My Three Global Warming Fraud Websites

I'm aware of the fact that world/national political leadership is USING GW as crisis to achieve goals. Most everybody realizes that. But, I'm DEPENDING on any media or political leadership to MAKE THE CASE that GW has been hyped WAAAY beyond any science that has "declared an emergency".

IN FACT, over the 30+ years I've been following this -- idjits like John Kerry/Al Gore just sound more unhinged and shrill than earlier as the EVIDENCE SHOWS -- the INITIAL catastrophic GW predictions were a mixture of hype, ignoring all other explanations, bad modeling and using WORSE case scenarios that haven't shown any empirical evidence to support them.

"I'm DEPENDING on any media or political leadership to MAKE THE CASE that GW has been hyped WAAAY beyond any science that has 'declared an emergency.'"

The case could not be summed up any better than this. I about spit out my drink when I heard him say this LOL:

And what they produce on sexual orientations or CChange is inconsistent garbage that pollutes the minds they are paid to screw with -- but their work will not stand. Because just as they fail by making "woman" unrecognizable -- while they are "ALL ABOUT WOMEN" -- is just transparent crap - not science.

For GW -- there WAS an embargo and conspiracy to BURY research in CChange from about the 90s to about 2010 -- but SINCE 2010, cooler heads have prevailed and DISSENT IS BACK in a big way.

Like I said before -- there's NO scientific consensus on ALL of GW theory required to declare an emergency. It's "an issue" that MAYBE should drive public policy in subtle ways. And NO ONE in the entire field of GW science has EVER declared "the science is settled" to my knowledge.

The reason I suggested you KEEP ALL these sources close at hand, but dont get CONSUMED by what is said by media/politicos who MOSTLY have shunned debate and wont answer questions -- is to focus on HOW UNsuccessful they've been in public opinion.

GW barely ever bursts thru the #5 spot in opinion on the "biggest crisis" DESPITE all that noise.

It ALL falls apart when you poke back at them. When's the last "great debate" on GW??? Who won???? It's not between Kerry or Al Gore and other politicos -- that's for sure.
Yep. On a related note, you'll appreciate this, with your experience with the public health sector. It really is quite revolting to see just how corrupted and political the business of "scientific research" has become, in all fields.

I wonder what percentage of the general public has any clue about the retraction data which shows that two-thirds of published biomedical research papers are later withdrawn due to fraud! That is an absolutely jaw-dropping figure that simply should not be tolerated in a civilized post-industrial society. These are the kind of shenanigans we usually attribute to the charlatans responsible for the astounding level of ignorance and barbarism in the medieval "dark ages" -- not in the 21st century.

Fraud, not error, is why two thirds of biomedical papers are withdrawn

"Retraction of biomedical and life science research papers for fraud or misconduct is more widespread than previously thought and is roughly 10-fold more common today than in 1975, shows a new study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.[1]"​

Here's another pre-Covid article exposing the prevalence of deceit and fraud in medical research, which represents both a foreshadowing of what we just experienced on an unprecedented scale, and a retrospective warning to the general public that this phenomenon has been lurking in the shadows for decades and we better wake the fuck up and get wise to the charade of special interest money paying for pre-conceived "scientific conclusions" to be published in journals and then fed to their media allies as a mechanism to direct governmental policy in everything from public health to energy to education.

"Deceit and fraud in medical research is a serious problem for the credibility of published literature. Although estimating its prevalence is difficult, reported incidences are alarming. The spectrum of the problem ranges from what may seem as rather innocuous gift authorship to wholesale fabrication of data. Potential factors which may have promoted fraud and deceit include financial gain, personal fame, the competitive scientific environment and scientific hubris."​
One more for good measure:
"Research papers have been flawed and retracted following disclosure of falsification/fabrication of data. Japanese anesthetist, Yoshitaka Fujii, infamously leads the world record with 190 retractions. From 1991 to 2011, he published prolifically and authored or co-authored around 250 articles in scientific and medical journals with an average of >12 publications per year over his career.[13,14] More than half of these publications were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, the “gold standard of evidence” for medical decision-making. Yoshitaka Fujii's record of retractions shattered the record for retracted papers previously held by the German anesthetist Joachim Boldt, who briefly held this dubious distinction with 88 retracted articles.[15] Robert (Bob) Slutsky, at the peak of his career, published one paper every 10 days, many of his papers have been retracted. He was one of the most prolific fraudsters in the history of cardiac research.[16,17] Since 1975, there has been a 10-fold increase in scientific articles retracted due to fraud.[18]​

