My Three Global Warming Fraud Websites

I guess since the only nature mechanism at work is CO2 solubility in water versus temperature there is no other way for CO2 to behave prior to the industrial revolution except as a response to temperature.
CO2 concentrations did not drive temperature. Temperature drove CO2 concentrations.
Not always.

It was prior to the industrialization. Prior to industrialization CO2 was a proxy for temperature. Post industrial revolution the correlation was broken.

If CO2 really did drive temperature the planet would not be 2C cooler with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2.
It was prior to the industrialization. Prior to industrialization CO2 was a proxy for temperature. Post industrial revolution the correlation was broken.

Nope. CO2 has always been a greenhouse gas. As noted elsewhere the end Permian is a good example.

CO2 can lead or lag. There's nothing magical about the Industrial revolution. It didn't change the nature of CO2.

If CO2 really did drive temperature the planet would not be 2C cooler with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2.

Nope, again. CO2 is NOT the only driver of climate on earth. It is only ONE of many forcings.
Nope. CO2 has always been a greenhouse gas. As noted elsewhere the end Permian is a good example.

CO2 can lead or lag. There's nothing magical about the Industrial revolution. It didn't change the nature of CO2.

Nope, again. CO2 is NOT the only driver of climate on earth. It is only ONE of many forcings.
You are truly an idiot if you believe CO2 has lead temperature prior to industrialization.
You are truly an idiot if you believe CO2 has lead temperature prior to industrialization.

That's why I keep noting the End Permian. You have experience in petroleum so you know about the Permian. You've probably worked the Permian Basin in Texas.

The end of the Permian appears to have had a massive warming and ocean acidification event that was driven in part by added CO2 from the Siberian Traps.
That's why I keep noting the End Permian. You have experience in petroleum so you know about the Permian. You've probably worked the Permian Basin in Texas.

The end of the Permian appears to have had a massive warming and ocean acidification event that was driven in part by added CO2 from the Siberian Traps.
Which is an exception to the geologic record which you should know, right?

Over the last 55 million years the planet is cooling.

Which is an exception to the geologic record which you should know, right?

Over the last 55 million years the planet is cooling.

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A petroleum engineer should know that the Cenozoic is only ONE era of the Earth's history.

Indeed this is such a small snapshot of the Earth's history that it is effectively meaningless to draw any larger conclusions about how CO2 can function as a forcing.

The idea that CO2 CAN'T cause warming requires not only a rejection of the geology but a complete rejection of chemistry and physics totally.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. By definition it causes warming. That's just what it does.
A petroleum engineer should know that the Cenozoic is only ONE era of the Earth's history.

Indeed this is such a small snapshot of the Earth's history that it is effectively meaningless to draw any larger conclusions about how CO2 can function as a forcing.

The idea that CO2 CAN'T cause warming requires not only a rejection of the geology but a complete rejection of chemistry and physics totally.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. By definition it causes warming. That's just what it does.
And you should know that the trend of the last 55 million years is for a cooling planet and a planet that transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which we live in today.
And you should know that the trend of the last 55 million years is for a cooling planet and a planet that transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which we live in today.

I like looking at the much larger data set of the earth's history.

You like to cherry pick only a small subset of it to window down your data so you can wind up with the result you like.

Do you know how CO2 absorbs IR?
I like looking at the much larger data set of the earth's history.

You like to cherry pick only a small subset of it to window down your data so you can wind up with the result you like.

Do you know how CO2 absorbs IR?
You really should be looking at the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet. When you can explain that let me know.
You really should be looking at the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.

May I ask why you limit your interest in earth systems to just the most recent?

When you can explain that let me know.

As has been noted many times before the warming was due to a variety of natural forcings. The Milankovich Cycle which has lead to MANY interglacials in the last 34 million years. No big whoop. There's certainly a role for changes in ocean currents which can cause climate change and maybe even some solar cycles in there as well.

No one, literally NO ONE says CO2 is the only driver for climate.

And if it warms, YEAH the oceans will warm and dissolved CO2 will escape. Just like if you were to warm an open can of soda. The dissolved gas comes out of solution. That's intro chemistry. They teach it to kids in high school.

This doesn't mean CO2 CAN'T POSSIBLY cause warming because we know why it does that and how it does it!
May I ask why you limit your interest in earth systems to just the most recent?

As has been noted many times before the warming was due to a variety of natural forcings. The Milankovich Cycle which has lead to MANY interglacials in the last 34 million years. No big whoop. There's certainly a role for changes in ocean currents which can cause climate change and maybe even some solar cycles in there as well.

No one, literally NO ONE says CO2 is the only driver for climate.

And if it warms, YEAH the oceans will warm and dissolved CO2 will escape. Just like if you were to warm an open can of soda. The dissolved gas comes out of solution. That's intro chemistry. They teach it to kids in high school.

This doesn't mean CO2 CAN'T POSSIBLY cause warming because we know why it does that and how it does it!
Because that is what has the greatest influence on today's climate.
I'm laughing....
Nobody is caring about global warming.
yeah, right.

That's why they're buying Teslas and all automakers are gearing up for more and more electric automobiles.
Because "nobody cares."

"Total climate finance averaged $632 billion per year in 2019/2020, up nearly 75 percent from the beginning of the decade according to the Climate Policy Initiative’s most recent annual survey." -
Not always.

As Ding just inferred above -- those "fingerprints" on CO2 carbon are NOT unique to burning of fossil fuels. Because the oceans in the COLD DEEP DEPTHS hold just as much "ancient carbon" as man emits. And the Carbon signature is IDENTICAL. Same for all those NATURAL methane leaks in the Gulf of Mexico and other WARM bodies of oceans that cant HOLD a lot of CO2 at shallower depths.
Nope. CO2 has always been a greenhouse gas. As noted elsewhere the end Permian is a good example.

CO2 can lead or lag. There's nothing magical about the Industrial revolution. It didn't change the nature of CO2.

Nope, again. CO2 is NOT the only driver of climate on earth. It is only ONE of many forcings.

You're right. Going INTO an Ice Age -- CO2 LEADS but is being SEQUESTERED rapidly. Coming OUT of an Ice Age -- CO2 LAGS warming because it's ALL covered in miles of glacial ice.

But the AMOUNT of CO2 RELEASED during those 4 previous glacial cycles FAR EXCEEDS the amount left to be UNsequestered by a couple degrees of GW now. So all this "accelerated, runaway" warming fear porn is pretty baseless.

If this was a junker of Planet with THAT kind of instability -- as the massive glaciations melted four times in the PAST -- you'd think it would have been "accelerated to doom" before WE GOT HERE.
Not always.

You're using the SAME propaganda source at Climate.Gov where I just DISCUSSED the Vostok Ice core samples. They can show NO rates of change in CO2 at less than about 500 or 600 yr rates. As SUCH --- all the VARIANCE in the original metric (CO2 atmos conc) IS GONE.

No sense QUOTING peaks/valleys or their significance because the METERS didn't measure it. Vostok "ice years" are too thin. Any gas -- CO2, O2, ect will migrate thru 1000s of years of "measurement" on the core while it was under pressure for 100s of thousands of years.. will NEVER TELL YOU THIS. The science will. Those same ice cores are the ONLY thermometers or gas meters we HAVE for ancient measurements.

PROPER answer about what those ice cores show is a LONG TERM AVERAGES of either temperature or CO2 conc. That's all they are GOOD for. Any transitions are highly filtered to remove the variance in the data.

You can see 1 or even close to 2degC RAPID variance in GREENLAND Ice cores tho. They are a BETTER HIGHER TEMPORAL resolution proxy -- but dont go back as far as Vostok does.
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