Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs.

I have had this conversation before about this.
Can we narrow the gap a bit more here.

Did it create
1 million or
4 million...

Until someone does that these numbers are meaningless...
How can you guys post this.
You stick out your chest like you have this smoking gun evidence to shut the right up
and you have a spread like that...

Well it could be 1 million
or let me see.....maybe it was 4 million...

Yeh that's it that's the ticket...

Pretty weak.

How about this the UE rate is 8.2% and we have a 16 trillion dollar debt,, obamie created 5 trillion of that in less than three years,, fuck yeah the stimulus failed. boy did it fail.
If you set the bar low enough, anything can be considered a success. There is absolutely no tangible evidence to support it actually worked by measures that were predicted for its intent. In fact, it really only prolonged a much bigger wank. But I digress.
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

Only if you change the Goal Posts did it not Fail.

It utterly Failed to Do what Obama said it would do. Did it save us from Worse problems, I wont argue with that, It did. in the Short run anyways. However you have to be extremely Dishonest to say it did not fail to do what Obama said it would do.

I mean come on. He talked it up pretty good, and it did not deliver anywhere near what he claimed.

That is Failure.
Stimulus prevented a depression and saved the auto and financial sectors

Not too shabby

Making it up as we go along, are we?

TARP 'saved' the auto and financial sectors.

The economy was in recovery before even 5% of the Stimulus was spent.

TARP and Stimulus were the same thing......US government kicking money into a collapsing economy
Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

1. Obama is a socialist.

This myth began with a 2008 campaign stop in Ohio, when then-Sen. Obama was caught on tape telling Joe Wurzelbacher (“Joe the Plumber”) that we needed to “spread the wealth around.” Sen. John McCain said that “sounded a lot like socialism” and cited the quote often during the campaign.

Conservatives have echoed the charge throughout Obama’s presidency. Writing in Commentary magazine in 2010, Jonah Goldberg accused him of aiming to “nationalize” two auto companies, stage a “partial government takeover” of health care and seize “managerial control” of Wall Street.

But none of this is true. By temporarily putting major banks under government control, the TARP bailout contained socialist elements — but that didn’t make Obama any more of a socialist than then-President George W. Bush and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, who launched the rescue. Obama rejected nationalizing banks and made clear that he had no interest in running the auto companies receiving TARP money.

The president’s health-care reform law keeps insurance in private hands, adopts the “individual mandate” concept from the conservative Heritage Foundation and is modeled in part on former governor Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts reform — not exactly a “Bolshevik plot,” as Obama put it. Finally, the Dodd-Frank reform bill, which Obama signed into law in 2010, regulates Wall Street but hardly controls it.

the above is only 1 of 5 specific myths debunked
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

Only if you change the Goal Posts did it not Fail.

It utterly Failed to Do what Obama said it would do. Did it save us from Worse problems, I wont argue with that, It did. in the Short run anyways. However you have to be extremely Dishonest to say it did not fail to do what Obama said it would do.

I mean come on. He talked it up pretty good, and it did not deliver anywhere near what he claimed.

That is Failure.

The myth being debunked isn't a game of catch me if you can.

The myth is that the stimulus failed. It did not
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

Only if you change the Goal Posts did it not Fail.

It utterly Failed to Do what Obama said it would do. Did it save us from Worse problems, I wont argue with that, It did. in the Short run anyways. However you have to be extremely Dishonest to say it did not fail to do what Obama said it would do.

I mean come on. He talked it up pretty good, and it did not deliver anywhere near what he claimed.

That is Failure.

The myth being debunked isn't a game of catch me if you can.

The myth is that the stimulus failed. It did not
You can't prove a negative, Buckwheat.
Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

1. Obama is a socialist.

This myth began with a 2008 campaign stop in Ohio, when then-Sen. Obama was caught on tape telling Joe Wurzelbacher (“Joe the Plumber”) that we needed to “spread the wealth around.” Sen. John McCain said that “sounded a lot like socialism” and cited the quote often during the campaign.

Conservatives have echoed the charge throughout Obama’s presidency. Writing in Commentary magazine in 2010, Jonah Goldberg accused him of aiming to “nationalize” two auto companies, stage a “partial government takeover” of health care and seize “managerial control” of Wall Street.

But none of this is true. By temporarily putting major banks under government control, the TARP bailout contained socialist elements — but that didn’t make Obama any more of a socialist than then-President George W. Bush and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, who launched the rescue. Obama rejected nationalizing banks and made clear that he had no interest in running the auto companies receiving TARP money.

The president’s health-care reform law keeps insurance in private hands, adopts the “individual mandate” concept from the conservative Heritage Foundation and is modeled in part on former governor Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts reform — not exactly a “Bolshevik plot,” as Obama put it. Finally, the Dodd-Frank reform bill, which Obama signed into law in 2010, regulates Wall Street but hardly controls it.

the above is only 1 of 5 specific myths debunked

No one has rationally or reasonably challenged a single thing in the above post, except the proven conclusion (debunked myth), which does not fit a world view based on Felty-logic.

Last edited:
Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs.

I have had this conversation before about this.
Can we narrow the gap a bit more here.

Did it create
1 million or
4 million...

Until someone does that these numbers are meaningless...
How can you guys post this.
You stick out your chest like you have this smoking gun evidence to shut the right up
and you have a spread like that...

Well it could be 1 million
or let me see.....maybe it was 4 million...

Yeh that's it that's the ticket...

Pretty weak.

100 million.
Making it up as we go along, are we?

TARP 'saved' the auto and financial sectors.

The economy was in recovery before even 5% of the Stimulus was spent.

TARP and Stimulus were the same thing.

Sorry, you are not entitled to your own facts.



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