Mystery Babylon

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Revisiting the Word the LORD sent to Dumitru Duduman decades ago - the time of America's judgment is at hand now and it is important to examine our hearts and ask ourselves if we are ready for what is about to take place on the earth.

This message was given by the Romanian Pastor - Dumitru Duduman who suffered greatly for Jesus - who smuggled over 1 million bibles into communist Russia.

The Message For America


Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.
He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.
He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."
Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

See link to read more.
More from that message - 1984 -The Message For America

Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"
I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible.
Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."
I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?"
He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!"
"What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them."
The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country. Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. continue on link to read more........
A vision the LORD gave Dumitru Duduman about the Roman Catholic Pope that was to come in the future:

The Beast Strikes

This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear.

Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now.

The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are

the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may

come to pass.

A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are
not clean before their Lord.

Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you!

The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake).

They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods.

Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired.

Now, tell them! Cry out loud!

Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me.

The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."
I believe the Pope in power now - a Jesuit - is the one who will make war against the protestants. This is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about - I do believe.
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Revisiting the Word the LORD sent to Dumitru Duduman decades ago - the time of America's judgment is at hand now and it is important to examine our hearts and ask ourselves if we are ready for what is about to take place on the earth.

This message was given by the Romanian Pastor - Dumitru Duduman who suffered greatly for Jesus - who smuggled over 1 million bibles into communist Russia.

The Message For America


Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.
He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.
He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."
Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

See link to read more.
so you are saying u.s. is babylon? just say it don't keep babblingon on with crap. p.s. if you didn't figure out we've become or always were babylon a long time ago .... what took you so long?
Revisiting the Word the LORD sent to Dumitru Duduman decades ago - the time of America's judgment is at hand now and it is important to examine our hearts and ask ourselves if we are ready for what is about to take place on the earth.

This message was given by the Romanian Pastor - Dumitru Duduman who suffered greatly for Jesus - who smuggled over 1 million bibles into communist Russia.

The Message For America


Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.
He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.
He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."
Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

See link to read more.
so you are saying u.s. is babylon? just say it don't keep babblingon on with crap. p.s. if you didn't figure out we've become or always were babylon a long time ago .... what took you so long?

Mystery Babylon. I have said it from the time I arrived here at USMB, Haissem. Look up my threads. Do you not see that America is under judgment?
There is no mystery of Babylon. the Jews actually loved it there so much that most stayed when King Cyrus said they could go. Babylon was a remarkable ancient city. They were not the pagans the Hebrews claimed them to be.
There is no mystery of Babylon. the Jews actually loved it there so much that most stayed when King Cyrus said they could go. Babylon was a remarkable ancient city. They were not the pagans the Hebrews claimed them to be.
but they eventually sold themselves all out? what ever happened to it and why?
There is no mystery of Babylon. the Jews actually loved it there so much that most stayed when King Cyrus said they could go. Babylon was a remarkable ancient city. They were not the pagans the Hebrews claimed them to be.
but they eventually sold themselves all out? what ever happened to it and why?

Who sold who out? not following you.
America the Falling Star

January 23rd, 1992

It was late. After prayer I went to sleep. In my dream, I heard a loud noise. I began to look around me. When I looked up, I saw a big star in the sky but, it's tips were bent. Suddenly, I heard the sound of hoofbeats, which were getting closer and closer. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw four horses pulling an old fashioned chariot. In the chariot were four men. They were armed with heavy artillery and they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn. Then it fell from the sky. I woke up and told Mike the dream. He asked me what it meant. When I told him I didn't know, he told me to pray, and if it was of God, He would let me dream it again.

I prayed, and again tried to fall asleep. I was nodding off, when again I heard the noise and saw the star with it's bent tips. Again I heard the hoofbeats. But this time when I looked up, there were six horses; and six men were in the chariot. All of them had masks on and they were armed. Again they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn again and fell. Frightened, I woke up. Being troubled, I prayed again and asked God for an explanation. I could not fall asleep for a few hours, but when I did, the same dream came again. This time the noise was even greater. Again the star appeared, with the same crooked tips. Again I heard the horses. This time though, there weren't four or six horses. There were eight horses; and eight men were in the chariot. Again they fired upon the star, and it fell. This time, when it hit the ground, it blew up. In the same place where the star used to be, appeared a man dressed in white. He said, "The star represents America. The reason the tips are crooked, is because America has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against America and will overcome her." Then the dream ended.

That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding. May God keep us awake, and ready.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
America the Falling Star

January 23rd, 1992

It was late. After prayer I went to sleep. In my dream, I heard a loud noise. I began to look around me. When I looked up, I saw a big star in the sky but, it's tips were bent. Suddenly, I heard the sound of hoofbeats, which were getting closer and closer. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw four horses pulling an old fashioned chariot. In the chariot were four men. They were armed with heavy artillery and they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn. Then it fell from the sky. I woke up and told Mike the dream. He asked me what it meant. When I told him I didn't know, he told me to pray, and if it was of God, He would let me dream it again.

