red tape and managed by dipsticks that are in it for the security and bennies.

My friends at the SLC VA would agree with you about bureaucracy, red tape, and bennies. We all would say, however, we get good care there.

The system needs to be reformed.
We know the VA issued orders to doctors that they should postpone treatment for certain patients and we know some government workers received bonuses for saving money. Put two and two together and freaking fire the people responsible including the Obama administration.

sounds awfully like.....death panels....which do not exist according to this administration...wink wink

impeccably stupid reasoning by you
I have seen and read uncounted comments by ex-VA employees who talk about the plush corridors of management who sit in their posh offices, arriving at 9 and going home at 5 - while doctors and nurses to everything they can do deal with the massive assault of needy veterans who the clerks and administrators turn away.

I will repeat what I've stated elsewhere. The LAST thing I want to see is another, ineffect Congressional hearing!!! :flame:

The right thing to do is have DA's where these hospitals are located to convene a grand jury to look into possible allegations of malfeasance, criminal neglect, or outright ignoring the needs of veterans and hand down indictments for manslaughter and even murder.

Let some of that administrative slime collect mold in a jail cell for a few years. :salute:
And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.
While pubic attention is focused on the VA, I want to remind all of you that the problems at VA pale in comparison to the national statistics on ALL medical institutions. Non-government hospitals may reduce wait times but numerous studies have shown as much or more ineptitude as that of which VA faciities are accused. Non-VA HOSPITALS CONTRIBUTE SIGNIFICANTLY TO OVER 195000 PREVENTABLE DEATHS ANNUALLY DUE TO MEDICAL ERROR.

Since 1999 a number of studies have shown that thousands of patients die each year from medical malpractice and hospital acquired infections. Most notably, the HealthGrades estimate puts the figure at 195000 preventable deaths per annum in US hospitals. That is the equivalent of a major metropolitan area being wiped off the face of the earth each year. WIth numbers like that to consider, an enlightened patient might wonder if he or she is better off avoiding hospitals or doctors altogether... except in emergencies.

That consideration is even more poignant where "race" or ethnicity could be a factor. Other studies show that minorities, especially Blacks, are even more likely to receive substandard treatment at hospitals than white patients, even when they have Insurance and have attained middle class status.

To be honest though, these dire statistics do not tell the whole story. Most medical organizations and individuals perform admirably most of the time. Just hope that when you need them you aren't admitted on one of their bad days.

And you had also better hope that the least educated employees, the janitors, have done their jobs of disinfecting things well.

The above narrative is mine but here is the link that inspired it:
The Committee for Justice for All: Patient Safety & Doctor Discipline

"As many as 6 million patients have died in 30 years.
That makes the healthcare industry the largest
criminal organization in the country."

- Dr. Gil N. Mileikowsky
And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.

Interesting, but it will fail for lack of cost control.
I'm no expert on VA healthcare, but it seems to meet that most of the VA healthcare services could be done by local healthcare providers. Payment could be handled by the VA. They are handling insurance claims and billing now from insurance companies who have subscribers who are Vets with VA covered care. Possibly claims could be handled by CMS which handles Medicare processing.
We know the VA issued orders to doctors that they should postpone treatment for certain patients and we know some government workers received bonuses for saving money. Put two and two together and freaking fire the people responsible including the Obama administration.

Obama's policies are not only job killers....

[ame=""]Pres. Obama Veterans Health Care Budget Reform Act - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Obama 7 Broken Promises To Veterans - YouTube[/ame]

The Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care — problems that have turned into a growing scandal.

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting.

Read more: Obama warned about VA wait-time problems during 2008 transition - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
In 2005 the VA under Bush delayed healthcare services to hundreds of thousands of Vets. Under Clinton, there was abuse and scandals over appropriations and utilization. The problems with VA healthcare began long before Obama became president and are continuing.

Bush this, Bush that.

Obama knew about the troubles with the VA in 2008 and promised to fix these problems.

Now the chickenhawk has the audacity to stand at a microphone and tell us that he just learned about it on the news?

Fuck him
And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.
While pubic attention is focused on the VA, I want to remind all of you that the problems at VA pale in comparison to the national statistics on ALL medical institutions. Non-government hospitals may reduce wait times but numerous studies have shown as much or more ineptitude as that of which VA faciities are accused. Non-VA HOSPITALS CONTRIBUTE SIGNIFICANTLY TO OVER 195000 PREVENTABLE DEATHS ANNUALLY DUE TO MEDICAL ERROR.