"The pharmaceutical industry has also been shown to influence research integrity.[19] Several molecules have been withdrawn from the market. ... In case of Avandia, GSK had masked the drug's safety profile to protect sales.[20,21,22] Thus, drug development, if driven by financial gains, has grave implications for the future of research and patient safety. The GSK had to pay $3 billion following a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice for failing to report safety data and for introducing “misbranded” drugs. ...​
"Apparently, the necessity of research publications for academic advances and promotions, the culture of “publish or perish,” the monetary benefits, etc., associated with research resulted in fraud in research and commercialization of research. Every profession will have some dishonest people. In majority of research frauds, colleagues in the department, co-authors, and many other people in the hospital probably knew or suspected that the researcher was making up the data. The concern is not that some doctors and some researchers are dishonest; the main concern is that there is a failure to deal with the misconduct.[28] ... [.]"​
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The fraud and deceit is rampant throughout *science*.
Look at global warming craziness and Darwin's worthless extrapolation....

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics
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I began assembling these at least ten years ago and cannot begin to keep up with the avalanche of evidence against the Global Warming Fraud. If you have something HUGE and you can't find it in any of these, please post it here and PM me so I can pile on more.... as if it were needed.

Across America and around the world, sanctimonious pretenders of environmental piety tell everyone else to cut back, stop burning that evil fossil fuel, and save the earth. Then they slap each other on the back and do as they please, not as they preach. Take Al Gore, please. Or Barack Obama. Or United Nations bureaucrats. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger. As governor of California, he signed Executive Order S-03-5, which mandates an 80% reduction in greenhouse gases based on 1990 usage. Has he or any of these other eco-hypocrites cut back their own "carbon footprint" by 80%? Not remotely.

Here is a current schedule of some of the seminars run by eco-hypocrites around the world. Instead of videoconferencing, and practicing what they preach, they fly all over the place, no doubt largely at public expense, to wine and dine and shake hands and congratulate each other on how wonderful they all are.
Environment events | Conal Conference Alerts Topic Listing

Related image

Image result for environmental hypocrites


World leaders and organizations continue to enact legislation requiring citizens to cut carbon dioxide emissions 80% within the not too distant future, as a result of hysterical claims by biased researchers whose hands are deep into the pockets of government grants funding their work. Imminent doom and gloom is relentlessly predicted if we don't "do something now"!

The odd thing is that these pretend environmentalists don't practice what they preach to everyone else. Barack Obama flies Air Force One to Hawaii every Christmas, at profound public expense and carbon footprinting. He flew Air Force One to Ohio one Earth Day to plant a single tree in a kind of faux paean to the environment. Obama could have appeared on close-captioned television. He might have videoconferenced, but no, he had to appear in person, this Anointed One, to hear his fawning audience clap and cheer.

Al Gore flies around the world in his private jet, attracting many tens of thousands of adoring fans, who together burn hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel, to hear him repeat himself, yet again.

Rick Steves panders to scores of millions of travelers, ending every "evocative" program with the admonition to "keep on traveling." This is ecohypocrisy at its worst, since he's always preaching the human-caused climate change narrative. But then again, Rick is a far left-wing extremist, who never hesitates to remind his fawning audience about "right-wing fascism" when in fact the fascists were left-wing socialists. The very name of the Nazi Party was the National Socialists. "We find different truths to be self-evident and God-given." - Rick Steves The devil could not have put it better than that.

