My Three Global Warming Fraud Websites

I just remembered that Hanford monitors the City of Richland water intake area (the water going to the water treatment plant for potable water use) for contamination measurements which they do on a regular basis, I have seen the set up personally since I used to help maintain the Irrigation pump for Leslie Groves Park which is in the same intake area.

The latest pump for Irrigation was a 40 Horsepower delivering 450 PGM but I never ran it above 400 PGM to prevent Cavitation and maintain stable pressure at around 90 PSI.

The water was always safe for use even the Richland Wastewater is daily sampled for a variety of contaminants before it gets discharged back into the river which I have seen the Monthly charts showing that 99.98% of the time nothing gets above the minimum safe level.

Have no idea what goes on in the Portland area but the Rivers giant flow greatly diluted the contamination.

Every year in June The Columbia river for about 2-3 weeks empties more water into the ocean than any other river in the world.

None of that massive river flow really affects small neighboring communities that draw water from elsewhere. And in the case of SAVANAH river plant, the awful unthinkable stuff is already happening in terms of ground and river water contamination.
America spent billions constructing a proper nuclear waste repository over a period of decades.
Nevada senator Harry Reid and his Leftist cabal killed it every time. It sits, empty while nuclear waste sits in barrels around the states. This is Leftist "environmentalism" writ large and ugly.
One of the best clearing houses for AGW hoax debunking available....

it seems the following one question creates crickets.

How is it CO2 can change the temperature 40 degrees between one day to the next? i.e., 60 degrees to 20 degrees or 20 degrees to 60 degrees in one day? Demolosers, I'll wait for the crickets.
it seems the following one question creates crickets.

How is it CO2 can change the temperature 40 degrees between one day to the next? i.e., 60 degrees to 20 degrees or 20 degrees to 60 degrees in one day? Demolosers, I'll wait for the crickets.

First, I am on your side. But let me answer for Climate Panickers.
You misunderstand and are asking the wrong question.
Night to day accounts for fastest temperature changes, not because of carbon dioxide but because of ambient sunlight striking earth.
Next is the angle of sunlight which is a function of the season.
Panickers claim, wrongly, that humans account for the insignificant annual increase in atmospheric CO2. We do not. It follows the rise in median temperature, it does not cause that increase.
THE dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor.

The Keeling Curve is a fraud. Why?
1. It has a non-zero base.
2. It pretends that all the CO2 is man made, when in fact 96% of CO2 is caused by nature.
3. Water vapor is ~40 times more concentrated.
4. Water vapor is far more effective at absorbing radiation even with equal concentrations.

See comparative graphs.

keeling curve.jpg

keeling curve adjusted.jpg


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Extreme exaggeration for an extremely dangerous substance ... I think it's fair in the discussion of nuclear power plant safety ... is the Pripyat any better lately? ...

I am not trying to downplay the hazards of the waste mismanagement in the region but making hyperbolic statements can easily alarm people who is ignorant of the situation.
I began assembling these at least ten years ago and cannot begin to keep up with the avalanche of evidence against the Global Warming Fraud. If you have something HUGE and you can't find it in any of these, please post it here and PM me so I can pile on more.... as if it were needed.

Across America and around the world, sanctimonious pretenders of environmental piety tell everyone else to cut back, stop burning that evil fossil fuel, and save the earth. Then they slap each other on the back and do as they please, not as they preach. Take Al Gore, please. Or Barack Obama. Or United Nations bureaucrats. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger. As governor of California, he signed Executive Order S-03-5, which mandates an 80% reduction in greenhouse gases based on 1990 usage. Has he or any of these other eco-hypocrites cut back their own "carbon footprint" by 80%? Not remotely.

Here is a current schedule of some of the seminars run by eco-hypocrites around the world. Instead of videoconferencing, and practicing what they preach, they fly all over the place, no doubt largely at public expense, to wine and dine and shake hands and congratulate each other on how wonderful they all are.
Environment events | Conal Conference Alerts Topic Listing

Related image

Image result for environmental hypocrites


World leaders and organizations continue to enact legislation requiring citizens to cut carbon dioxide emissions 80% within the not too distant future, as a result of hysterical claims by biased researchers whose hands are deep into the pockets of government grants funding their work. Imminent doom and gloom is relentlessly predicted if we don't "do something now"!

