My State of Texas Tells Teachers: TIME TO ARM - YEEEHAW!

What does this say about us, That we now need armed guards in schools? And support for strapped teachers? Think about what that teaches children.
This school had an armed guard and two armed police tried to stop him too...

Full body armour and high powered semi automatic sorts that out...
The President, Vice President, Speaker, Celebrities all benefit from armed protection. Why shouldn’t our children and teachers? We obviously can’t agree on whose lives matter but it looks we have a discrepancy over whose lives are worth more.

We need more good guys with guns.
The US has more guns than people.
Xiden protects himself with guns
Nancy P does the same
Chucky does
Obama does
AOC does

Yet dems continue not to want to protect our children the same way


Why do Dems hate children?
So that's what we've become as a society, teachers with guns. Sad.
No right is absolute... Every gun should have proper insurance that can cover an event like this one...

The insurance claim on this particular event will be 10s of millions... Gun owners should take responsibility for owning a gun and have the proper insurance in place...

I would expect Insurance companies to offer major discounts for for all safety and responsible measures taken by gun owners like having Background checks, Gun safe, training,..

Why should the rest of America subside the ones that wish to own guns.. Only 1 in 5 households have handguns, let them pay for it...
Where does the Constitution mention insurance is required to exercise a Constitutional right?
Fucking Texas, always talking half measures. Cheap bastards. These are Texas Children! We don't need no stinking half measures. Those armed teachers will need full on body arm to protect our kids from the hardware these evil kids have access do. Without it they'd be killed in seconds. Maybe Kevlar School Uniforms for the kids too. Come on Ken, quit being weak!
Agreed. They'll be plenty of collateral damage, at first, until you get the necessary training for the cafeteria workers to fire their Glocks.
I think the Cafeteria Ladies could be trained to double as bomb techs in these cases.
The kid had full body armour on...

An Uvalde school district police officer, who worked at the school, saw Ramos emerge from the vehicle carrying a rifle and wearing body armour, according to Erick Estrada from the Texas Department of Public Safety, who was speaking to CNN.
The officer "engaged" the suspect but was unable to stop him, Mr Estrada said. Two more officers from Uvalde Police Department also attempted to stop Ramos but were unable to do so, and called for back-up.

This guy was met with three armed people and it didn't matter. This dispels the myth of arming teachers would help... Guy was in full body armour with a rapid firing weapon...

What's bizarre is how you think this is an argument for NOT having guns to defend the children. Leftists are just completely amoral
The President, Vice President, Speaker, Celebrities all benefit from armed protection. Why shouldn’t our children and teachers? We obviously can’t agree on whose lives matter but it looks we have a discrepancy over whose lives are worth more.

We need more good guys with guns.
Did you fail to get the memo...

This guy was met with an armed security guard and two police officers and he had on full body armour and semi automatic gun... He over powered them...

What's your solution, have every elementary school have a security detail like the green zone... Does every elementary school get there own SWAT team?

This whole incident has put the 'good guy with a gun argument' to bed as Bullshit. There was three good guys with guns and they couldn't stop him.
Did you fail to get the memo...

This guy was met with an armed security guard and two police officers and he had on full body armour and semi automatic gun... He over powered them...

What's your solution, have every elementary school have a security detail like the green zone... Does every elementary school get there own SWAT team?

This whole incident has put the 'good guy with a gun argument' to bed as Bullshit. There was three good guys with guns and they couldn't stop him.
The aggressor always has the upper hand.
No right is absolute... Every gun should have proper insurance that can cover an event like this one...

The insurance claim on this particular event will be 10s of millions... Gun owners should take responsibility for owning a gun and have the proper insurance in place...

I would expect Insurance companies to offer major discounts for for all safety and responsible measures taken by gun owners like having Background checks, Gun safe, training,..

Why should the rest of America subside the ones that wish to own guns.. Only 1 in 5 households have handguns, let them pay for it...
So everyone pays the same for that insurance? How about people in high crime areas pay the freight for those areas.

Banning guns won't work but make people responsible for them even if they are stolen or used by accident...

Right, because children are so much better off if no one has a gun because you will bankrupt them for things they have no control over than because you actually banned the gun.

And in the last post, I said you were an idiot. Nailed it!
Its the angry hate filled political bullshit, That and greed, are the cause of every negative thing going on in our country today.
Driving a car isn't a right, Dumbass.
This kids had rights but they are gone now...

It is simple, it is your kids or your uninhibited access to guns...

Gun death is the leading cause of death for kids.... Think about that ...
Right, because children are so much better off if no one has a gun because if no one has a gun because you will bankdrupt them for things they have no control over than because you actually banned the gun.

And in the last post, I said you were an idiot. Nailed it!
How many guns do you need? We have more guns than people in the US. Yemen and Afghanistan have lots and lots of guns.
So everyone pays the same for that insurance? How about people in high crime areas pay the freight for those areas.

In fairness, CowboyTed also thinks you should have to buy insurance for free speech, the right to a jury trial and your other Constitutional rights, right Ted?

I don't have it handy, Ted, can you give a complete list of the Constitutional rights you support only if people buy them. I'll start for you.

Constitutional rights only for people who can afford to by them (according to BrokebackTed)
1) Guns
2) Fill in the rest of the list, Cowboy ...
What's bizarre is how you think this is an argument for NOT having guns to defend the children. Leftists are just completely amoral
Anyone can get a gun and shoot 19 elementary kids and you call the other side amoral...

The laws you support enables mentally unstable people get access to guns... These deaths are on your hands..

So go fuck yourself calling other amoral.. Have a look in the mirror buddy..
I think the Cafeteria Ladies could be trained to double as bomb techs in these cases.
No...but a young male school teacher could be trained to put one right between the eye sockets....pretty easily
OOOHH.....whatsamatta wid me....I forgot equal could a female teacher.


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