My State of Texas Tells Teachers: TIME TO ARM - YEEEHAW!

Did you fail to get the memo...

This guy was met with an armed security guard and two police officers and he had on full body armour and semi automatic gun... He over powered them...

What's your solution, have every elementary school have a security detail like the green zone... Does every elementary school get there own SWAT team?

This whole incident has put the 'good guy with a gun argument' to bed as Bullshit. There was three good guys with guns and they couldn't stop him.
A good guy with a gun ended it Dumbass.
Um ... what? You provide me a list of shootings were we did your solution and banned guns and asked how my solution is working? My God, tramp, what is wrong with you?
It's not the guns so much as it is who we are and what we value.
It said the militia has to be well regulated...

I would say that all guns need to have proper public liability insurance much like any device that can cause harm..

I say that the insurance companies should have to pay out quite generously on shootings in that case.. Let the market decide the real cost of ownership the American way, Private with individual responsibility...
Trying to find a loop hole to fuck us. Yes I understand leftist do this bs when the constitution says no
Well I think you are goo to get a Musket without insurance... Anything with a fire rate much above that you would need insurance... Much like media companies buy liability insurance today...

At the moment the Government or Victims end up paying for the freeloader gun owners... I am not infringing on what gun you can own, just if you own it, you have to pay the full cost of ownership. Do you want the government giving out free guns as well because everyone has a right to own a gun...

The cost of owning a gun is not just the price of the gun but also the insurance if anything goes wrong with that gun (You can waive that if you show you have $20+ million in liquid assets...

So answer the question. What other Constitutional rights do you think we should only get if we can afford to buy them?

So guns are only for the rich, I can't believe you're saying that out loud, not quietly like the politicians in your party who believe only the rich should have guns. You know, them, not you ..
Anyone can get a gun and shoot 19 elementary kids and you call the other side amoral...

The laws you support enables mentally unstable people get access to guns... These deaths are on your hands..

So go fuck yourself calling other amoral.. Have a look in the mirror buddy..
What a pantload.
Head shot and done.

Misses the point of the post.

Who has a better shot at a "head shot?"

1) Miscellaneous teachers and administrators are armed and the gunman doesn't know who are armed how many are armed
2) One clearly marked armed guard

That's the question
There were already several armed police officers engaging the shooter before he even got into the school, so having armed people onsite didn't help at all.

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