My Thoughts On Men... am I right?

No its just that people dont like reality so instead of saying it happens they attribute some negative connotations to it to make themselves feel better. No man cares that you call them a whore lol...big deal.

My mentality has been a part of Society in general for hundreds of years. You can call it whatever you like.

You're right its common and has been for centuries. That's why our society has gone rotten over the past 2-3 centuries. There are few Gentleman or Ladies left in society.
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

"mmmkay, uhu, uhu"
*nodding my head and furrowing my brow a bit to appear interested, but not actually reading anything you wrote. Instead, waiting for a split second to gawk at your breasts while you're distracted*

Good luck if you can see them from there!
No its just that people dont like reality so instead of saying it happens they attribute some negative connotations to it to make themselves feel better. No man cares that you call them a whore lol...big deal.

My mentality has been a part of Society in general for hundreds of years. You can call it whatever you like.

You're right its common and has been for centuries. That's why our society has gone rotten over the past 2-3 centuries. There are few Gentleman or Ladies left in society.

And it's getting worse. It's all about ME and IMMEDIATE GRATFICATION.
The days of sacrificing for others (or future generations) is over.
A man being called a "whore" is a compliment.
Women need to be more intelligent, and parents better teachers of discernment.
Usually, you have a 'sense' if someone is a douchebag but many times, your attraction (or alcohol) takes over and you just hope you're wrong; and usually, you're not

Being called a whore is not a compliment where I come from if both men and women were more discerning we'd all be better off.
False on number 3. That is sooooo 1950's......

I'll give you that - so what keeps a guy interested then?
I have found that it varies, and, if a guy sticks around, it can be for a variety of reasons.
If he really is interested or cares, though, you only have to see how much attention he is paying when you talk.
(1) They think about sex most of the time
(2) They are not interested in what you like unless it's something they like
(3) They will lose respect for you very easily if you are too "fast" but will think you are a tease if too "slow"
(4) They want you to be sweet and polite in public; but the opposite in bed

My 5 cents (i'm a hetero guy):

(1) They think about sex IF their natural disposition is STIMULATED by an "attractive" female. Usually i think about work and other personal tasks at hand (besides masturbation). Since I'm a natural guy, i actually like UNshaven women, old European style.

(2) Not true for intelligent, minimally empathic men.

(3) Somewhat true, but depends on guy's long-term motives. If he's really interested in you as a person, and especially as a possible spouse, then he will wait longer than usual, maybe even 5-7 dates! After that, he may get suspicious and may need a valid explanation.

(4) Somewhat true, but it could be the reverse too on occasion, once he gets to know you.

(5) True, unless they are the real shy type and high on egalitarianism. After several dates, he may expect you to call him too. Trying that at least once will reveal something about him.
False on number 3. That is sooooo 1950's......

I'll give you that - so what keeps a guy interested then?
I have found that it varies, and, if a guy sticks around, it can be for a variety of reasons.
If he really is interested or cares, though, you only have to see how much attention he is paying when you talk.

I'm getting kind of long in the tooth, so my tastes have changed. For me, the most attractive thing about a woman is her ability not to be boring. I kid you not, older women are boring as hell. I live in a retirement community, and about half the women here are widows. Their husbands did everything for them, and frankly, they are so uninformed, and helpless that their entire lives seem to be focused on preparing the bean salad for this week's pot luck. The physical things still count, but not nearly as much as years gone by. For this, I am extremely grateful, because I used to endure a lot of grief and agony just to get into the pants of a woman with a great bod.
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.
False on number 3. That is sooooo 1950's......

I'll give you that - so what keeps a guy interested then?
I have found that it varies, and, if a guy sticks around, it can be for a variety of reasons.
If he really is interested or cares, though, you only have to see how much attention he is paying when you talk.

I'm getting kind of long in the tooth, so my tastes have changed. For me, the most attractive thing about a woman is her ability not to be boring. I kid you not, older women are boring as hell. I live in a retirement community, and about half the women here are widows. Their husbands did everything for them, and frankly, they are so uninformed, and helpless that their entire lives seem to be focused on preparing the bean salad for this week's pot luck. The physical things still count, but not nearly as much as years gone by. For this, I am extremely grateful, because I used to endure a lot of grief and agony just to get into the pants of a woman with a great bod.

So, are you talking about being educated, or, them not having opinions of their own (or both?)
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.

You don't believe in love at first sight?
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.

