my thoughts when I see people here talk about 'evolution'

That life exists at all on Earth is proof.

One must understand evolution in its proper context: it is the Earth that is constantly changing, in order for life to continue, it must evolve and adapt to that change. If life were unable to evolve, it would have perished eons ago.

‘Creationism’ is neither theory nor science, it is religion, as established by the Court, and may not be allowed in public schools in accordance with the First Amendment. See: Aguillard vs Edwards (1987).
That life exists at all on Earth is proof.

One must understand evolution in its proper context: it is the Earth that is constantly changing, in order for life to continue, it must evolve and adapt to that change. If life were unable to evolve, it would have perished eons ago.

‘Creationism’ is neither theory nor science, it is religion, as established by the Court, and may not be allowed in public schools in accordance with the First Amendment. See: Aguillard vs Edwards (1987).

Life is proof of Life. That is all. The rest is editorial. ;)

Big Bang has no evidence it actually happened, it is simply a Theory based on the fact matter is moving in this small part of the galaxy.

Evolution is a theory. The only concrete evidence is that evolution occurs IN a species for mammals. There is no evidence that a single mammal has ever evolved into 2 or more separate mammals. And no a bird that specializes and becomes two of the same bird with different specialty's does not prove the point.

Let me be specific. According to the theory a man evolved from a creature that was ape like and evolved into apes and man. Neither can interbreed and are distinctly different. There is no evidence that any such evolution has ever happened. What we have proven is that within a species evolution occurs and improves the species. Horses come to mind. With single cell creatures we see rapid evolution at times. And with plants we see plants evolve into different species of plants. BUT not a single species of mammal has done so or rather no one can cite any such event.

Several bird species have evolved within the species. Become two different specialist but same species.
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I need proof of how life began. Not theories or fairytales but concrete facts and to this day I've seen nothing to convince me of anything yet.

So that gives you license to claim that some gaseous vertebrate in the sky created life?

That is IF you accept 'Biblical'...and what is biblical?

Writings of people back in the time that described ALL that they saw in terms THEY understood.

I contend it's deeper than that...there IS an outside influence...and they aren't from around OUR Solar system...:eusa_whistle:

Wow............stick around on these boards long enough and some of the strangest things will happen eventually.

Guess what "The T", I agree with you. Bet you never thought you'd hear that did ya?

As far as life "beginning" here on the planet? Well, that may have some merit if the Earth never attracted other stuff such as meteors, comets and asteroids, which fall to the ground on a constant basis. Interestingly enough, a metorite that was found in the North Pole happens to not be from the Earth, it's actually been tracked back to Mars, and it has fossils in it.

A group of scientists led by David McKay of NASA's Johnson Space Center published an article in the 16 August 1996 issue of Science magazine announcing the discovery of evidence for primitive bacterial life on Mars. An examination of a meteorite found in Antarctica and believed to be from Mars shows: 1) hydrocarbons which are the same as breakdown products of dead micro-organisms on Earth, 2) mineral phases consistent with by-products of bacterial activity, and 3) tiny carbonate globules which may be microfossils of the primitive bacteria, all within a few hundred-thousandths of an inch of each other. Based on age dating of the meteorite, the following scenario has been proposed:
The original igneous rock solidified within Mars about 4.5 billion years ago, about 100 million years after the formation of the planet. (Based on isotope ages of the igneous component of the meteorite)

Between 3.6 and 4 billion years ago the rock was fractured, presumably by meteorite impacts. Water then permeated the cracks, depositing carbonate minerals and allowing primitive bacteria to live in the fractures.

About 3.6 billion years ago, the bacteria and their by-products became fossilized in the fractures. (Based on isotope ages of the minerals in the fractures)

16 million years ago, a large meteorite struck Mars, dislodging a large chunk of this rock and ejecting it into space. (Based on the cosmic ray exposure age of the meteorite)

13,000 years ago, the meteorite landed in Antarctica.

The meteorite, ALH84001, was discovered in 1984 in the Allan Hills region of Antarctica.

Evidence of Ancient Martian Life in Meteorite ALH84001?

And then.............there's the whole ancient astronaut theory which says that beings came down from somewhere else and started to mess around with the life forms found here. Ever consider the possibility that the "missing link" could actually be where aliens bioengineered us into what would lead to our present day form?

Then............there's also the fact that many paintings that had angels in them (especially in the Middle Ages), also tended to have some intentionally drawn object that appears to be a UFO.

And...............incidentally................there was a couple of scientists that tried to reproduce the conditions on earth way back during it's formation to see if they could get DNA strands to form. For the longest time, they failed to produce any results until one of them suggested that hitting it with electricity (as in a lightning strike), and the result was the beginning of DNA strands starting to form.

