My State of Texas Tells Teachers: TIME TO ARM - YEEEHAW!

This kids had rights but they are gone now...

It is simple, it is your kids or your uninhibited access to guns...

Gun death is the leading cause of death for kids.... Think about that ...

Yes, of course, another leftist fist pumping and high fiving over the dead children you prevented from being defended by the "adults" in the room.

Nice body count on this one. It's a happy weekend in the Ted home this week
Anyone can get a gun and shoot 19 elementary kids and you call the other side amoral...

More fist pumping there, big guy.

What fucking difference does it make to the parents if they are killed with a legal or an illegal gun?

Your plan to prevent shooters from buying guns is ...

Note dickless Ted has no answer, ...

Mr. Ken Paxton, the AG here in Texas told Newsmax that it was time to arm our teachers and have shootouts in the playground - that will help solve the school shooting issue here in Texas. I hope teachers get a little bit of training that way when a 5 year old asks them "What is that, Mrs. Jones?" she can give a strong answer "That is in case Mrs. Jones needs to blow a shooter's brain out, Timmy - go back to recess."

Thoughts on telling teachers to get armed and be ready for a gunfight?

I don't think it's a smart idea.

All you have to do is lock the place up and put armed guards in the place and nobody will try this ever again.

But the Democrats won't allow it. They need these shootings too much to allow us to protect our kids.
How many guns do you need? We have more guns than people in the US. Yemen and Afghanistan have lots and lots of guns.

What the fuck are you talking about? This leads to that you have no solution to keeping guns from criminals how?
In fairness, CowboyTed also thinks you should have to buy insurance for free speech, the right to a jury trial and your other Constitutional rights, right Ted?

I don't have it handy, Ted, can you give a complete list of the Constitutional rights you support only if people buy them. I'll start for you.

Constitutional rights only for people who can afford to by them (according to BrokebackTed)
1) Guns
2) Fill in the rest of the list, Cowboy ...
Well I think you are goo to get a Musket without insurance... Anything with a fire rate much above that you would need insurance... Much like media companies buy liability insurance today...

At the moment the Government or Victims end up paying for the freeloader gun owners... I am not infringing on what gun you can own, just if you own it, you have to pay the full cost of ownership. Do you want the government giving out free guns as well because everyone has a right to own a gun...

The cost of owning a gun is not just the price of the gun but also the insurance if anything goes wrong with that gun (You can waive that if you show you have $20+ million in liquid assets...
The other thing is that having armed teachers means the shooter wouldn't know who is armed. It could end shootings so much faster. Obviously a kid who killed 21 people as happened felt free to shoot and not worry about return fire
Head shot and done.
No...but a young male school teacher could be trained to put one right between the eye sockets....pretty easily
OOOHH.....whatsamatta wid me....I forgot equal could a female teacher.

No? Why do you want our children to be blown up?

Why you prejudiced toxic male! Women can learn pop a cap in Richard just as well as men can but without full on body armor, these Evil shooter kids will just target and kill them first too.

Nice recovery on the female teacher though. Lol.
I support armed security guards in schools

I don’t support untrained teachers engaging in shootouts

Not only that some teachers by a principle or other reasons don't want to be a part time security guard.

They are there to teach the students which is enough work to do.

Mr. Ken Paxton, the AG here in Texas told Newsmax that it was time to arm our teachers and have shootouts in the playground - that will help solve the school shooting issue here in Texas. I hope teachers get a little bit of training that way when a 5 year old asks them "What is that, Mrs. Jones?" she can give a strong answer "That is in case Mrs. Jones needs to blow a shooter's brain out, Timmy - go back to recess."

Thoughts on telling teachers to get armed and be ready for a gunfight?

They should arm all teachers/administrators in Red it an experiment.
My God, if teachers were armed that would cut down on school shootings and then where would sick fucks like you cheering for high body counts be????
The overwhelming majority of these people are cowards that is the reason they target gun free zones.
How's that working so far?

Um ... what? You provide me a list of shootings were we did your solution and banned guns and asked how my solution is working? My God, tramp, what is wrong with you?

So your plan is to

1) Ban guns from classrooms
2) Eliminate every illegal gun in the world
3) Prevent illegal aliens walking across our border from bringing guns
4) Block bad guys from using other weapons like knives and bombs and stuff

Most would say you're an idiot. Most are right ...

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