The odd thing is that these pretend environmentalists don't practice what they preach to everyone else. Barack Obama flies Air Force One to Hawaii every Christmas, at profound public expense and carbon footprinting. He flew Air Force One to Ohio one Earth Day to plant a single tree in a kind of faux paean to the environment. Obama could have appeared on close-captioned television. He might have videoconferenced, but no, he had to appear in person, this Anointed One, to hear his fawning audience clap and cheer.

Al Gore flies around the world in his private jet, attracting many tens of thousands of adoring fans, who together burn hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel, to hear him repeat himself, yet again.

Rick Steves panders to scores of millions of travelers, ending every "evocative" program with the admonition to "keep on traveling." This is ecohypocrisy at its worst, since he's always preaching the human-caused climate change narrative. But then again, Rick is a far left-wing extremist, who never hesitates to remind his fawning audience about "right-wing fascism" when in fact the fascists were left-wing socialists. The very name of the Nazi Party was the National Socialists. "We find different truths to be self-evident and God-given." - Rick Steves The devil could not have put it better than that.

United Nations bigwigs fly around the world, proselytizing the horrors of global warming, recently renamed to climate change, since things have not been getting nearly as warm as their models have predicted. The liberal media turn a blind eye to these hypocritical actions of their fellow liberals. It's disgraceful of all of them. Disgraceful. It is disgraceful for the preachers of global warming to do exactly the opposite of what they demand of the rest of us. It is disgraceful of the media to ignore their hypocrisy. It is disgraceful for all those claiming to be saviors of the environment not to expose the widespread hypocrisy of their ideological brethren.

Numerous magazines feature articles in support of global warming / climate change. I just read the May 2015 issue of Smithsonian magazine. It is exactly like all the previous issues, that is, completely hypocritical.

Page 2 and 3 present an advertisement encouraging readers to burn, baby, burn. Fly or drive to the Mississippi River and ride a fossil-fuel powered paddlewheel boat with American Cruise Lines.
(Price not published)

The hypocrisy continues Page 7 invites Smithsonian readers to burn enough fuel to travel to Washington, D.C. for the May 15-17th The FUTURE IS HERE FESTIVAL.

Smithsonian could have sold CD roms of the festival. Smithsonian might have broadcast it live on television, or even on a webinair. But how much more absolutely fabulous it is to travel to D.C. and meet other wealthy hypocrites, who preach environmentalism while practicing anti-conservation on a grand scale.

Oh but the Smithsonian hypocrisy is just getting warmed up. Page 13:


The Smithsonian Collection by Smithsonian Journeys
Regent Seven Seas Cruises
(Prices not shown here either)

Page 15

From Africa to Asia, Australia to South America - we take you beyond the expected travel experience.. Audley Travel
(Prices not shown)

Page 19

"Request your Free Catalog and Book Your Trip Today!"

(Picture of the Eiffel Tower is shown, but no prices.)

Page 88 & 89

"Maine Windjammer Cruises"

Page 93

Sea Eagle inflatable kayak

(Drive out into the wilderness and have lots of fun. Global warming can wait a generation. Or so.)

Page 98 & 99

"Caravan Guided Vacations Since 1952"
$1095 to $1395 for 8 to 10 days

(Burning fuel and "poisoning the air" all the way)


The Global Warming Fraud

Posted on April 5, 2012
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”- Max Planck, Nobel Laureate in Physics
October 2021

It would be helpful if the media covered all sides of the climate issue.
September 2021
The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A
January 2021 Hanoi John Kerry has been appointed Climate Czar by Traitor Joe Briben.
Hanoi John Kerry created 365,967 pounds (166 metric tons) of carbon dioxide in 2020 just by flying his private personal jet. You sheep who follow and revere Hanoi John Kerry, ride your bicycles. Take the bus. Kerry travels in ultimate luxury while preaching something else to you.

