Myths conservatives believe about liberalism


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

So, is this a copy paste? If not, is this all we have to work on? A "liberals aren't what you think they are" piece? Gimme a break, man.
Except all of those are true.

Well, libs don't hate some rich people. George Soros comes to mind. But let some middle class guy get uppity and build his business up to where he's earning 300k/yr and you get "you didnt build that." "You have to spread the wealth." "At some point you've made enough."

Libs believe in the freedom to boink your same sex partner and get an abortion. Start your own business? No. Enter into contracts freely? No. Buy large size sodas? No. SMoke? No. Own guns? Hell no. But they believe in freedom. Right.

Libs dont think the same way. That's why we get exactly the same talking points coming from the usual dependable left wing brain dead on here.

Libs think Obama is wrong. He is wrong in not pushing for single payer. He was wrong for talking to the GOP in Congress (which he didnt). He was wrong for not pushing for 90% tax rates. Yeah.

Libs dont believe in mooching off the gov't. That's why they havent passed the biggest new entitlement in 80 years, have insisted on 99 weeks of unemployment, which contributes to unemployment itself, pushed for "green energy" projects which have resulted in nothing but loss and business failure, and have seen disability rolls skyrocket. No, that's justice, not mooching.

We could add that conservatives mistakenly believe libs are dedicated to a racist society where the color of your skin determines whether you get into that school or get that job.
Except all of those are true.

Well, libs don't hate some rich people. George Soros comes to mind. But let some middle class guy get uppity and build his business up to where he's earning 300k/yr and you get "you didnt build that." "You have to spread the wealth." "At some point you've made enough."

Libs believe in the freedom to boink your same sex partner and get an abortion. Start your own business? No. Enter into contracts freely? No. Buy large size sodas? No. SMoke? No. Own guns? Hell no. But they believe in freedom. Right.

Libs dont think the same way. That's why we get exactly the same talking points coming from the usual dependable left wing brain dead on here.

Libs think Obama is wrong. He is wrong in not pushing for single payer. He was wrong for talking to the GOP in Congress (which he didnt). He was wrong for not pushing for 90% tax rates. Yeah.

Libs dont believe in mooching off the gov't. That's why they havent passed the biggest new entitlement in 80 years, have insisted on 99 weeks of unemployment, which contributes to unemployment itself, pushed for "green energy" projects which have resulted in nothing but loss and business failure, and have seen disability rolls skyrocket. No, that's justice, not mooching.

We could add that conservatives mistakenly believe libs are dedicated to a racist society where the color of your skin determines whether you get into that school or get that job.

Ahaha! Epic! :clap2:
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

What is this power you speak of? Yes they have power and it's annoying, but what rules do you want? They own the companies, so they should pay what they want, they should hire and fire whom they want. Truse me, I get corporate power, but it's not that big of a deal. Make laws simpler and stop putting in exceptions for people. Either do it or dont. And eliminate all monopolies even power companies, I'm a big fan or anti trust, because with competition things are better. Customer service at private companies is FAAAAR better than the govt.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.
You do reject personal freedom. The global warming hoax and Obamacare, now we have to have what foods/drinks, what temp our house is, what lightbulbs we use, all this dictated to us. What's funny is with the lightbulb thing, who was behind the switch, GE, I wonder why!

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.
They do, and if you dont, you're no longer black, hispanic or whatever and that's just with physical characteristics. Let me ask a question, Name major policy that any of the following disagree with: NAACP, NOW, PETA, Earthfirst, ELF, ACTUP, QueerNation, NARAL, NEA, AFL-CIO, UAW, ADA, LaRaza, People For the American Way. What subject do they disagree on?

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.
Have you seen people on this board?They wont name a single thing he's done wrong, not ONE.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.
They do, they dont believe in time limits, they have rules that encourage bad behavior and lots of stupidity. They dont enfore current laws, but want to enact new ones (Immigration being a perfect example).

you want to improve peoples lives, make them get off the govt. give them a time limit, people procrastinate....but you need a due date in order to do that. Change laws so that the requirements make sense and encourage people to get and do better. Stop settling for mediocrity, fire lazy ass govt employees like teachers. And measure results. Is the program working?
Except all of those are true.

Well, libs don't hate some rich people. George Soros comes to mind. But let some middle class guy get uppity and build his business up to where he's earning 300k/yr and you get "you didnt build that." "You have to spread the wealth." "At some point you've made enough."

Libs believe in the freedom to boink your same sex partner and get an abortion. Start your own business? No. Enter into contracts freely? No. Buy large size sodas? No. SMoke? No. Own guns? Hell no. But they believe in freedom. Right.

Libs dont think the same way. That's why we get exactly the same talking points coming from the usual dependable left wing brain dead on here.

Libs think Obama is wrong. He is wrong in not pushing for single payer. He was wrong for talking to the GOP in Congress (which he didnt). He was wrong for not pushing for 90% tax rates. Yeah.

Libs dont believe in mooching off the gov't. That's why they havent passed the biggest new entitlement in 80 years, have insisted on 99 weeks of unemployment, which contributes to unemployment itself, pushed for "green energy" projects which have resulted in nothing but loss and business failure, and have seen disability rolls skyrocket. No, that's justice, not mooching.