Were we created, engineered, or evolved? I favor the theory of intelligent design, as well as also consider the possibility of the ancient astronaut theory, because there are too many things (the Maya, Egyptians, as well as a tribe in Africa, etc) that point to that possibility in a large way.
OH OK.....

When was Big Bang Proven?

When was Evolution Proven?

Please provide links :eusa_whistle:

And as far as Government, if they teach one Theory they should teach the other Theory

Not that I am saying one is a true theory and one is not, that is for another discussion


The theory of Evolution is about as proven as any theory in science. The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable.

One thing is certain: the biblical explanation simply isn't credible.

Talk about ignorance. The theory of evolution as regards man evolving from an ape like creature is simply not proven. In fact there is no proof that any mammal has ever evolved into 2 or more distinctly DIFFERENT species. Once again, apes and man are not able to reproduce together they are different species. There is no fossil evidence that a single ape like creature spawned them both. And there is no evidence any mammal species has evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species. Again the closest is birds and they are actually the same species with different specializations.

As for the Bible God created Adam and Eve and also created other humans as proven by Cain going to live amongst them. And there are actual historical records that prove different parts of the Bible.
pushing 'creation science' into public schools

stopping teachers from teaching evolution (which is proven)

stopping from teaching the big bang (which is proven)

OH OK.....

When was Big Bang Proven?

When was Evolution Proven?

Please provide links :eusa_whistle:

And as far as Government, if they teach one Theory they should teach the other Theory

Not that I am saying one is a true theory and one is not, that is for another discussion


I assume you are joking on the proven part.

and what is this other "theory" that should be taught? Creationism? Why not teach every major religion's creation story then? Why pick just the christian one?

also, I don't think you know what a scientific theory is based on your post

Not Joking. I did quite well in all the Sciences in School and College, thank you

I would not have made a good teacher or I would share some facts, beside some do not want to learn.

Creationism? there are several religions that are based on a higher being creating the earth and man.

Christianity, Islam, Judism to name a few, even the Egyptians belief life was created

See, if they have taught creationism in your school you may have learned something.

There is always Google :)

Don't forget to google Theory as in the "big bang" also :eusa_whistle:

The theory of Evolution is about as proven as any theory in science. The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable.

One thing is certain: the biblical explanation simply isn't credible.

"The theory of Evolution is about as proven as any theory in science. The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable."

You'll want to re-think that based on the following...

a. David B. Kitts, evolutionist and paleontologist,: "Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of 'seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists the most notorious of which is the presence of 'gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them." (“Evolution, 28:467)

Sorry, but that isn't a "problem" except for creationists. It would be ridiculous to expect that there weren't any gaps in the fossil record.

b. "We are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn't changed much -- ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin's time.

More bullshit. We have far more. For instance, take the evolution of birds. We know they descended from feathered dinosaurs because we now have found numerous fossils of feathered dinosaurs.

By this I mean that some of the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed information." (Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Chicago, 50:22-29)

ROFL! All that means is that we don't have a perfect understanding of the past. As we gain more knowledge, our understanding is corrected.

Kitts calls himself an "evolutionist" and "paleontologist?" He is neither. He has a PHD in zoology. He's also a notorious creationism crank.
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Not Joking. I did quite well in all the Sciences in School and College, thank you

I would not have made a good teacher or I would share some facts, beside some do not want to learn.

Creationism? there are several religions that are based on a higher being creating the earth and man.

Christianity, Islam, Judism to name a few, even the Egyptians belief life was created

See, if they have taught creationism in your school you may have learned something.

There is always Google :)

Don't forget to google Theory as in the "big bang" also :eusa_whistle:


The fact that idiocy comes in multiple brands or flavors doesn't make it any less idiotic. If you were taught creationism in school you wouldn't have learned anything. Absorbing falsehoods is not learning.
Talk about ignorance. The theory of evolution as regards man evolving from an ape like creature is simply not proven.

It will never proven to the satisfaction of creationists who believe some supernatural gaseous vertebrate created humans, but why would anyone pay attention to people who believe in such fantastic delusions?

In fact there is no proof that any mammal has ever evolved into 2 or more distinctly DIFFERENT species.

There is abundant proof.

Once again, apes and man are not able to reproduce together they are different species.

Different species cannot interbreed. That's pretty much what defines the term "species." You obviously don't understand evolution or even basic biology.

There is no fossil evidence that a single ape like creature spawned them both.

They both descended from a proto-ape creature. It's nonsensical to refer to apes as being descended from apes.

And there is no evidence any mammal species has evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

Again, there is tons of evidence.

Again the closest is birds and they are actually the same species with different specializations.

God, are you ever ignorant.

As for the Bible God created Adam and Eve and also created other humans as proven by Cain going to live amongst them. And there are actual historical records that prove different parts of the Bible.

ROFL! You're serious?
The theory of Evolution is about as proven as any theory in science. The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable.

One thing is certain: the biblical explanation simply isn't credible.

