N.K. Fires Ballistic Missiles Toward Japan.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

What will it take for Japan to take a neutral position on the war against Russia?

Not very much at all. Japan has adopte a position as being a peaceful nation on account of past experience and an understanding that they can't survive a modern war.

N.K. is intent on playing on that understanding of the Japanese people. Peace through neutrality is in my opinion a settled question in Japan, no matter the sabre rattling of Nato and America!
Nothing burger, they splashed as usual.
Well that's the point that N.K. is making.
That and N.K. already firing ballistic missiles further than the distance to Japan.

You should have ignored this one!

I'll comment on the next gun you buy!
It's not like Tater is going to expend any capital in getting the Norks to tone it down like Trump did.
Young leader played for recognition as he always has, and Trump acknowledged him.

And that was one of Trump's better moves. Had Trump been granted another term he might have been able to negotiate N.K.'s nukes away and gained huge popularity in doing it!

But probably not, now that N.K. has gained a seat at the nuclear table.

How did you miss all that? I can't consider you worthy of a discussion if you're going to allow your knee to jerk so quickly.

And fwiw, Biden likely wouldn't be capable of doing what he needs to do for N.K. now, on account of an attitude that doesn't permit concessions.

What will it take for Japan to take a neutral position on the war against Russia?

Not very much at all. Japan has adopte a position as being a peaceful nation on account of past experience and an understanding that they can't survive a modern war.

N.K. is intent on playing on that understanding of the Japanese people. Peace through neutrality is in my opinion a settled question in Japan, no matter the sabre rattling of Nato and America!
Along with your ignorance of science and math, you can add your lack of knowledge of Japanese foreign policy, duck. Russian propaganda won't advance it either.

N.K. Fires Ballistic Missiles Toward Japan.​

You can thank THE BIDEN EFFECT. They wouldn't be doing that nor would Russia be invading Ukraine
if our dethroned president wore rightly still in office instead of The Weak Man From Scanton.

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You can thank THE BIDEN EFFECT. They wouldn't be doing that nor would Russia be invading Ukraine
if our dethroned president wore rightly still in office instead of The Weak Man From Scanton.
I agree with you in principle in that Trump played conciliatory with N.K. and that was young leader's complete agenda. But Trump didn't get reelected.

And Trump had likely run out of favours he could grant to N.K. unless America got what it wanted and needed in return.
I won't elaborate further for you because if you don't understand that so far, you're a waste of my time.

However! Trump brought some hope to the situation of NK's nukes!
If he could have played it right and not fell into the same trap that previous US presidents did.

The question now has become whether or not NK will 'ever' negotiate with America on their nuclear weapons. I think the best America can do now is grant NK huge concessions they've been asking for, in return to America of some concessions on stopping nuclear tests and perhaps some stepping back on ballistic missile development.

If Trump ever gets the opportunity, it's going to be a hard sell for him!

What do you think?
Warning: Try dicking me around with your childish attachments and you're off my calendar!
Thursday’s missile launch came mere hours after Seoul and Washington finished up a fifth round of joint large-scale live-fire drills near the North Korean border earlier on Thursday.
Kind of an important detail to include. Journalism, not
"Fuck me? No, fuck you!" dick waving persists and has been around far longer than any of the nations mentioned. It's what all men do who refuse to grow up. Problem being our current billionaires who may see MAD as not only a survivable option for them, but a welcome reset.
.....[. Peace through neutrality is in my opinion a settled question in Japan, no matter the sabre rattling of Nato and America!

There was an offer of a top-level meeting, suggesting that the Biden administration is stepping up efforts to reach out to North Korea. Trump was much better at handling North Korea. There was no missile test in the Trump era.

US President Joe Biden is willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “without preconditions” to discuss the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula, a senior White House official said on Thursday.

“They have not responded positively to that offer, but it’s still on the table. We are willing to sit down and negotiate without preconditions,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said in an interview.

Kirby made the remarks a day before Biden is set to host a trilateral summit with the leaders of Japan and South Korea, at which North Korea’s rapid development of nuclear and missile capabilities will be a major agenda item. Unlike his predecessor Donald Trump, who met Kim in person three times, Biden’s administration has sought to make progress toward denuclearisation through multiple channels involving officials, but not at the top level.
Young leader played for recognition as he always has, and Trump acknowledged him.

And that was one of Trump's better moves. Had Trump been granted another term he might have been able to negotiate N.K.'s nukes away and gained huge popularity in doing it!

But probably not, now that N.K. has gained a seat at the nuclear table.

How did you miss all that? I can't consider you worthy of a discussion if you're going to allow your knee to jerk so quickly.

And fwiw, Biden likely wouldn't be capable of doing what he needs to do for N.K. now, on account of an attitude that doesn't permit concessions.
They miss half of all news because they only watch, listen and read liberal leftist communist news outlets.
North Korea has launched a new submarine equipped with tactical nuclear weapons - Voice of Korea radio

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is also reported to have announced plans to modernize all of the country's submarines and equip them with tactical nuclear weapons.

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