Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries In History


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2020
Although we know much about the ancient history, there are still many unexplainable archaeological discoveries. There are some findings that contradict the common understanding of ancient civilizations and their capabilities. Here are the most mysterious archaeological discoveries of all time.

Gobekli Tepe
Gobekli Tepe is more than 11,000 years old and is currently considered the oldest temple in the world. Its located in Turkey. The site was first discovered in 1963 and archaeologist initially thought the broken limestone slabs were tombstones. However, the sites was rediscovered by German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt in 1994. The details of the structure's function remain a mystery. In 2018, the site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Cochno Stone
Discovered in 1887 by the Rev. James Harvey, this stone was located at Scotland. This Bronze Age stone is 42 feet long and 26 feet wide. It has about 90 carved indentations and is considered one of the best rock paintings in Scotland. The stone was reburied in 1965 to prevent damage. In 2015, the Cochno stone was partially re-exposed by experts and a year later, it was more thoroughly re-exposed.
There is much we don't know about our ancient history and much of what we do know is probably false.
The Scots reburied a 42 ft stone slab to preserve it? How does that work?
Paluxy River, Texas. In the 30's locals found human footprints mingled with dinosaur footprints in the limestone..
Look up OOPARTS (Out Of Place Artifacts) there are many artifacts that don't coincide the their era.
Anybody wonder why ancient humans at a certain time in pre-history were obsessed with dragging gigantic boulders across terrain and stacking them up? The ancient Brits did it and so did Egyptians and in Indonesia and Easter Island as well as Mayans and South American tribes. Did they stack rocks to keep the population busy or just to show that they could do it?

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