Mystery Chinese “Pneumonia” Strikes America – High Number of Children Sickened in Two States as Possible Parallels to the COVID-19 Pandemic Emerge

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Right on time. The COVID scam was just a test run for what is coming. And it WILL be deadly, especially for the vaccinated. They want you to believe this one is fake like the last one so you will not worry about protecting yourself.

Right on time. The COVID scam was just a test run for what is coming. And it WILL be deadly, especially for the vaccinated. They want you to believe this one is fake like the last one so you will not worry about protecting yourself.

Yep....gotta all mail-in our votes so the Democrats can throw out all of the Trump votes before they count.
Get the clot shot... it's a whatever, poison doesn't work anyw
We are in good hands with Faux Chee

Right on time. The COVID scam was just a test run for what is coming. And it WILL be deadly, especially for the vaccinated. They want you to believe this one is fake like the last one so you will not worry about protecting yourself.

My neighbors came down with a respiratory virus, making them very miserable. Looked like the Flu to me, since back in 1995 i had the Flu and was laid out for 3 days. After that, i never needed a Flu shot, or any other shot, because no virus is going to be able to beat my Kung Flu resistance....
This is what happens when democrats allow chinese bioweapons labs IN THIS COUNTRY. The Chinese don't even have to figure out a way to get it TO the US>..they're right here.....all they gotta do is walk outside. what idiots the democrats are...traitorous murderous idiots. They will destroy this country and everyone in it to hold onto power.
This is what happens when democrats allow chinese bioweapons labs IN THIS COUNTRY. The Chinese don't even have to figure out a way to get it TO the US>..they're right here.....all they gotta do is walk outside. what idiots the democrats are...traitorous murderous idiots. They will destroy this country and everyone in it to hold onto power.
I agree 👍
Right on time. The COVID scam was just a test run for what is coming. And it WILL be deadly, especially for the vaccinated. They want you to believe this one is fake like the last one so you will not worry about protecting yourself.

Not for nothin’, but I’ve been really laid out with a bad cold. Nasty one. Lungs congested. Coughing a ton. Voice all but wrecked. Real bad sore throat. Headache.

So here’s my question. Should I be tested for Covid 23?
Not for nothin’, but I’ve been really laid out with a bad cold. Nasty one. Lungs congested. Coughing a ton. Voice all but wrecked. Real bad sore throat. Headache.

So here’s my question. Should I be tested for Covid 23?
what happened to 20, 21, 22?
Not for nothin’, but I’ve been really laid out with a bad cold. Nasty one. Lungs congested. Coughing a ton. Voice all but wrecked. Real bad sore throat. Headache.

So here’s my question. Should I be tested for Covid 23?

No. Just triple mask and you’ll be good.
Right on time. The COVID scam was just a test run for what is coming. And it WILL be deadly, especially for the vaccinated. They want you to believe this one is fake like the last one so you will not worry about protecting yourself.

How do the Chinese keep it from effecting themselves?
Why do you people so blindly trust the GWP when they are basically wrong with everything?

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