You don't believe in love at first sight?
Of course not, that's fairy tale stuff. Lust yes, love, no.
False on number 3. That is sooooo 1950's......

I'll give you that - so what keeps a guy interested then?
I have found that it varies, and, if a guy sticks around, it can be for a variety of reasons.
If he really is interested or cares, though, you only have to see how much attention he is paying when you talk.

I'm getting kind of long in the tooth, so my tastes have changed. For me, the most attractive thing about a woman is her ability not to be boring. I kid you not, older women are boring as hell. I live in a retirement community, and about half the women here are widows. Their husbands did everything for them, and frankly, they are so uninformed, and helpless that their entire lives seem to be focused on preparing the bean salad for this week's pot luck. The physical things still count, but not nearly as much as years gone by. For this, I am extremely grateful, because I used to endure a lot of grief and agony just to get into the pants of a woman with a great bod.

So, are you talking about being educated, or, them not having opinions of their own (or both?)

Both. But is is more than that. They have to have interests in life, other than quilting and baking brownies. Does she know anything about history? geography? current events? economics? is she interested in learning things, or did she just shut her brain off 40 years ago and has been coasting ever since?
False on number 3. That is sooooo 1950's......

I'll give you that - so what keeps a guy interested then?
I have found that it varies, and, if a guy sticks around, it can be for a variety of reasons.
If he really is interested or cares, though, you only have to see how much attention he is paying when you talk.

I'm getting kind of long in the tooth, so my tastes have changed. For me, the most attractive thing about a woman is her ability not to be boring. I kid you not, older women are boring as hell. I live in a retirement community, and about half the women here are widows. Their husbands did everything for them, and frankly, they are so uninformed, and helpless that their entire lives seem to be focused on preparing the bean salad for this week's pot luck. The physical things still count, but not nearly as much as years gone by. For this, I am extremely grateful, because I used to endure a lot of grief and agony just to get into the pants of a woman with a great bod.

So, are you talking about being educated, or, them not having opinions of their own (or both?)

Both. But is is more than that. They have to have interests in life, other than quilting and baking brownies. Does she know anything about history? geography? current events? economics? is she interested in learning things, or did she just shut her brain off 40 years ago and has been coasting ever since?

How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?

I love games and deep conversation. Card games mostly, trivia too. I love getting to know people and how they think.....
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.

You don't believe in love at first sight?
Of course not, that's fairy tale stuff. Lust yes, love, no.

I believe in it. I know people it has happened to also (unfortunately, I'm not one of them).
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.

You don't believe in love at first sight?
Of course not, that's fairy tale stuff. Lust yes, love, no.
I believe in it. I know people it has happened to also (unfortunately, I'm not one of them).
It's impossible to love someone you don't know.
I'm 70. I have been dating a woman for about 4 years. we are both very set in our ways, and have learned to avoid situations where we are not compatible. For example, she is EXTREMELY social, and is not really happy unless she is with a lot of people most of the time. She does not read, and is easily bored without social interaction. I, on the other hand, enjoy a certain amount of down time, and a good book. She is very smart, and very popular. I am more self contained. It is not a perfect relationship, but our needs are not what they used to be. She is grateful to me that I do not cramp her style when we are not together. I am grateful to her that she is not the slightest bit needy, and does not put heavy demands on my time and life. Sex is still good. We will never marry, but we will always be there for each other.
No its just that people dont like reality so instead of saying it happens they attribute some negative connotations to it to make themselves feel better. No man cares that you call them a whore lol...big deal.

My mentality has been a part of Society in general for hundreds of years. You can call it whatever you like.

You're right its common and has been for centuries. That's why our society has gone rotten over the past 2-3 centuries. There are few Gentleman or Ladies left in society.

So, just to be clear every society ever has gone down according to some weird metric that you cant explain because of casual sex?

Thats far fetched...if this was Vegas the odds of that being true would...well, stop you from putting your money on that reasoning
#5 doesn't work with me. If they don't call the next morning, or even after we part, they are done.

They need to like me so much they can't help themselves. It has to go both ways, it won't seem desperate if I'm as crazy about them as they are about me.
Wow, you have a hair trigger. You want someone that's either desperate or phony. Calling the next morning is a bit needy. Or he's applying as much sugar as he can to get laid.

I agree 100%

Because either the guy is laying it on thick to get the drawls or he'll call and give that attention and you'll think he's a sucker with no options. Also, if you dismiss a guy for not calling the next day you didnt really like him in the first place

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