October 10, 2006 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech by Al Gore
So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.
[Note: Carbon dioxide is NOT pollution. You exhale it with every breath and it promotes faster plant growth, as a fertilizer.]
We are what is wrong, and we must make it right.
[Says the guy who flies around in a private jet and takes limousines everywhere.]
Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is “falling off a cliff.” One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.
[Like so many other failed predictions, this one never happened.]

These are as good as your anti-evolution/Creationist websites.
The ones you Plagiarize your quote mining from.


First, I am on your side. But let me answer for Climate Panickers.
You misunderstand and are asking the wrong question.
Night to day accounts for fastest temperature changes, not because of carbon dioxide but because of ambient sunlight striking earth.
Next is the angle of sunlight which is a function of the season.
Panickers claim, wrongly, that humans account for the insignificant annual increase in atmospheric CO2. We do not. It follows the rise in median temperature, it does not cause that increase.
THE dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor.

The Keeling Curve is a fraud. Why?
1. It has a non-zero base.
2. It pretends that all the CO2 is man made, when in fact 96% of CO2 is caused by nature.
3. Water vapor is ~40 times more concentrated.
4. Water vapor is far more effective at absorbing radiation even with equal concentrations.

See comparative graphs.

View attachment 623034

View attachment 623033
You’re missing my point, one day it’s 60 degrees with full sun and the next day 20 degrees with full sun . And anything related to CO2!
The Keeling Curve is a fraud. Why?
1. It has a non-zero base.
2. It pretends that all the CO2 is man made, when in fact 96% of CO2 is caused by nature.
3. Water vapor is ~40 times more concentrated.
4. Water vapor is far more effective at absorbing radiation even with equal concentrations.

The Keeling Curve isn't a fraud ... you can measure CO2 concentrations from your home or lab ... we have a possible condition of 0 ppm ... #3 and #4 have nothing to do with the Keeling Curve ...

The better argument is that ... see how CO2 concentrations go UP between 1945 and 1980 ... but NOAA average global temperatures go DOWN during the same time frame ...

That violates AGW Theory ... that's NO correlation ... ha ha ha ha ... gotta love the Keeling Curve ...
The Keeling Curve is a fraud. Why?
1. It has a non-zero base.
2. It pretends that all the CO2 is man made, when in fact 96% of CO2 is caused by nature.
3. Water vapor is ~40 times more concentrated.
4. Water vapor is far more effective at absorbing radiation even with equal concentrations.

See comparative graphs.

View attachment 623034

View attachment 623033
CO2 has virtually never been "zero."
Man and mammals developed at 180-280m PPM.
So you would not start at 'Zero.'

Obviously We Are responsible for at least the rise form 280 to 410 just since the industrial revolution. Really just 100 years. (A bit more previous).

Your low Flat line graph is IDIOTIC and useless.
How would it work for ie, Radon gas?
Some things are toxic in amounts that are IDIOTIC to portray on the scale you posted.

CO2 would even make much of a showing at harmful-to-human amounts.

"...Exposure to pCO2 levels > 600 ppm has been shown to lead to the “sick-building syndrome,” resulting in irritation, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, and poor cognitive performance (22, 2426, 35) and sleep apnea (36), linked to elevated pCO2 in blood (10). Exposure to elevated CO2 also leads to the emotional responses of fear and panic in humans, a behavior that has also been experimentally confirmed in rats (37). Elevated indoor CO2 concentrations, well in excess of 1,000 ppm CO2, are also characteristic of farm animal houses [e.g., (38, 39)]. Yet, there is a surprising lack of assessments in the veterinary literature of the effects of chronic exposure to elevated CO2 levels consistent with indoor concentrations, resulting in potential effects on animal health being ignored in reviews on the effects of climate change on farm animals (40).​
The lowest ambient CO2 values that have been tested in chronic exposure studies with animal models are 2,000 and 3,000 ppm, including experiments on dogs, rats, and guinea pigs, as well as observations on humans in military submarine patrols (23, 41). These studies show that chronic exposure to elevated CO2 leads to increased gastric-acid secretion, increased calcification in kidneys, and increased CO2 uptake, but reduced Ca concentration in bones across mammal species tested, including humans, rats, guinea-pigs, pigs, and dogs (23, 41)...."​

You are so Low IQ you are a disaster for conservatives.

