My unpopular opinion, I don't care

Not at all, it's pretty safe to assume if you left and have been gone 11 years that you needed to be there. Either of your own free will or someone else's. BTW, the link you posted totally makes your valuable time being used to champion for the illegal immigrant's seem to be a waste of time. And that's just in LA. Think what it's like if you checked the other states.
Making California it's own country is probably the best thing you could do for them. They give more to the federal government than any other state by many billions of dollars. They get back only about 80 cents for every dollar they give. Almost no state gets back less in terms of a percentage.

If California wasn't "squeezed" like an over ripe grape by the federal government, it would have a balanced budget with money to spare.

You're full of shit.

We are completely bankrupt in California. With fucknuts Brown back in the saddle, the public employee unions continue to the rape of the productive, as business continues to flee the oppression of the state at an alarming rate.

Furthermore, since 2008, California has depended on Federal largess to prop up the public employee unions that the state serves. The entire house of cards is collapsing and the once golden state sinks into the mud.

We are becoming a shit hole, and fast.

Who benefits the most from California? Those Red states filled with dumbfuck Republicans who get back a buck twenty for every dollar they give to the federal government.


You're a fucking moron, and full of shit.
Not at all, it's pretty safe to assume if you left and have been gone 11 years that you needed to be there. Either of your own free will or someone else's. BTW, the link you posted totally makes your valuable time being used to champion for the illegal immigrant's seem to be a waste of time. And that's just in LA. Think what it's like if you checked the other states.

There is no need to it..I can live whereever I damn well please are just pissed because you made the false claim that the MS 13 did not originate in Los Angeles and I proved to you that they did originate there and that they were not Honduran as you claimed, but Salvadoran. Since you think that the link is a waste of time perhaps you can prove that I am wrong that they originated in Los Angeles...a link would be nice to counter what I provided...
Ewwwwww now your really getting defensive. You can't prove squat just like most of your posts. Have a wonderful day, night., evening, whatever it happens to be for you.
You are a pathetic piece of human shit.

And a liar.

You need to go away. You are not mentally stable. You USE dead children for your own amusement. You need serious help, hope you get some soon for the sake of your community

In your OP you advocated shooting human beings – children as well, one must assume – without determining first if they are indeed illegal, not that would justify killing anyone in any event. Consequently you have no moral standing to judge others.
nah it is just genocide and crimes against big deal right?


So you were born retarded then? Or is this the result of severe head trauma?

shooting people is just fun and games in your mind sparky...

Who did I shoot?

Ask Shawna Forde how well her shoot to kill attitude worked..she is sitting on death row with her cohorts.

Shawna Forde is a low-life drug dealer - just your kind of person.
Clayton she forgot about her opening post....and her advocation of firing the Border Patrol and letting Shawna Forde take their place...

Shawna Forde was a minuteman leader not a drug dealer.
In your OP you advocated shooting human beings – children as well, one must assume – without determining first if they are indeed illegal, not that would justify killing anyone in any event. Consequently you have no moral standing to judge others.

That's a lie sparky, as you well know.

What was advocated was shooting those who crossed the border illegally.

I disagree with that suggestion, but prefer to be honest where you prefer to lie.

(Mines make more sense!)
Clayton she forgot about her opening post....and her advocation of firing the Border Patrol and letting Shawna Forde take their place...

Shawna Forde was a minuteman leader not a drug dealer.

No stupid, she was kicked out of the Minuteman organization, started a group with a similar name and was ripping off the cartels.

Quit lying and you'll have a bit more credibility around here.
That's a lie sparky, as you well know. reference to In your OP you advocated shooting human beings –

I suggest you go back and read the OP before you call it a lie again and keep making yourself look foolish.

She was an accredited member of FAIR and she was a member of the minutemen they only backed away from her after the convenient.
ha another Annie and nothing but a spammer that has no argument to think the solution like Annie is shoot and kill people which makes you irrelevant.

GAO-05-646R, Information on Certain Illegal Aliens Arrested in the United States

The GAO is the U.S. Government Accountability Office. stupid fuck. Someone sources, cites and supports their claims, and it ain't you - stupid fuck.

You are a vomitus spewing moron, Wolfmoon is meticulous in supporting his/her claims.

Sorry stupid, the score is

Wolfmoon 97
Xchel 0
I want to see proof of McCain's outrageous claim that they intentionally cause car accidents...oh because a senator said it it must be true right? No need of proof at all..lmao.

Illegal immigrants less likely than rest of us to commit crimes – Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

The police and Sheriff departments says it too. The illegal aliens also drive up insurance cost because they steal cars, drive drunk, get into wreck don't have insurance or drivers license and run away from the scene of the accident. They hit and run people and don't stop or call the cops because they're usually running from the law themselves and don't want to be caught. Arizona has the highest insurance rates in America because of the illegal aliens.
The minute the illegal aliens sneaks across the border he/she commits a crime! They commit about 5 felonies just to obtain a job.

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