My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense

God bless Governor Abbott.

And had either Roberts or his toy Barrett gone along with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh we wouldn't be here right now.

Strongly worded letter
The D卐M☭CRATs are calling for the takeover of the Texas national guard
Americans are not equal to Egyptians who were willing to die to defend their nation from the iron fisted rule of Islam nearly a decade ago.
Those are a brave people. They took to the streets in mass numbers and refused to back down. They weren't even armed. Many died but they refused to accept domination. The American president at the time (Obama) was asssiting the radical Islamists in their coup attempts. Egyptians deserve freedom. Not Americans.

Actually, you are a little confused. Egyptians voted for the Muslim Brotherhood in the ONLY election Egypt has ever had. Then, the military overthrew the duly elected government.
Strongly worded letter
The D卐M☭CRATs are calling for the takeover of the Texas national guard

Um, that's why it's called the "National Guard". The Federal Government can Federalize it at any time. So if Abbot really wants to play games, all Biden has to do is activate the National Guard units for Federal Service, and he's done.

The real problem here is the Guard is not supposed to be used for these kinds of purposes. the Posse Comitatus Act prevents the military from being used for law enforcement.
Even Wray acknowledges that our open border poses a serious national security threat FBI Director Wray Confirms the Border Crisis Poses Major Homeland Security Threat, DHS Secretary Mayorkas Stonewalls – Committee on Homeland Security

I don’t know why YOU don’t know this.
I'm guessing you don't know that Republicans turned down the help with more manpower to secure the border, that the Democrats and Biden administration asked for....

The repubs reason for the denial....
They want immigration to campaign on, and do not want to help the Biden admin.

Y'all suck, from here to high heaven!
I like it: :)

“James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border,” Abbott continued, citing Article IV Section 4 which says the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion” and Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 which says the states have a “sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

“The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.”
Um, that's why it's called the "National Guard". The Federal Government can Federalize it at any time. So if Abbot really wants to play games, all Biden has to do is activate the National Guard units for Federal Service, and he's done.

The real problem here is the Guard is not supposed to be used for these kinds of purposes. the Posse Comitatus Act prevents the military from being used for law enforcement.
No shit Sherlock !that's why theyre calling for him to do it so the invasion can continue and complete low IQ morons like yourself can shout diversity is our strength while illegals shit all over the streets of NYC
No shit Sherlock !that's why theyre calling for him to do it so the invasion can continue and complete low IQ morons like yourself can shout diversity is our strength while illegals shit all over the streets of NYC

Or we could just devote the resources to quickly resolve aslyum claims and live up to our own laws. That could be a plan.

But naw, people like you are terrified that a Mexican might move in next door.
Then you’ll be arrested for harboring a criminal and grand theft auto for theft of a government vehicle. And no shithead, you have to allow these criminals to stay in YOUR house with YOUR family. You demand that of conservatives, so step up.
Transporting illegals over state lines are grounds for the offending transportation can be seized. After a couple of bus and plane seziors the nonsense stops fast. It's coming, MAGAt.
Cut the funding? Did Texas not pay for it, and Biden sue and rip down border protection?

I've made some really stupid purchases in my lifetime. I don't stand there and gloat how smart I really am like you MAGAts do. They need to seize the vehicles used for the illegal transportation of Illegal over state line.
I'm guessing you don't know that Republicans turned down the help with more manpower to secure the border, that the Democrats and Biden administration asked for....

The repubs reason for the denial....
They want immigration to campaign on, and do not want to help the Biden admin.

Y'all suck, from here to high heaven!
100% deflection. Idiot.
God bless Governor Abbott.

And had either Roberts or his toy Barrett gone along with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh we wouldn't be here right now.

When are you going to the border? Pro-tip: you really need to know Spanish once you exit San Antonio city limits going South.
By current, if they claim refugee status, they are not illegal once processed and sent on their way until the hearing.
None of them are fleeing war torn countries and none of them are political targets. They have no legitimate refugee claim.
None of them are fleeing war torn countries and none of them are political targets. They have no legitimate refugee claim.
It still has to be adjudicated. Congress has to change the law or allocate more funds for judges.
It still has to be adjudicated. Congress has to change the law or allocate more funds for judges.
Or Texas can just put up a bunch of razor wire. Thats a much better solution, so thats what we are going to do. :dunno:
Who said they were? This is about illegal aliens entering Texas. That isnt allowed.
They are following our law. Our law says that you can present yourself at a port of entry and request asylum.

If you think these claims aren't valid go into court and prove it.
I've made some really stupid purchases in my lifetime. I don't stand there and gloat how smart I really am like you MAGAts do. They need to seize the vehicles used for the illegal transportation of Illegal over state line.
You stated the buzz word that dems would do something about it if they had the money, however, we see that when someone else pays for it they sue them. It is a false claim from the administration.
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God bless Governor Abbott.

And had either Roberts or his toy Barrett gone along with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh we wouldn't be here right now.

The US Constitution does not explicitly mention the right to self-defense in case of invasion, but the Second Amendment is often interpreted as guaranteeing the right to bear arms for self-defense, including in the event of an invasion.

The term "invasion" in this context typically refers to a military or hostile force entering a country with the intent to conquer or cause harm( such as Iraq war ). Immigration, on the other hand, is the movement of people into a country to live there permanently.

While some may view immigration as a form of invasion, it's not typically considered as such in the context of the right to self-defense. The US has specific laws and procedures in place to regulate immigration and protect its borders, and these are separate from the right to self-defense in the event of a military invasion. :)
They are following our law. Our law says that you can present yourself at a port of entry and request asylum.

If you think these claims aren't valid go into court and prove it.
Seeking asylum isn’t the same thing as seeking regular immigration entry.

The bases for any asylum request are restricted.

And there is a proper way to go about it.

Illegally entering as a first effort isn’t on that list.

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