My take on Sanders voters.

Economically illiterate:

The markets will crash within days

bleeding heart morons.

everyone does not deserve a participation trophy.

By the way, what do you mean by Socialist?

What rich guy got in your way?

Talk about economically illiterate...

But the rich are holding us hostage?

His likely Treasury Pick thinks we can just print money

where is this handout to the rich that you speak of?

I have zero fear socialism will ever get a foothold here

The fact that this supposed free shit has been mocked by the right endlessly


Economically illiterate:


No need for any "take." Their cause is obvious just looking at them.

Economically illiterate:
Lack of skills and ambition:

Of course. These are young kids leaving home entering college faced with the world as it is today with their parents essentially kicking them out of the home telling them to get a job.

And here comes Bernie with his umbrella of "free" stuff for them! They are kids. Of course they are uneducated, economically illiterate and lack skills, they are kids. It takes more than books and a professor to teach you education, world reality and skills; the real education and skills comes out in the real world with EXPERIENCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT and SUCCESS.

OR they look at their parents, up to debt in their eyeballs, living in mortal terror they'll get cancer or some disease that will completely wipe them out because we are the only advanced country that doesn't have universal health care.

And they say, "Fuck that", and want something better for themselves.

They hear about the good old days when their grandparents belonged to unions and had a good life.

Look Joe, you're a pathetic hack. I've never seen you on the right side of anything. Your words fill empty pages.

Let's leave it at that and you should just quit while you are ahead.
Look Joe, you're a pathetic hack. I've never seen you on the right side of anything. Your words fill empty pages.

Let's leave it at that and you should just quit while you are ahead.

Your sad concession is duly noted. Maybe if you tried having an original thought rather than repeating whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio, you might be able to debate.
Look Joe, you're a pathetic hack. I've never seen you on the right side of anything. Your words fill empty pages.

Let's leave it at that and you should just quit while you are ahead.

Your sad concession is duly noted. Maybe if you tried having an original thought rather than repeating whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio, you might be able to debate.

The fact that you try to write off your total lack of substance as a "concession" simply speaks volumes to what everybody already knows about you. How can anyone "concede" to a person who never has any point, any evidence, any proof?

Much as your reliance on stereotypes such as "hate radio," Sorry Joe: I haven't gotten Fox News in many years and there hasn't been any "hate radio" in my area in well over a decade. But when there was, I never heard any hate on it, just somber facts.

But then, since you never actually listened to any of it, all you got to go by is repeating what your handlers tell you to think.

Warned you to quit while you were ahead Joe. I've spanked you silly at our every meeting and I always hold back on you, even if you are too dull to ever realize it.
The fact that you try to write off your total lack of substance as a "concession" simply speaks volumes to what everybody already knows about you. How can anyone "concede" to a person who never has any point, any evidence, any proof?

Much as your reliance on stereotypes such as "hate radio," Sorry Joe: I haven't gotten Fox News in many years and there hasn't been any "hate radio" in my area in well over a decade. But when there was, I never heard any hate on it, just somber facts.

Yet you keep repeating their talking points like you had an original thought.

But then, since you never actually listened to any of it, all you got to go by is repeating what your handlers tell you to think.

I listen to a wide variety of views. What I've seen is conservatives going from being horrified at the thought of Trump in 2016 to fully drinking the Orange Koolaid in 2020. It's actually kind of sad.

Warned you to quit while you were ahead Joe. I've spanked you silly at our every meeting and I always hold back on you, even if you are too dull to ever realize it.

Actually, I don't even consider you a particularly good advocate for the right wing view. There are some folks here who do argue well...

You aren't one of them.

Now, do you understand yet why kids are supporting Sanders? Probably not.

Thankfully, the adults in the room put the reckoning off another four years.
We all will be if he some how wins.

The markets will crash within days if he beats Trump and there isn't a Republican congress to block him.