I prayed, and again tried to fall asleep. I was nodding off, when again I heard the noise and saw the star with it's bent tips. Again I heard the hoofbeats. But this time when I looked up, there were six horses; and six men were in the chariot. All of them had masks on and they were armed. Again they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn again and fell. Frightened, I woke up. Being troubled, I prayed again and asked God for an explanation. I could not fall asleep for a few hours, but when I did, the same dream came again. This time the noise was even greater. Again the star appeared, with the same crooked tips. Again I heard the horses. This time though, there weren't four or six horses. There were eight horses; and eight men were in the chariot. Again they fired upon the star, and it fell. This time, when it hit the ground, it blew up. In the same place where the star used to be, appeared a man dressed in white. He said, "The star represents America. The reason the tips are crooked, is because America has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against America and will overcome her." Then the dream ended.

That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding. May God keep us awake, and ready.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

What God is this now?
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000 I'm not much into sic fi, or fables.
God Almighty. There is only One, Penelope.

Do you worship Yahweh or Jesus? I see the Jews as having a trinity as well. Isis, the mother god, Ra, the son (sun God) and El Canaanite high good (the moon God, Father God). It makes it Is-ra-el.
24-Hour Party People

When people personalize spiritual concepts about ethics corruption as it relates to the mythical idea of Mystery Babylon (as described in the Bible with imagery-rich wording), how do we feel about America's unique brand of populism/confluence catalyzed colorful analysis?

For example, Americans celebrate the fictional comic book super-archer Green Arrow (DC Comics), a magical vigilante, as a symbolic and subtle nod to the folkloric appreciation of the English archer-hero Robin Hood. Does the marketing of Green Arrow comic books reveal something interesting about 'metaphysics colloquialization chatter?' How do we separate colloquialization from laziness/drunkenness when we talk about ideas about how America is Babylon?

The Bible says that at the end of times, Babylon will be a land of wide confluence of peoples and challenge the aspiration to use traffic to create peaceful mercantilism.

When Americans celebrate the bold Depression-era bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (romanticized criminals), how do we separate such 'rebel' appreciation from the appreciation of Robin Hood or Green Arrow (DC Comics)?

That is to say, is Mystery Babylon confounding our perceptions of laissez-faire commercialism and humor?



If some Ukrainian had a vision, a repeating vision at that, then surely the revelations made available to him by the very word of God, in the visions, couldn't be anything but real.
America the Falling Star

January 23rd, 1992

It was late. After prayer I went to sleep. In my dream, I heard a loud noise. I began to look around me. When I looked up, I saw a big star in the sky but, it's tips were bent. Suddenly, I heard the sound of hoofbeats, which were getting closer and closer. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw four horses pulling an old fashioned chariot. In the chariot were four men. They were armed with heavy artillery and they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn. Then it fell from the sky. I woke up and told Mike the dream. He asked me what it meant. When I told him I didn't know, he told me to pray, and if it was of God, He would let me dream it again.

I prayed, and again tried to fall asleep. I was nodding off, when again I heard the noise and saw the star with it's bent tips. Again I heard the hoofbeats. But this time when I looked up, there were six horses; and six men were in the chariot. All of them had masks on and they were armed. Again they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn again and fell. Frightened, I woke up. Being troubled, I prayed again and asked God for an explanation. I could not fall asleep for a few hours, but when I did, the same dream came again. This time the noise was even greater. Again the star appeared, with the same crooked tips. Again I heard the horses. This time though, there weren't four or six horses. There were eight horses; and eight men were in the chariot. Again they fired upon the star, and it fell. This time, when it hit the ground, it blew up. In the same place where the star used to be, appeared a man dressed in white. He said, "The star represents America. The reason the tips are crooked, is because America has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against America and will overcome her." Then the dream ended.

That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding. May God keep us awake, and ready.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

Best not to eat ice cream right before bed.
No intelligent being would leave his all important message to a man named Duduman. If anything an all powerful messenger would warn us of his B.S. through the sign of his name. Why do you think the biggest money grubbing tv Evangelist is named Creflo Dollar?

Mystery Babylon is describing Rome, they were the enemy at the time of John of Patmos writing and he describes them to a t. The Hebrews used to use slang terms and carefully describe Rome during the revolts as to hide who they were speaking about.
Rev. 17 & 18 is indeed about The Vatican and Rome but it is also about the destruction of America. I believe America is under judgment. God's judgment is at the door and the people of this country need to prepare themselves - it is time for everyone to come out of sin, to repent and to live holy unto the LORD! Today is the day of salvation, People. Today!

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