United Nations bigwigs fly around the world, proselytizing the horrors of global warming, recently renamed to climate change, since things have not been getting nearly as warm as their models have predicted. The liberal media turn a blind eye to these hypocritical actions of their fellow liberals. It's disgraceful of all of them. Disgraceful. It is disgraceful for the preachers of global warming to do exactly the opposite of what they demand of the rest of us. It is disgraceful of the media to ignore their hypocrisy. It is disgraceful for all those claiming to be saviors of the environment not to expose the widespread hypocrisy of their ideological brethren.

Numerous magazines feature articles in support of global warming / climate change. I just read the May 2015 issue of Smithsonian magazine. It is exactly like all the previous issues, that is, completely hypocritical.

Page 2 and 3 present an advertisement encouraging readers to burn, baby, burn. Fly or drive to the Mississippi River and ride a fossil-fuel powered paddlewheel boat with American Cruise Lines.
(Price not published)

The hypocrisy continues Page 7 invites Smithsonian readers to burn enough fuel to travel to Washington, D.C. for the May 15-17th The FUTURE IS HERE FESTIVAL.

Smithsonian could have sold CD roms of the festival. Smithsonian might have broadcast it live on television, or even on a webinair. But how much more absolutely fabulous it is to travel to D.C. and meet other wealthy hypocrites, who preach environmentalism while practicing anti-conservation on a grand scale.

Oh but the Smithsonian hypocrisy is just getting warmed up. Page 13:


The Smithsonian Collection by Smithsonian Journeys
Regent Seven Seas Cruises
(Prices not shown here either)

Page 15

From Africa to Asia, Australia to South America - we take you beyond the expected travel experience.. Audley Travel
(Prices not shown)

Page 19

"Request your Free Catalog and Book Your Trip Today!"

(Picture of the Eiffel Tower is shown, but no prices.)

Page 88 & 89

"Maine Windjammer Cruises"

Page 93

Sea Eagle inflatable kayak

(Drive out into the wilderness and have lots of fun. Global warming can wait a generation. Or so.)

Page 98 & 99

"Caravan Guided Vacations Since 1952"
$1095 to $1395 for 8 to 10 days

(Burning fuel and "poisoning the air" all the way)


The Global Warming Fraud

Posted on April 5, 2012
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”- Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in Physics
October 2021

It would be helpful if the media covered all sides of the climate issue.
September 2021
The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A
January 2021 Hanoi John Kerry has been appointed Climate Czar by Traitor Joe Briben.
Hanoi John Kerry created 365,967 pounds (166 metric tons) of carbon dioxide in 2020 just by flying his private personal jet. You sheep who follow and revere Hanoi John Kerry, ride your bicycles. Take the bus. Kerry travels in ultimate luxury while preaching something else to you.

October 10, 2006 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech by Al Gore
So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.
[Note: Carbon dioxide is NOT pollution. You exhale it with every breath and it promotes faster plant growth, as a fertilizer.]
We are what is wrong, and we must make it right.
[Says the guy who flies around in a private jet and takes limousines everywhere.]
Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is “falling off a cliff.” One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.
[Like so many other failed predictions, this one never happened.]

Heres the thing.........

How many people know about these websites? 10% of voters max?

Nobody cares

Go on can look at posts for days.......nobody is talking about climate change. WAPO and a couple of others.....nobody is interested.

Even this forum......Ive been in this forum for 13 years now. Its the same 4 or 5 knuckleheads in here all those years. Once in awhile, some new AGW obsessed bozo wanders in but they never stick around. They get ridiculed to shit. Says a lot........

Also, you look at the threads in this dominates.........for many, many years now. And its a skeptics thread :cul2: :cul2: :up: . Who'da thunk it? Has a billion "views" and 8,000 posts!:popcorn:. Then check the AGW threads.......the fizzle out routinely after 2-3 weeks!

