My Thoughts On Men... am I right?

I don't know how old, you are, Bonzi, but life is indeed short. Once one reaches and gets used to retirement, if one is lucky, one finds out exactly what one really treasures in life. For some, it is freedom to travel. For others, it is being free from a dysfunctional family. I highly recommend taking a short cut, and finding your true self while you still have decades to enjoy it. Frankly, other than some health issues, I have never had it so good as I have it now, at 70. I am at complete peace with myself.
I'm listening Vandal, I'm in my 30's and always pay attention to what people say who have more experience. Right now it seems all good but I know that the time is running out and you have to find happiness where you can get it and sometimes at any cost.
All my life, I wanted to to a very slow and thorough exploration of the British Isles. including Scotland and Ireland (both of them). I'm talking, maybe 6 weeks. I never got around to it, and now I can't.

Oh well!

The good news is that there are hundreds of documentaries I can pull up!
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

Not all men are created equal.

Oh.....and I don't think about sex most of the games.

since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

Not all men are created equal.

Oh.....and I don't think about sex most of the games.

since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?

Cause it's one of the few things in life I really enjoy. Sad, I know, coming from a Christian.
But, just keeping it real..............
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

Not all men are created equal.

Oh.....and I don't think about sex most of the games.

since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?

Cause it's one of the few things in life I really enjoy. Sad, I know, coming from a Christian.
But, just keeping it real..............

But honest. I can't deny you that.

And don't feel like you need to answer this- but is it just because you are bored?
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

Not all men are created equal.

Oh.....and I don't think about sex most of the games.

since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?

Cause it's one of the few things in life I really enjoy. Sad, I know, coming from a Christian.
But, just keeping it real..............

But honest. I can't deny you that.

And don't feel like you need to answer this- but is it just because you are bored?

Could be - I'm pretty busy and have lots of stuff to do, but, I guess nothing really fun that I enjoy. I'm a sacrificial person (never used to be), so, I'm usually bending to accommodate others. Maybe this is my form of "rebellion"? Also, it takes the edge off, which, many people have a nightcap etc. for so, that that sense I suppose it's somewhat normal....
There might be 100 different girls who are tens that I'm thinking about, but the one who calls first is the one who is getting a date.
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

1 - Only if they don't masturbate regularly. Masturbating upon rising and before bed I don't find myself thinking of it in the middle of the day.

2 - Why would anyone be interested in anyone else for lack of similar interests?

3 - Respect is earned and lost continuously. It isn't static. Have much greater respect for people honest about their feelings and desires especially where sex is concerned. Would think less of someone who wanted to have sex but didn't let on than someone who does and did.

4 - want sweet and polite 24/7.

5 - not calling means they're not as insecure as you are that they need to receive attention and reinforcement every hour. If you do, buy a dog or cat. :)
Not all men are created equal.

Oh.....and I don't think about sex most of the games.

since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?

Cause it's one of the few things in life I really enjoy. Sad, I know, coming from a Christian.
But, just keeping it real..............

But honest. I can't deny you that.

And don't feel like you need to answer this- but is it just because you are bored?

Could be - I'm pretty busy and have lots of stuff to do, but, I guess nothing really fun that I enjoy. I'm a sacrificial person (never used to be), so, I'm usually bending to accommodate others. Maybe this is my form of "rebellion"? Also, it takes the edge off, which, many people have a nightcap etc. for so, that that sense I suppose it's somewhat normal....
Whoa honey child, you can't let a substance take the place of a needed emotion....I should know. I've been doing it since I was 15..I know at this age I will never find what I have always yearned for...but, there are other ways of being the real yous...
since we are (I think?) being honest... I think about mostly drinking and waiting for time where I can be alone.
my life is a waiting game....

I am curious why you think mostly about drinking?

Cause it's one of the few things in life I really enjoy. Sad, I know, coming from a Christian.
But, just keeping it real..............

But honest. I can't deny you that.

And don't feel like you need to answer this- but is it just because you are bored?

Could be - I'm pretty busy and have lots of stuff to do, but, I guess nothing really fun that I enjoy. I'm a sacrificial person (never used to be), so, I'm usually bending to accommodate others. Maybe this is my form of "rebellion"? Also, it takes the edge off, which, many people have a nightcap etc. for so, that that sense I suppose it's somewhat normal....
Whoa honey child, you can't let a substance take the place of a needed emotion....I should know. I've been doing it since I was 15..I know at this age I will never find what I have always yearned for...but, there are other ways of being the real yous...

Yes, so here I am... :)

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