Since 1999 a number of studies have shown that thousands of patients die each year from medical malpractice and hospital acquired infections. Most notably, the HealthGrades estimate puts the figure at 195000 preventable deaths per annum in US hospitals. That is the equivalent of a major metropolitan area being wiped off the face of the earth each year. WIth numbers like that to consider, an enlightened patient might wonder if he or she is better off avoiding hospitals or doctors altogether... except in emergencies.

That consideration is even more poignant where "race" or ethnicity could be a factor. Other studies show that minorities, especially Blacks, are even more likely to receive substandard treatment at hospitals than white patients, even when they have Insurance and have attained middle class status.

To be honest though, these dire statistics do not tell the whole story. Most medical organizations and individuals perform admirably most of the time. Just hope that when you need them you aren't admitted on one of their bad days.

And you had also better hope that the least educated employees, the janitors, have done their jobs of disinfecting things well.

The above narrative is mine but here is the link that inspired it:
The Committee for Justice for All: Patient Safety & Doctor Discipline

"As many as 6 million patients have died in 30 years.
That makes the healthcare industry the largest
criminal organization in the country."

- Dr. Gil N. Mileikowsky
Yes, it's a problem both in VA hospitals and non-government hospitals. I think one thing that may help is adopting more pay for results policies as oppose to pay for service. Obamacare as well as insurance companies are rewarding hospitals for better results by penalizing hospitals that have a high rate of readmission and rewarding others that don't. However, I think this is just a step in the right direction; more needs to be done.
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I have seen and read uncounted comments by ex-VA employees who talk about the plush corridors of management who sit in their posh offices, arriving at 9 and going home at 5 - while doctors and nurses to everything they can do deal with the massive assault of needy veterans who the clerks and administrators turn away.

I will repeat what I've stated elsewhere. The LAST thing I want to see is another, ineffect Congressional hearing!!! :flame:

The right thing to do is have DA's where these hospitals are located to convene a grand jury to look into possible allegations of malfeasance, criminal neglect, or outright ignoring the needs of veterans and hand down indictments for manslaughter and even murder.

Let some of that administrative slime collect mold in a jail cell for a few years. :salute:

You are so full of shit. Back up your lies ****.
And give every veteran some type of medical card that must be accepted at any major facility. A card that guarantees reimbursement for services rendered.

This fiasco is what we have to look forward to as more & more people are forced into obamacare.
While pubic attention is focused on the VA, I want to remind all of you that the problems at VA pale in comparison to the national statistics on ALL medical institutions. Non-government hospitals may reduce wait times but numerous studies have shown as much or more ineptitude as that of which VA faciities are accused. Non-VA HOSPITALS CONTRIBUTE SIGNIFICANTLY TO OVER 195000 PREVENTABLE DEATHS ANNUALLY DUE TO MEDICAL ERROR.

Since 1999 a number of studies have shown that thousands of patients die each year from medical malpractice and hospital acquired infections. Most notably, the HealthGrades estimate puts the figure at 195000 preventable deaths per annum in US hospitals. That is the equivalent of a major metropolitan area being wiped off the face of the earth each year. WIth numbers like that to consider, an enlightened patient might wonder if he or she is better off avoiding hospitals or doctors altogether... except in emergencies.

That consideration is even more poignant where "race" or ethnicity could be a factor. Other studies show that minorities, especially Blacks, are even more likely to receive substandard treatment at hospitals than white patients, even when they have Insurance and have attained middle class status.

To be honest though, these dire statistics do not tell the whole story. Most medical organizations and individuals perform admirably most of the time. Just hope that when you need them you aren't admitted on one of their bad days.

And you had also better hope that the least educated employees, the janitors, have done their jobs of disinfecting things well.

The above narrative is mine but here is the link that inspired it:
The Committee for Justice for All: Patient Safety & Doctor Discipline

"As many as 6 million patients have died in 30 years.
That makes the healthcare industry the largest
criminal organization in the country."

- Dr. Gil N. Mileikowsky
Yes, it's a problem both in VA hospitals and non-government hospitals. I think one thing that may help is adopting more pay for results policies as oppose to pay for service. Obamacare as well as insurance companies are rewarding hospitals for better results by penalizing hospitals that have a high rate of readmission and rewarding others that don't. However, I think this is just a step in the right direction; more needs to be done.

My solution to the VA problems, ABOLISH the VA
Yes, that seems to be the typical knucklehead ‘solution’ advocated by you and others on the right – babies going out with the bath water.

Another useless stupid fucking troll.

Are you really so stupid that in 3 pages you think you can misquote me and no one will notice?

So many dumbasses on this forum

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