My thoughts on transgenderism, gender fluidity. See what you think.

I think anyone who worries that much about other people's genitals has severe gender insecurity problems.
That's because you want to ignore the destructive effects of this mental illness, and worse the destruction of reality in order to accept this mental illness .

I think anyone who embraces this mental illness does so because they are not comfortable in their own gender
I kinda believe the trans friendly are convinced God makes a mistake when He creates Man and Woman. God says he created two genders but the super brains here think he's wrong.
And I kinda believe you're completely full of shit, I have no interest in any of the nonsense you spewed above, and think you're a complete head case.
And you were impacted how?

Does one have to be directly impacted by an obvious evil, to have any standing to recognize and call out that evil, and call for that evil to be opposed?

As Albert Einstein observed about Pablo Casals…

“What I particularly admire in him is the firm stand he has taken, not only against the oppressors of his countrymen, but also against those opportunists who are always ready to compromise with the Devil. He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.
You mean the way you are “forced” to watch blacks and gays live on your world?
The way you are forced to watch Christians and conservatives live in your world?

Have you thought about taking a gun and forcing others to accept your world view? Should we be concerned you'll go full Audrey on us?
Leave it to a left wrong-wing racist piece of shit to equate black people with fucked-up sexual perverts.
That's what they do.....when they are losing.... first thing they do.... they bring up the race card!

What is odd is cases like this, where they use the race card to attack the very racial group that they want us to believe they are supporting.
If you're not capable of thinking this through you will accept no answer.

I get that you think this behavior is perfectly normal. But you are part of the problem, so fuck off
Clearly you were NOT personally impacted.

Clearly you have no reasonable response
What is odd is cases like this, where they use the race card to attack the very racial group that they want us to believe they are supporting.
That makes no sense.

Your abhorrence of trans folks is no different than your abhorrence of gays or blacks

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