"The theory of Evolution is about as proven as any theory in science. The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable."

You'll want to re-think that based on the following...

a. David B. Kitts, evolutionist and paleontologist,: "Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of 'seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists the most notorious of which is the presence of 'gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them." (“Evolution, 28:467)

Sorry, but that isn't a "problem" except for creationists. It would be ridiculous to expect that there weren't any gaps in the fossil record.

b. "We are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn't changed much -- ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin's time.

More bullshit. We have far more. For instance, take the evolution of birds. We know they descended from feathered dinosaurs because we now have found numerous fossils of feathered dinosaurs.

By this I mean that some of the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed information." (Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Chicago, 50:22-29)

ROFL! All that means is that we don't have a perfect understanding of the past. As we gain more knowledge, our understanding is corrected.

Kitts calls himself an "evolutionist" and "paleontologist?" He is neither. He has a PHD in zoology. He's also a notorious creationism crank.

No, actually, what it means is that experts in the field, who clearly know more than you do, dispute your "The evidence is so abundant that it simply isn't deniable." absurdity.

You should calm down, and realize that you may believe whatsoever you choose to...but the theory of evolution is based as much on faith as any theological doctrine.
Not Joking. I did quite well in all the Sciences in School and College, thank you

I would not have made a good teacher or I would share some facts, beside some do not want to learn.

Creationism? there are several religions that are based on a higher being creating the earth and man.

Christianity, Islam, Judism to name a few, even the Egyptians belief life was created

See, if they have taught creationism in your school you may have learned something.

There is always Google :)

Don't forget to google Theory as in the "big bang" also :eusa_whistle:


The fact that idiocy comes in multiple brands or flavors doesn't make it any less idiotic. If you were taught creationism in school you wouldn't have learned anything. Absorbing falsehoods is not learning.

Everyone has their opinion, falsehood IMO is the Big Bang Theory, a huge explosion created chain events that millions of years later led to life on Earth ....

I do not deny there is evidence of micro-evolution, but that is not the same as what many believe as true Evolution and far from Bang, 15 million years later.

The Theory of Speciation in the Evolutionary Theory allowing a species to divide into another or dissimilar species is idiocy, imo

Nobody can even prove that this world is real and not just another dream, I don't see the point in arguing about creationism and evolution until you get that sorted out. :)

“I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?”
Chuang Tzu quote
Evolution IS plausible and undeniable...but us Humans have been tampered with...
More importantly, evolution IS part of a Created Universe.

It does not matter that science can prove this or prove that. When the Universe was created, it HAD to have a framework in which to exist. That framework can be studied, tested and evaluated.

None of which disproves that it was 'Created'. I sometimes wonder at the alleged science supporters that have such difficulty with critical thinking.
Love these right wingers "insisting" that more than 6% of scientists must be Republican. I know where they get their figures. The same place their economic and foreign policies come from. It's called a "gut" feeling. Sometimes I get that feeling. Then I barf and it goes away.
I need proof of how life began. Not theories or fairytales but concrete facts and to this day I've seen nothing to convince me of anything yet.

We're on a cruise and the ship goes down. We are the only two survivors. We are both floating adrift on the ocean, about 20 miles apart. The current has seperated us. Shark are circling both of us. The only difference between you and me is I'm not alone.

Or is that when you finally find God? I hear there are no athiests in fox holes.

We know how life began. The earth was a ball of fire and cooled and these micros created fungas that gave off oxygen and carbondioxide occured and then the ozone formed, blablabla, I'm not a scientist, but I've watched the History Channel. It doesn't take much learning to find out how life began. Were you skeptical with every teacher when you went to highschool? Did you question your math teacher and english teacher too? And yet religious people will swallow what their preacher tells them. Isnt' that funny?

Anyways, to me, the fact that it all works so perfectly, is my proof there is a God. Its too beautiful. Too perfect. One thing goes wrong and we are done. One meteor. Yet we evolved to do such great things in such a short time. To me, this is my proof of God. Not Jesus, jews, muslims, mormons, etc. That's all man made shit. Do I know for sure? No. I believe. But I don't believe what their telling me. They seem to be full of shit.
Evolution IS plausible and undeniable...but us Humans have been tampered with...
More importantly, evolution IS part of a Created Universe.

It does not matter that science can prove this or prove that. When the Universe was created, it HAD to have a framework in which to exist. That framework can be studied, tested and evaluated.

None of which disproves that it was 'Created'. I sometimes wonder at the alleged science supporters that have such difficulty with critical thinking.

Oh no. Please don't try to steal this one. This is what us liberal christians have been saying for years. And it was the right wingers who could not seem to accept that science does not have to necessarily be anti religion. The Catholic Church has FINALLY embraced this concept. Took them hundreds of years.

So please don't suggest you are the enlightened one for having this liberal thought.

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