My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense

They can wait on the other side of the border until we review their request. We will get to them in 5 or 6 years at which point we will say, "Hell no. Your baseless claim is denied."
They are SUPPOSED to wait outside of America pending adjudication pursuant to the code and CFR.
You didn't address my post in any way. You just went into your puppet sheep mode and repeated what your handlers told you to say.

You allow your "Leaders" to break laws and then attempt to protect them when they get called on it.
And I brought it up again because you did not actually responded to what I posted. But I would be glad to respond to yours.

Why would you be upset about Texas sending illegal aliens to sanctuary cities? Sanctuary cities and those that support them (I assume you are one of them), should be welcoming these people. But they cry when when put to the test.
Yes .. and Republicans in the House approved a bill (last March or May) to address asylum. It has been sitting on Schumer's desk for 9+ months now.
It was a bill that reinstated all of Trump's policies including the wall.

Trump lost. Introducing a regurgitated bill from the minority party copying Trump's policies and refusing to negotiate is not good faith legislation.

Considering Trump is actively telling Republicans to not negotiate with Dems regarding border security as we speak, your point is double moot.
And I brought it up again because you did not actually responded to what I posted. But I would be glad to respond to yours.

Why would you be upset about Texas sending illegal aliens to sanctuary cities? Sanctuary cities and those that support them (I assume you are one of them), should be welcoming these people. But they cry when when put to the test.

Because it's a felony by most state's laws. The problem is, who is going to be arrested. Seizing the transport vehicles would be legal. Do it a couple of times then it's going to stop. Besides, so far, Texas has invested about 5 billion texas tax payer dollars doing this nonsense.
If Texas continues to refuse to back down and allow the Federal government to make America property of the world and Americans 3rd worlders, this will eventually come to a situation where the Federal government sends Federal troops to dismantle the Abbot governorship and replace it with a government of their choosing.

This will be a turning point and crossroad at which the American people will ultimately be forced to choose to do whatever is necessary to defend their culture and country, or do nothing and accept the fate of those truly seeking power (not Biden).
If The People allow Abbot to be taken, it sets a precedent and the framework for officially dismantling the Constitution for good.

It will embolden those seeking to destroy America to take every US State that resists and install a government like that in IL, NY,CA and other far Left states.
Very dangerous situation developing.
State governments are not going to be replaced, silly goose.

We know what will happen, because we've seen it before. In 1957, sitting President Dwight David Eisenhower (R) federalized the Arkansas National Guard and gave them orders to accompany those poor black kids that were trying to go to the recently desegregated school. That's what they did.

I can see federalized National Guardsmen from many states cutting and removing the razor wire that they put up. If you think that they won't follow that order, you know nothing about our military.
State governments are not going to be replaced, silly goose.

We know what will happen, because we've seen it before. In 1957, sitting President Dwight David Eisenhower (R) federalized the Arkansas National Guard and gave them orders to accompany those poor black kids that were trying to go to the recently desegregated school. That's what they did.

I can see federalized National Guardsmen from many states cutting and removing the razor wire that they put up. If you think that they won't follow that order, you know nothing about our military.
I could imagine the guardsmen asked to take down the wire they just put up. Lots of grumbling.
I could imagine the guardsmen asked to take down the wire they just put up. Lots of grumbling.
Grumbling and following orders. They were trained in boot camp, when they had to repeatedly dig holes, then fill them up, throughout the night.
The border will be Bidens legacy. Even if he is re-elected and WWIII breaks out. I mean, I hear Europeans on youtube suggesting that the continent of North America should be renamed North Mexico.

At a time in which the world is seeking the best, brightest and most advanced immigrants to help their economy succeed, you have millions of unskilled workers taking jobs from the poorest Americans who now have to compete with machines AND each other.
Joe Biden is unquestionably one of the worst presidents in our history.

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