What is it......25,000 USMB members? Hardly any visit the ENVIRONMENT forum. Doesnt matter to most people.
4. Today, every science lab in the world calls their charts "The periodic table of the elements."
There is NOTHING "periodic" about the table. It is the elements which are periodic. It should be called "the table of periodic elements," but it is not. We do not say "the black man's eye," we say "the man's black eye."

Admire your rigid adherence to principles -- but in the case of at least #4 -- This is a grammar thing, not anything related to "manipulating or interpreting science thru social engineering or politics.
Yep. On a related note, you'll appreciate this, with your experience with the public health sector. It really is quite revolting to see just how corrupted and political the business of "scientific research" has become, in all fields.

I wonder what percentage of the general public has any clue about the retraction data which shows that two-thirds of published biomedical research papers are later withdrawn due to fraud! That is an absolutely jaw-dropping figure that simply should not be tolerated in a civilized post-industrial society. These are the kind of shenanigans we usually attribute to the charlatans responsible for the astounding level of ignorance and barbarism in the medieval "dark ages" -- not in the 21st century.

Fraud, not error, is why two thirds of biomedical papers are withdrawn

"Retraction of biomedical and life science research papers for fraud or misconduct is more widespread than previously thought and is roughly 10-fold more common today than in 1975, shows a new study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.[1]"​

Here's another pre-Covid article exposing the prevalence of deceit and fraud in medical research, which represents both a foreshadowing of what we just experienced on an unprecedented scale, and a retrospective warning to the general public that this phenomenon has been lurking in the shadows for decades and we better wake the fuck up and get wise to the charade of special interest money paying for pre-conceived "scientific conclusions" to be published in journals and then fed to their media allies as a mechanism to direct governmental policy in everything from public health to energy to education.

"Deceit and fraud in medical research is a serious problem for the credibility of published literature. Although estimating its prevalence is difficult, reported incidences are alarming. The spectrum of the problem ranges from what may seem as rather innocuous gift authorship to wholesale fabrication of data. Potential factors which may have promoted fraud and deceit include financial gain, personal fame, the competitive scientific environment and scientific hubris."​

One more for good measure:
"Research papers have been flawed and retracted following disclosure of falsification/fabrication of data. Japanese anesthetist, Yoshitaka Fujii, infamously leads the world record with 190 retractions. From 1991 to 2011, he published prolifically and authored or co-authored around 250 articles in scientific and medical journals with an average of >12 publications per year over his career.[13,14] More than half of these publications were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, the “gold standard of evidence” for medical decision-making. Yoshitaka Fujii's record of retractions shattered the record for retracted papers previously held by the German anesthetist Joachim Boldt, who briefly held this dubious distinction with 88 retracted articles.[15] Robert (Bob) Slutsky, at the peak of his career, published one paper every 10 days, many of his papers have been retracted. He was one of the most prolific fraudsters in the history of cardiac research.[16,17] Since 1975, there has been a 10-fold increase in scientific articles retracted due to fraud.[18]​

"The pharmaceutical industry has also been shown to influence research integrity.[19] Several molecules have been withdrawn from the market. ... In case of Avandia, GSK had masked the drug's safety profile to protect sales.[20,21,22] Thus, drug development, if driven by financial gains, has grave implications for the future of research and patient safety. The GSK had to pay $3 billion following a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice for failing to report safety data and for introducing “misbranded” drugs. ...​

"Apparently, the necessity of research publications for academic advances and promotions, the culture of “publish or perish,” the monetary benefits, etc., associated with research resulted in fraud in research and commercialization of research. Every profession will have some dishonest people. In majority of research frauds, colleagues in the department, co-authors, and many other people in the hospital probably knew or suspected that the researcher was making up the data. The concern is not that some doctors and some researchers are dishonest; the main concern is that there is a failure to deal with the misconduct.[28] ... [.]"​

We're in danger of LOSING any authority that science has to express truths. That 1st link says it all.
The authors believe that the main reason of research misconduct is pride, greed, fear and arrogance. They recommend that scientists focus more on the attainment of knowledge and keep their ambitions as separate as possible from their scientific research. It is universally acknowledged that it can be difficult to suppress human frailties when the rewards are potentially so significant, i.e. the acknowledgment of “brilliant” scientific achievement. For that reason, it is imperative that the international authorities impress upon and work with the universities to institute governmental strategies to develop widespread academic standards since it is difficult for growing universities to police misconduct on their own (1).

