My take on Sanders voters.

Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

I view blob supporters the same way...except I would add in hateful, and misogynistic

The problem is, demographics say otherwise. The more wealthy a working person is, the more likely they are to be a Republican. Monetarily succeeding certainly implies ambitiousness, a level of intelligence and an understanding of basic economics. On the other hand, the lowest income brackets are overwhelmingly Democrats. That implies quite the opposite.
It's going to be a most entertaining campaign and election. I hope for a razor close election. It's a good sign for the nation.

It is not good for the country to have a high percentage of people who want Socialism. Even if Trump wins, it is a scary proposition for our future as the most prosperous country in the world.
I have zero fear socialism will ever get a foothold here because the corporatists won't let it happen.
We all will be if he some how wins.

The markets will crash within days if he beats Trump and there isn't a Republican congress to block him.

So you are okay with the 1% holding the rest of us hostage? "Don't you dare demand better, or we will crash the market rather than pay a little more in taxes we can easily afford!"

All Bernie wants to do is be part of the new 1%, except with him economic and government power are combined into one entity.

I prefer my so called elites to be greedy corporate types as opposed to power hungry government types, as my sig explains.
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.
They care about their fellow citizens--GOP voters and scumbags don't get that. Nobody expects the worst to happen. They understand that the GOP has done away with opportunity in their lust For tax cuts on the rich. Change the channel. It's way past due to help the non-rich for a change and infrastructure. you have to tax the rich their fair share or more like it. Snap out of it sleeping beauty. Every other modern country does all right. Why are we the only one without living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? You are perfect dupes of the greedy idiot rich.

You could be right. Maybe the US should stop being the world policeman and let the other countries that are "doing it right" pay their own freight.

Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

I view blob supporters the same way...except I would add in hateful, and misogynistic

The problem is, demographics say otherwise. The more wealthy a working person is, the more likely they are to be a Republican. Monetarily succeeding certainly implies ambitiousness, a level of intelligence and an understanding of basic economics. On the other hand, the lowest income brackets are overwhelmingly Democrats. That implies quite the opposite.

Link please.
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

I view blob supporters the same way...except I would add in hateful, and misogynistic

The problem is, demographics say otherwise. The more wealthy a working person is, the more likely they are to be a Republican. Monetarily succeeding certainly implies ambitiousness, a level of intelligence and an understanding of basic economics. On the other hand, the lowest income brackets are overwhelmingly Democrats. That implies quite the opposite.

Link please.

You want me to give you a link that shows that Democrats are on the low end of the economic spectrum, ultra-wealthy aside? Really? This is common knowledge, but I will do your homework for you.

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.
All Bernie wants to do is be part of the new 1%, except with him economic and government power are combined into one entity.

I prefer my so called elites to be greedy corporate types as opposed to power hungry government types, as my sig explains.

Yes, I'm sure you've been bending over for the One Percent for years because they be right with Jesus.

Whenever one you jackasses talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money and power to abuse the rest of us.

Hard pass
People who actually expect something useful for their tax dollars other than overblown defense budgets and endless military escapades.
All Bernie wants to do is be part of the new 1%, except with him economic and government power are combined into one entity.

I prefer my so called elites to be greedy corporate types as opposed to power hungry government types, as my sig explains.

Yes, I'm sure you've been bending over for the One Percent for years because they be right with Jesus.

Whenever one you jackasses talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money and power to abuse the rest of us.

Hard pass

I'd rather have a person desiring more money than more power. Again, as my sig says a greedy person can be satiated, a person gunning for power because they think they know better than the rest of us will never be satisfied.
I'd rather have a person desiring more money than more power. Again, as my sig says a greedy person can be satiated, a person gunning for power because they think they know better than the rest of us will never be satisfied.

Your sig line is as stupid as you are. And that's saying something.

Me, I'm glad I'm not breathing poisoned air or drinking contaminated water or eating unsafe food.
I'm glad those power-mad government bureaucrats set down safety standards for the products I use every day or the workplace I go to.
I have more respect for people who want to make things better for all of us than the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality of Modern Conservatism.
I'd rather have a person desiring more money than more power. Again, as my sig says a greedy person can be satiated, a person gunning for power because they think they know better than the rest of us will never be satisfied.

Your sig line is as stupid as you are. And that's saying something.

Me, I'm glad I'm not breathing poisoned air or drinking contaminated water or eating unsafe food.
I'm glad those power-mad government bureaucrats set down safety standards for the products I use every day or the workplace I go to.
I have more respect for people who want to make things better for all of us than the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality of Modern Conservatism.

If those bureaucrats managed the means of production and regulation, you would be breathing poison and eating unsafe food, because no one would be held accountable. Socialism has a terrible record on the environment, which you ignore.

You are a simple binary thinker, "government good, businesses bad"

What a fucking tool you are.
If those bureaucrats managed the means of production and regulation, you would be breathing poison and eating unsafe food, because no one would be held accountable. Socialism has a terrible record on the environment, which you ignore.

Pretty much... whining "The Socialists did bad things in other countries decades ago, even though those countries already kind of sucked to live in" is not a compelling argument.

The fact is, we have an FDA, an OSHA, an EPA because Capitalism was doing a shit job of protecting the environment, worker safety and so on.

Remember when the Cayahooga River used to catch on fire because it was so polluted? Or how Lake Erie was the most polluted Great Lake?
We all will be if he some how wins.

The markets will crash within days if he beats Trump and there isn't a Republican congress to block him.

So you are okay with the 1% holding the rest of us hostage? "Don't you dare demand better, or we will crash the market rather than pay a little more in taxes we can easily afford!"

Lol....."a little more in taxes".
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

I view blob supporters the same way...except I would add in hateful, and misogynistic

The problem is, demographics say otherwise. The more wealthy a working person is, the more likely they are to be a Republican. Monetarily succeeding certainly implies ambitiousness, a level of intelligence and an understanding of basic economics. On the other hand, the lowest income brackets are overwhelmingly Democrats. That implies quite the opposite.

Midterms: Poorest states have Republican legislatures

So does this mean these republican legislatures understand basic economics?
If those bureaucrats managed the means of production and regulation, you would be breathing poison and eating unsafe food, because no one would be held accountable. Socialism has a terrible record on the environment, which you ignore.

Pretty much... whining "The Socialists did bad things in other countries decades ago, even though those countries already kind of sucked to live in" is not a compelling argument.

The fact is, we have an FDA, an OSHA, an EPA because Capitalism was doing a shit job of protecting the environment, worker safety and so on.

Remember when the Cayahooga River used to catch on fire because it was so polluted? Or how Lake Erie was the most polluted Great Lake?

Regulation is not socialism, Regulation is what prog twats like you want to use to bring about soft socialism.

Sorry, I'm not the old fart you are.

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