My take on Sanders voters.

It's funny to see all these assholes that forced Trump on us peeing in their pants over the idea that Sanders could be elected!

They're both off the deep end, but at least Sanders is in touch with reality and cares about the American people.

Trump is just a lying bag of narcissistic shit!
Regulation is not socialism, Regulation is what prog twats like you want to use to bring about soft socialism.

Sorry, I'm not the old fart you are.

That's true. You live in a post-Reagan suckhole and don't realize how much better it used to be.

Joe B, the most miserable person on the planet. Everything is someone else's fault.
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

Funny chit. You stupid fucks think Medicare for all is free? Really?

Sorry but Trump has the uneducated white vote.

The idea you listed this shit in your post shows just how ignorant you are. Trump hands you money in his tax cut & you assfucks dance naked around the fire yet it's Bernie people that want free stuff?
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

Funny chit. You stupid fucks think Medicare for all is free? Really?

Sorry but Trump has the uneducated white vote.

The idea you listed this shit in your post shows just how ignorant you are. Trump hands you money in his tax cut & you assfucks dance naked around the fire yet it's Bernie people that want free stuff?
I don't think it's free lol. BERNIE BROS think it's free. The fact that this supposed free shit has been mocked by the right endlessly and you still somehow think we don't realize we pay out the ass for it makes YOU stupid.

Now go embarrass yourself elsewhere
In heavily Latino East Los Angeles, a bastion of support for Sanders.

LOS ANGELES — Looked at one way, Lorena Vellanowth’s family is the embodiment of the American dream. She came to Los Angeles from Mexico as a baby, and her daughter went on to study at the University of California, Los Angeles, and then to attend graduate school at the University of Southern California.

But all that success came with a big caveat: Her daughter, who works in public administration for the city of Anaheim, is struggling under the weight of almost half a million dollars in student loans.

“Bigger than my mortgage,” said Ms. Vellanowth, 43, who works in health care. She said her daughter is getting married this month, and she worries about how her daughter will be able to afford to raise children or buy a home.

That reason alone was enough for Ms. Vellanowth, and many of her family members and friends in the Latino community, to support Bernie Sanders, she said, drawn by his message of fighting the type of inequality they feel every day in Los Angeles.

“I’m Latina, and you’d think that’s not someone I’d vote for, an old white guy,” she said on Monday afternoon outside a polling center at a park in the heavily Latino East Los Angeles.

But she worries about her candidate’s future, now that the Democratic establishment is coalescing around Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“I just hope the Democratic Party doesn’t screw him,”
she said, of Mr. Sanders.

Self hating old fart, who will make the world a better place when they are 6 feet under it.

Only Hateful person I see here is you, Marty, actually terrified people might stand up for themselves.

Relax. Democrats voted for Biden last night. The scary socialist isn't coming for your stuff.

This coming from someone who admits he hates Mormons.

The difference between me and you is I find you intolerable because of WHO you are, you hate people because of WHAT they are.

I find you despicable because of your beliefs and actions.
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.
Not accurate. I not a Bernie bro but the people I’ve met who are are young, idealistic and hard-working. They just think you guys screwed everything up in this country which is why they’re saddled with huge student loans
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.
Not accurate. I not a Bernie bro but the people I’ve met who are are young, idealistic and hard-working. They just think you guys screwed everything up in this country which is why they’re saddled with huge student loans
"You guys"?

Who runs higher education in this nation? Who forces kids to take FOR PROFIT classes they don't need? Who sets the prices of said classes?

It isn't the bank or the GOP.

I paid off my student loans. So can this generation.
Want something for nothing or very little effort.

Want others to pay for their things.

Don't understand the ramifications of giving the government the kind of power he proposes.

Economically illiterate:
Don't truly understand the value of a dollar or the gratification that comes from earning it and working your way up the ladder.

Lack life skills and ambition:
Need the government to manage their daily lives.

I know this likely comes off as an insult but that's how I see it. No point in trying to polish a turd least it rub off on me.

No need for any "take." Their cause is obvious just looking at them.

Economically illiterate:
Lack of skills and ambition:

Of course. These are young kids leaving home entering college faced with the world as it is today with their parents essentially kicking them out of the home telling them to get a job.

And here comes Bernie with his umbrella of "free" stuff for them! They are kids. Of course they are uneducated, economically illiterate and lack skills, they are kids. It takes more than books and a professor to teach you education, world reality and skills; the real education and skills comes out in the real world with EXPERIENCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT and SUCCESS.

No need for any "take." Their cause is obvious just looking at them.

Economically illiterate:
Lack of skills and ambition:

Of course. These are young kids leaving home entering college faced with the world as it is today with their parents essentially kicking them out of the home telling them to get a job.

And here comes Bernie with his umbrella of "free" stuff for them! They are kids. Of course they are uneducated, economically illiterate and lack skills, they are kids. It takes more than books and a professor to teach you education, world reality and skills; the real education and skills comes out in the real world with EXPERIENCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT and SUCCESS.

OR they look at their parents, up to debt in their eyeballs, living in mortal terror they'll get cancer or some disease that will completely wipe them out because we are the only advanced country that doesn't have universal health care.

And they say, "Fuck that", and want something better for themselves.

They hear about the good old days when their grandparents belonged to unions and had a good life.

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