So you are okay with the 1% holding the rest of us hostage? "Don't you dare demand better, or we will crash the market rather than pay a little more in taxes we can easily afford!"
I make a VERY good living selling my skills. The skills I acquired without all of Bernies free shit. As an exconvict I am certainly not one of the 1% and if I can achieve this level of success you got no one to blame but yourself for your failures.

The 1% are not the boogeymen, the far left is.
Technically, yes, I suppose carnival barking and panhandling qualify as skills. Certainly not your looks, feeble tap dancing, or juggling attempts. Not particularly funny either. No, people have mostly just been throwing money at you out of sheer pity. I know we've been vigorously conditioned to lower our expectations for decades now but in no way does your managing to skate by on charity translate into "success." Same applies to most of our current billionaires.
\Yet you keep repeating their talking points like you had an original thought.
Has it ever occurred to you that the greatest form of verification and authentication comes from when two widely separate, independent systems still come to the exact same conclusions?

I listen to a wide variety of views.
That's rather laughable considering the disastrous conclusions you always universally reach! You are obviously not actually "listening" to much of what a lot of people have to say, especially considering your views here are outvoted repeatedly 10:1.

What I've seen is conservatives going from being horrified at the thought of Trump in 2016 to fully drinking the Orange Koolaid in 2020. It's actually kind of sad.
I wouldn't know. I only concern myself with what I think, and when Trump announced his running, I was DELIGHTED, and bet that he'd end up with Ted Cruz as his VP. I was pretty close.

Actually, I don't even consider you a particularly good advocate for the right wing view.
That's great! Because I'm a conservative, not necessarily a "right wing." And as to arguing, I'm actually a trained litigator and expert logician. I simply don't consider you worth the effort, as 99% of the people here put you in with some of the stupidest jackasses on the entire forum.
That's great! Because I'm a conservative, not necessarily a "right wing." And as to arguing, I'm actually a trained litigator and expert logician

then please tell us just what conservative logic there is to a $23T deficit in a good economy, and allowing the fed to walk out of our treasury with a trillion $$$'s....?

That's great! Because I'm a conservative, not necessarily a "right wing." And as to arguing, I'm actually a trained litigator and expert logician

then please tell us just what conservative logic there is to a $23T deficit in a good economy, and allowing the fed to walk out of our treasury with a trillion $$$'s....?


Why ask me? I'm not a Congressman. The House controls the purse strings and the Democrats run the House.
This coming from someone who admits he hates Mormons.

Yes, if you belong to a cult started by Child Molesters and Con Men, I have contempt for you.


Read the history of the Mormon Cult, then explain to me why I should respect their beliefs?

(Not that I really respect anyone's religious beliefs, but the Mormon are a particularly obnoxious cult.)

Doesn't stop you from being a bigot.
Has it ever occurred to you that the greatest form of verification and authentication comes from when two widely separate, independent systems still come to the exact same conclusions?

No, not really. When Rush dies of cancer, you are going to be totally confused as to what to think.

That's rather laughable considering the disastrous conclusions you always universally reach! You are obviously not actually "listening" to much of what a lot of people have to say, especially considering your views here are outvoted repeatedly 10:1.

Not really. This is a right wing site. I kind of expect that. Still, a lot better than any other site, as it allows for and encourages a wide variety of views. The top posters here are left leaning, however.

The disastrous conclusion was that I voted Republican in every election from 1980 until 2008. After the THIRD Republican recession set me back thousands of dollars, I realized a simple truth. If I wanted to live like a Republican, I needed to vote for Democrats.

That's great! Because I'm a conservative, not necessarily a "right wing." And as to arguing, I'm actually a trained litigator and expert logician. I simply don't consider you worth the effort, as 99% of the people here put you in with some of the stupidest jackasses on the entire forum.

Yeah. Trained litigator. You close real estate deals. Go away, nobody believes you are a trained litigator.
Doesn't stop you from being a bigot.

Not at all. I'm just more honest than you are.

There are only TWO honest views you can take towards Mormonism.