CO2 has virtually never been "zero."
Man and mammals developed at 180-280m PPM.
So you would not start at 'Zero.'

Obviously We Are responsible for at least the rise form 280 to 410 just since the industrial revolution. Really just 100 years. (A bit more previous).

Your low Flat line graph is IDIOTIC and useless.
How would it work for ie, Radon gas?
Some things are toxic in amounts that are IDIOTIC to portray on the scale you posted.

CO2 would even make much of a showing at harmful-to-human amounts.

"...Exposure to pCO2 levels > 600 ppm has been shown to lead to the “sick-building syndrome,” resulting in irritation, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, and poor cognitive performance (22, 2426, 35) and sleep apnea (36), linked to elevated pCO2 in blood (10). Exposure to elevated CO2 also leads to the emotional responses of fear and panic in humans, a behavior that has also been experimentally confirmed in rats (37). Elevated indoor CO2 concentrations, well in excess of 1,000 ppm CO2, are also characteristic of farm animal houses [e.g., (38, 39)]. Yet, there is a surprising lack of assessments in the veterinary literature of the effects of chronic exposure to elevated CO2 levels consistent with indoor concentrations, resulting in potential effects on animal health being ignored in reviews on the effects of climate change on farm animals (40).​
The lowest ambient CO2 values that have been tested in chronic exposure studies with animal models are 2,000 and 3,000 ppm, including experiments on dogs, rats, and guinea pigs, as well as observations on humans in military submarine patrols (23, 41). These studies show that chronic exposure to elevated CO2 leads to increased gastric-acid secretion, increased calcification in kidneys, and increased CO2 uptake, but reduced Ca concentration in bones across mammal species tested, including humans, rats, guinea-pigs, pigs, and dogs (23, 41)...."​

You are so Low IQ you are a disaster for conservatives.


See how quick the tofu-pukers bite? ... like clockworks ...
Extreme exaggeration for an extremely dangerous substance ... I think it's fair in the discussion of nuclear power plant safety ... is the Pripyat any better lately? ...

Let's compare the rivers from Wikipedia,


481 miles long

Discharge average rate is 377 m3/s (13,300 cu ft/s)


Columbia River:

1214 miles long

Discharge average rate is 265,000 cu ft/s (7,500 m3/s)

Maximum rate is 1,240,000 cu ft/s (35,000 m3/s) World's highest June run off is dangerous for Boaters who learn to navigate with caution.


As you can see the very high discharge rate and massive volume easily dilutes the concentration of radioactive waste which is shown to be actually low by direct measurements at the Richland Water intake area (managed by Hanford) and in various places between Richland and Kennewick delta areas where the Yakima and Columbia meets there is no serious contamination problem happening as NO restrictions are in effect from Hanford to McNary dam at all.

Nothing wrong with saying the rivers are receiving contamination from Waste and so on but making hyperbole statements doesn't do anyone any good better to show the true level by actual measurements of how much current contamination there is and the impact it is having on it.

