n Bernardino killings, Hillary demands more restrictions on law-abiding people(??)


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Yesterday Hillary Clinton called for more restrictions on law-abiding people who want to buy guns. None of her suggestions would have stopped the terrorists who killed 14 people the day before, but she wanted them anyway.

She is becoming more and more insistent on the idea that government should control who can have a gun. Despite the 2nd amendment's flat ban on any such govt involvement.

It is becoming more and more clear who she really wants to control.

Hillary Clinton talks gun violence in New Hampshire
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The San Bernardino Shooters were considered "Good Guys With Guns" right up until they pulled the trigger killing those people.
Hillary better STFU before somebody plugs that idiot bitch, which we'd all be better off for the act. This should show everyone what a stupid moron she is, and if anyone has a brain in their own head she'll receive not a single vote.
The San Bernardino Shooters were considered "Good Guys With Guns" right up until they pulled the trigger killing those people.
Because nobody was watching them, despite their obvious suspicious activities.

Because the neighbors that saw the suspicious activities, decided not to report them, fearing that Democrats would call then racists.

Still, none of the measures Hillary is proposing, would have had any effect on the San Bernardino shooters.

Yet she still continues to demand them.

She apparently wants to use every mass shooting as an excuse to pile up more and more restrictions on law-abiding American citizens.
Yesterday Hillary Clinton called for more restrictions on law-abiding people who want to buy guns. None of her suggestions would have stopped the terrorists who killed 14 people the day before, but she wanted them anyway.

She is becoming more and more insistent on the idea that government should control who can have a gun. Despite the 2nd amendment's flat ban on any such govt involvement.

It is becoming more and more clear who she really wants to control.

Hillary Clinton talks gun violence in New Hampshire

Meanwhile Trump is calling for more restrictions on law abiding people on the basis of religion.
Hillary should yell it long and loud. Make gun control thev centerpiece of her campaign.

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