I dont know how many times I've said exactly this to folks who dont believe that research is biased by arrogance, greed, fear. FEAR that your govt grants will DISAPPEAR if you dont put a misleading GW "fear porn" section in your abstract -- EVEN IF your RESEARCH in the paper leads to some other NON GW effect in play. Because the GRANT that you and PInvestigator filled out was FUNDED by govt GW research funds. (OVER a dozen GW threads in this forum where I showed this was true. See the "Himalayan ice melt" threads as an example or the "ocean acidification" threads or some of the "coral bleaching" threads)

It's the arrogance and greed of the "hockey stick" authors (Marcott excluded) who tell the MEDIA fantastic stories about future death and destruction that they can "take to the bank" that were never PROVEN by their very "low information" proxy studies of tree rings, ice cores, mud bugs of ancient climates that became front page news for weeks at a time. The publicity AMPLIFIES the human tendency to arrogance and greed.

There are now "activists in labcoats" EVERYWHERE in scientific research doing the bidding of the latest political/pop science drivers. It's not JUST the biomed or pharma sector. This is the SAME ROT that destroying journalism as a profession when they teach students that their PRIMARY responsibility is NOT objective truth and advancement of theory -- but SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT and serving the "higher NEEDS" of society as a whole.

80% of the fault lies in a media that thinks we're stupid. If you can read Scientific American, you have the chops to weigh in on the simpler things like GW research. The other 20% is public school science struggling with the concepts of "math and science are racist" rather than sticking to guns and creating scientific minds.
The fraud and deceit is rampant throughout *science*.
Look at global warming craziness and Darwin's worthless extrapolation....

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics

His books about "the art" of science are some of my favorites. As famous as he got -- he NEVER succumbed to the "arrogance, greed, fraud" that's rotting science at the core.

Read "Surely You're Joking" in about a day. Couldn't stop...
The fraud and deceit is rampant throughout *science*.
Look at global warming craziness and Darwin's worthless extrapolation....

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics
I don't think Feynman meant what you seem to think he meant. And you reject evolutionary theory as well? Impressive...
Admire your rigid adherence to principles -- but in the case of at least #4 -- This is a grammar thing, not anything related to "manipulating or interpreting science thru social engineering or politics.
Grammar is much simpler than chemistry or physics. You're excusing ignorance because it's grammatical? I am not. After 150 years, SOMEBODY should have caught on and made the correction. That somebody is me. Science and social engineering are manipulated by the same clever wordplay that you denounce here. For example, killing full term unborn babies is given the term "a clump of cells" and "a woman's body." Evil begins with a lie. Let us be alert and speak the truth.
Well you see science never proves anything..... so theres that

Proofs are for math

First you cite the NASA website which claims " There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause Earth to warm in response."

THEN you claim "science never proves anything."
Make up your mind. Is there "no question" or does science not prove anything?

Leftists try to have it both ways, and Leftists are the ones pushing Al Gore and Barack Obama's hypocritical, panicky nonsense.

First you cite the NASA website which claims " There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause Earth to warm in response."

THEN you claim "science never proves anything."
Make up your mind. Is there "no question" or does science not prove anything?

Leftists try to have it both ways, and Leftists are the ones pushing Al Gore and Barack Obama's hypocritical, panicky nonsense.

View attachment 635093


Don't forget this one.........
First you cite the NASA website which claims " There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause Earth to warm in response."

THEN you claim "science never proves anything."
Make up your mind. Is there "no question" or does science not prove anything?

Leftists try to have it both ways, and Leftists are the ones pushing Al Gore and Barack Obama's hypocritical, panicky nonsense.

View attachment 635093
Science only offers us evidence

This is very basic sixth grade stuff

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