My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense

Where in the Constitution does it say a State has a right to defend itself?
Not to worry.
As long as the American people are cowardly whiners, unwilling to lift a finger in their own self defense, your kind will rule them with impunity while laughing all the way to the bank. They practically beg for abuse, your kind simply obliges them.
You can rest with a smile knowing they will never do more than cry ever harder.

Americans are not equal to Egyptians who were willing to die to defend their nation from the iron fisted rule of Islam nearly a decade ago.
Those are a brave people. They took to the streets in mass numbers and refused to back down. They weren't even armed. Many died but they refused to accept domination. The American president at the time (Obama) was asssiting the radical Islamists in their coup attempts. Egyptians deserve freedom. Not Americans.
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Um, our asylum laws allow them to do that.

So let's review what happened here. In the past, undocumented people would come up here and do the unpleasant jobs Americans didn't want to do. They would do some work, and then go home.

Then some white people whined about it, and they made crossing the border more of a pain in the ass. So instead of coming over several times a year, they just came once with the family.

Then they tightened down work verification. So instead of just doing work on the sly, they claimed asylum and got work permits.

No matter how clever you guys think you are, someone is going to be more clever.
They are not going through the proper process for asylum. That is just a go to for those who want an open border.

This guy covers it well. His response is at the beginning, and it is played again at the end. He sites the law and how to seek asylum legally.

Believe it or not, it's cheaper to house and feed them in Texas. And it's the humane thing. What Abbott is doing is playing with people's lives. Maybe we need to get his butt out of office so the next Governor of Texas can start making a difference.
It should not be Texas or the U.S responsibility to house and feed these people. Fantastic governor from what I can tell. No reason for him to leave the office when he is doing the right thing and doing it well.
If Texas continues to refuse to back down and allow the Federal government to make America property of the world and Americans 3rd worlders, this will eventually come to a situation where the Federal government sends Federal troops to dismantle the Abbot governorship and replace it with a government of their choosing.

This will be a turning point and crossroad at which the American people will ultimately be forced to choose to do whatever is necessary to defend their culture and country, or do nothing and accept the fate of those truly seeking power (not Biden).
If The People allow Abbot to be taken, it sets a precedent and the framework for officially dismantling the Constitution for good.

It will embolden those seeking to destroy America to take every US State that resists and install a government like that in IL, NY,CA and other far Left states.
Very dangerous situation developing.
It should not be Texas or the U.S responsibility to house and feed these people. Fantastic governor from what I can tell. No reason for him to leave the office when he is doing the right thing and doing it well.

Yah, that makes sense. Just ship them all to northern Montana, dump them off without coats and let them just die. Seems much more humane that just mowing them down when they get too close to the border.
Not to worry.
As long as the American people are cowardly whiners, unwilling to lift a finger in their own self defense, your kind will rule them with impunity while laughing all the way to the bank. They practically beg for abuse, your kind simply obliges them.
You can rest with a smile knowing they will never do more than cry ever harder.

Americans are not equal to Egyptians who were willing to die to defend their nation from the iron fisted rule of Islam nearly a decade ago.
Those are a brave people. They took to the streets in mass numbers and refused to back down. They weren't even armed. Many died but they refused to accept domination. The American president at the time (Obama) was asssiting the radical Islamists in their coup attempts. Egyptians deserve freedom. Not Americans.

That is crazy.
Morsi was democratically elected, and the Islamic Brotherhood was attempting to make Egypt free from colonial powers.
In contrast, General Sisi is a ruthless dictator under US control, who had all the weapons and murdered tens of thousands.
They are not going through the proper process for asylum. That is just a go to for those who want an open border.

This guy covers it well. His response is at the beginning, and it is played again at the end. He sites the law and how to seek asylum legally.

Crimes are things inherently harmful to the rights of other and should never be done.
Crossing the border in violation of regulations is not and cannot ever be a crime.
It is called instead, a regulatory infraction.
It is like letting your parking meter expire.
You can be fined for it, but it is not a crime because there is no criminal intent to harm anyone.
If Texas continues to refuse to back down and allow the Federal government to make America property of the world and Americans 3rd worlders, this will eventually come to a situation where the Federal government sends Federal troops to dismantle the Abbot governorship and replace it with a government of their choosing.

This will be a turning point and crossroad at which the American people will ultimately be forced to choose to do whatever is necessary to defend their culture and country, or do nothing and accept the fate of those truly seeking power (not Biden).
If The People allow Abbot to be taken, it sets a precedent and the framework for officially dismantling the Constitution for good.

It will embolden those seeking to destroy America to take every US State that resists and install a government like that in IL, NY,CA and other far Left states.
Very dangerous situation developing.

Not what will happen.
All Biden has to do is call up the Texas National Guard and place them in active service, to do whatever Biden wants.
That is crazy.
Morsi was democratically elected, and the Islamic Brotherhood was attempting to make Egypt free from colonial powers.
In contrast, General Sisi is a ruthless dictator under US control, who had all the weapons and murdered tens of thousands.

You live in a butt cheek sandwich with Obamas cheeks to your left and right.
Yah, that makes sense. Just ship them all to northern Montana, dump them off without coats and let them just die. Seems much more humane that just mowing them down when they get too close to the border.
No need to ”ship“ them anywhere. If Biden would do his job and secure the !@# border it wouldn’t be a such a huge issue.
No need to ”ship“ them anywhere. If Biden would do his job and secure the !@# border it wouldn’t be a such a huge issue.

America has been so open and welcoming to diversity for so long that now at least half the population believes America is a Global community and not a sovereign nation.

There is very little "Common Interests". Minorities believe abolishing the majority (until THEY ARE THE MAJORITY) is their best bet.
It would be interesting to see in 1000 years (if mankind survives) all the ways man still finds to hate one another after all the races have basically blended into one.
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LOL Nope, he won't. He will rant on Twitter, sure, but he will meekly follow orders. Or, his ass will be on the line.

Actually, come to think of it, I wish the good Gov tries some shit and finds out. Fuck around...
Nope. Governor Abbot we laugh at Weak Worthless *Joe just like the rest of the world does.
No need to ”ship“ them anywhere. If Biden would do his job and secure the !@# border it wouldn’t be a such a huge issue.

And if you MAGAts would not cut off the funding as well. Your job isn't to be an American, it's to harm Biden even if you destroy America in the process.
Newsflash, MAGAt, I am a conservative and was a republican before you were born.
News flash MAGGOT. You’re a raging lefturd and nobody is buying your bullshit. How many illegals will YOU be taking in?
News flash MAGGOT. You’re a raging lefturd and nobody is buying your bullshit. How many illegals will YOU be taking in?

Go ahead and ship them to me. I'll help to find them a warm place and a hot meal. But you ain't gonna ever see your bus again. Makes a very good portable toilet.
Go ahead and ship them to me. I'll help to find them a warm place and a hot meal. But you ain't gonna ever see your bus again. Makes a very good portable toilet.
Then you’ll be arrested for harboring a criminal and grand theft auto for theft of a government vehicle. And no shithead, you have to allow these criminals to stay in YOUR house with YOUR family. You demand that of conservatives, so step up.
And if you MAGAts would not cut off the funding as well. Your job isn't to be an American, it's to harm Biden even if you destroy America in the process.
Cut the funding? Did Texas not pay for it, and Biden sue and rip down border protection?

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