1) "Joseph Smith was really talking to God! I need to listen to those nice young men and sign up for my own pair of magic underpants!!!"


:"Would you like to hear another testament of total horseshit!"


2) Joseph Smith was a two-bit con man who found religion was a more effective scam than Gold Divining, and used it to con less smart people out of money and fuck their teenage daughters.

That's it. ONly one of those statements is true.

the third option of pretending you "respect their beliefs" is just... you know, dishonest.
Whenever one you jackasses talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money and power to abuse the rest of us.

Hard pass

evidenced via historic disparity

$$$ decides who is the offal office puppet

People who actually expect something useful for their tax dollars other than overblown defense budgets and endless military escapades.

the MIC has always been in the 1% back pocket

I have more respect for people who want to make things better for all of us than the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality of Modern Conservatism.

which has little to no relevance to conservative ideals of the past

That's true. You live in a post-Reagan suckhole and don't realize how much better it used to be.

the beginning of the end of the middle class.....

That's great! Because I'm a conservative, not necessarily a "right wing." And as to arguing, I'm actually a trained litigator and expert logician

then please tell us just what conservative logic there is to a $23T deficit in a good economy, and allowing the fed to walk out of our treasury with a trillion $$$'s....?


Why ask me? I'm not a Congressman. The House controls the purse strings and the Democrats run the House.

Because it's obvious you're confused about the term conservative Toob dude , and further obfuscate toward partisan kool aid la la land...

In fact, the majority of those having conniptions over the specter of socialism can't grasp the fact hyper keynesian policies and practices categorically follow suit

Any old world conservative having a grasp of macro economic structure would be screaming blue bloody murder over our artificial creation of prosperity by means of creating artificial valuation

Thus modern conservatism is an illusion living in denial

No, not really. When Rush dies of cancer, you are going to be totally confused as to what to think.
Another idiotic, ignorant, baseless, typically dismissive statement from a clueless buffoon considering that I've not listened to Rush in close to 15 years.

This is a right wing site. I kind of expect that. Still, a lot better than any other site, as it allows for and encourages a wide variety of views.
So it is a right wing site despite the fact that it imposes no qualification on your leanings when you freely join, leaving it an open sampling of society. And despite encouraging a wide variety of views, you somehow always end up in the lower 10% minority.

The top posters here are left leaning, however.
A totally meaningless and subjective (and inaccurate) claim. Like all your baseless, garbage claims.
Another idiotic, ignorant, baseless, typically dismissive statement from a clueless buffoon considering that I've not listened to Rush in close to 15 years.

No, you just repeat what he says Verbatim. I'm always amazed when I tune if for a few minutes and then watch all his crap repeated here like they are orginal ideas.

So it is a right wing site despite the fact that it imposes no qualification on your leanings when you freely join, leaving it an open sampling of society. And despite encouraging a wide variety of views, you somehow always end up in the lower 10% minority.

Not sure where you even get that number, but never mind. Actually, it looks like we have a pretty even split between left, right and a few absolute nutcases.
No, you just repeat what he says Verbatim.
So you admit listening to Rush? I wouldn't know but if we both come to the same conclusions then it can only be because great minds think alike.

Not sure where you even get that number, but never mind.
Just check any poll here. Almost universally, every poll taken here favors Trump usually 10:1 with your position and opinion being in the 10%.
All Bernie wants to do is be part of the new 1%, except with him economic and government power are combined into one entity.

I prefer my so called elites to be greedy corporate types as opposed to power hungry government types, as my sig explains.

Yes, I'm sure you've been bending over for the One Percent for years because they be right with Jesus.

Whenever one you jackasses talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money and power to abuse the rest of us.

Hard pass’d prefer the government hold all of the power and abuse the people.
It's funny to see all these assholes that forced Trump on us peeing in their pants over the idea that Sanders could be elected!

They're both off the deep end, but at least Sanders is in touch with reality and cares about the American people.

Trump is just a lying bag of narcissistic shit!

entitled narcissistic shit’s would be Bernie supporters.

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