The Columbia River by sheer rate of flow simply washes it away and dilute it into insignificance in most places while Pripyat can't do that thus contamination can build up much easier as it flows right through a highly contaminated area.
It's 1ºC per 50 years ... you won't notice this day-to-day ... this rate-of-change is beyond generational ...
still not the point. How is it one day can be 40 degrees different in the same spot in 24 hours?
You’re missing my point, one day it’s 60 degrees with full sun and the next day 20 degrees with full sun . And anything related to CO2!
Sorry YOU are failing to make a point.
CO2 has nothing to do with day to day differentials.
Try high and low pressure systems.
What happens when you pump up a tire or a scuba tank?
Compressing the air makes it hotter. It's not CO2 making the air hotter.
Then there are winds coming from warmer or colder areas.
Calm down and try to think about what I am saying rather than insisting
it's all CO2 related when it is nothing of the kind.
Sorry YOU are failing to make a point.
CO2 has nothing to do with day to day differentials.
Try high and low pressure systems.
What happens when you pump up a tire or a scuba tank?
Compressing the air makes it hotter. It's not CO2 making the air hotter.
Then there are winds coming from warmer or colder areas.
Calm down and try to think about what I am saying rather than insisting
it's all CO2 related when it is nothing of the kind.
At least you’re close to my point, each of those days count in temperature statistics and neither temperature is based on local climate. It’s based entirely off pressure systems. Yet, the data is entered and used by warmers! Neither CO2 or the sun have anything to do with the two readings.
Let's compare the rivers from Wikipedia,


481 miles long

Discharge average rate is 377 m3/s (13,300 cu ft/s)


Columbia River:

1214 miles long

Discharge average rate is 265,000 cu ft/s (7,500 m3/s)

Maximum rate is 1,240,000 cu ft/s (35,000 m3/s) World's highest June run off is dangerous for Boaters who learn to navigate with caution.

View attachment 623055

As you can see the very high discharge rate and massive volume easily dilutes the concentration of radioactive waste which is shown to be actually low by direct measurements at the Richland Water intake area (managed by Hanford) and in various places between Richland and Kennewick delta areas where the Yakima and Columbia meets there is no serious contamination problem happening as NO restrictions are in effect from Hanford to McNary dam at all.

Nothing wrong with saying the rivers are receiving contamination from Waste and so on but making hyperbole statements doesn't do anyone any good better to show the true level by actual measurements of how much current contamination there is and the impact it is having on it.

The Columbia River by sheer rate of flow simply washes it away and dilute it into insignificance in most places while Pripyat can't do that thus contamination can build up much easier as it flows right through a highly contaminated area.

Are you saying some plutonium leaking out of Hanford is okay? ...
still not the point. How is it one day can be 40 degrees different in the same spot in 24 hours?

"Spearfish [South Dakota] holds the world record for the fastest recorded temperature change. On January 22, 1943, at about 7:30 a.m. MST, the temperature in Spearfish was −4 °F (−20 °C). The Chinook wind picked up speed rapidly, and two minutes later (7:32 a.m.) the temperature was +45 °F (7 °C). The 49 °F or 27 °C rise in two minutes set a world record that still holds. By 9:00 a.m., the temperature had risen to 54 °F (12 °C). Suddenly, the chinook died down and the temperature tumbled back to −4 °F or −20 °C. The 58 °F or 32.2 °C drop took only 27 minutes. The sudden change in temperatures caused glass windows to crack and windshields to instantly frost over."

If it can happen in 2 minutes ... then it can happen in 24 hours ... the specific heat capacity of air is only 1 J/g/K ... so temperature can change quite rapidly ...

"Spearfish [South Dakota] holds the world record for the fastest recorded temperature change. On January 22, 1943, at about 7:30 a.m. MST, the temperature in Spearfish was −4 °F (−20 °C). The Chinook wind picked up speed rapidly, and two minutes later (7:32 a.m.) the temperature was +45 °F (7 °C). The 49 °F or 27 °C rise in two minutes set a world record that still holds. By 9:00 a.m., the temperature had risen to 54 °F (12 °C). Suddenly, the chinook died down and the temperature tumbled back to −4 °F or −20 °C. The 58 °F or 32.2 °C drop took only 27 minutes. The sudden change in temperatures caused glass windows to crack and windshields to instantly frost over."

If it can happen in 2 minutes ... then it can happen in 24 hours ... the specific heat capacity of air is only 1 J/g/K ... so temperature can change quite rapidly ...
Yep still counted as a high for the day at 54. So averaged in will increase average temperature. So temperature warming when wind causes spikes up and down isn’t accurate for determining CO2 help

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