We could add that conservatives mistakenly believe libs are dedicated to a racist society where the color of your skin determines whether you get into that school or get that job.

Wow, you are something else. Are you just willfully ignorant or just that stupid? It blows my mind anyone can be so black and white. Do realize that this all or nothing thinking you have is an intellectual weakness? Do you really not see that? Frankly I feel sorry for you.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

So, is this a copy paste? If not, is this all we have to work on? A "liberals aren't what you think they are" piece? Gimme a break, man.

Yes exactly. It's kind of sad I have to verify the obvious...
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

So, is this a copy paste? If not, is this all we have to work on? A "liberals aren't what you think they are" piece? Gimme a break, man.

Yes exactly. It's kind of sad I have to verify the obvious...

Nowhere close to obvious. You pulled that out of your arse, my friend.
Liberals do not reject capitalism.
Not for themselves, no. Capitalism for them, socialism for everybody else.

Ah, now I understand. Bankers are liberals.

Got it!

What does 'liberal' even mean, folks? It's become just a catch phrase, full of argument and division signifying nothing. This kind of dualism serves us poorly.
Liberals do not reject capitalism.
Not for themselves, no. Capitalism for them, socialism for everybody else.

Ah, now I understand. Bankers are liberals.

Got it!

What does 'liberal' even mean, folks? It's become just a catch phrase, full of argument and division signifying nothing. This kind of dualism serves us poorly.

Some bankers are liberals, but the point is liberals belive in exceptions and the laws dont apply to them.
They want higher taxes, but cheat on their own
they want us to use public transportation, but use cars, and private jets
they want us to have small houses, but they have mansions
they want us to eat healthy, yet they dont...ect ect

And a liberal is a person usually democrat, that thinks govt programs actually work and wants to put as many people on them as they can. They also tend to despise personal morality..
Except all of those are true.

Well, libs don't hate some rich people. George Soros comes to mind. But let some middle class guy get uppity and build his business up to where he's earning 300k/yr and you get "you didnt build that." "You have to spread the wealth." "At some point you've made enough."

Libs believe in the freedom to boink your same sex partner and get an abortion. Start your own business? No. Enter into contracts freely? No. Buy large size sodas? No. SMoke? No. Own guns? Hell no. But they believe in freedom. Right.

Libs dont think the same way. That's why we get exactly the same talking points coming from the usual dependable left wing brain dead on here.

Libs think Obama is wrong. He is wrong in not pushing for single payer. He was wrong for talking to the GOP in Congress (which he didnt). He was wrong for not pushing for 90% tax rates. Yeah.

Libs dont believe in mooching off the gov't. That's why they havent passed the biggest new entitlement in 80 years, have insisted on 99 weeks of unemployment, which contributes to unemployment itself, pushed for "green energy" projects which have resulted in nothing but loss and business failure, and have seen disability rolls skyrocket. No, that's justice, not mooching.

We could add that conservatives mistakenly believe libs are dedicated to a racist society where the color of your skin determines whether you get into that school or get that job.

Wow, you are something else. Are you just willfully ignorant or just that stupid? It blows my mind anyone can be so black and white. Do realize that this all or nothing thinking you have is an intellectual weakness? Do you really not see that? Frankly I feel sorry for you.

Translation: Damn you nailed it.

Yeah, the dissonance between what liberals think they believe and what they actually believe is immense. Nowhere better demonstrated than here.
Liberal elites are different than liberal rank and file. I think the rank and file belive that. I think the elites are horrible, horrible people. They know the war on poverty has done nothing but kill blacks and inner cities. They know after 50 years that things arent really getting better there....because it's all govt in those areas and no hope, just despair and acceptance....hence drugs, gangs, violence, ect

They have an underclass that will vote for them because they get a litte somethin somethin.....but in reality they lose hope, self respect and dignity
They have an underclass that will vote for them because they get a litte somethin somethin.....but in reality they lose hope, self respect and dignity

the left needs that

a permanent underclass

this is why you see ever expanding entitlement crowd

folks that move into the middle class do not

need the democrats anymore
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.
They have an underclass that will vote for them because they get a litte somethin somethin.....but in reality they lose hope, self respect and dignity

the left needs that

a permanent underclass

this is why you see ever expanding entitlement crowd

folks that move into the middle class do not

need the democrats anymore

I agree, that do need them, that's why they want amnesty....and they promise all these things....but they dont ENFORCE Them
and we're back to sqaure one.

They want us to believe they'll enforce these?
what if they dont, what recourse do we have?
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

answer my post
They have an underclass that will vote for them because they get a litte somethin somethin.....but in reality they lose hope, self respect and dignity

the left needs that

a permanent underclass

this is why you see ever expanding entitlement crowd

folks that move into the middle class do not

need the democrats anymore

I agree, that do need them, that's why they want amnesty....and they promise all these things....but they dont ENFORCE Them
and we're back to sqaure one.

They want us to believe they'll enforce these?
what if they dont, what recourse do we have?

how many times does one have to hit

themselves with a hammer before

they realize it hurts

the dems have promised

enforcement several times in the past

all of which never happened

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