N-word confrontation.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I am a 62 year old woman who lives in a senior citizen complex and my race is irrelevant. The word should be equally offensive to all Americans no matter of nationality.
Yesterday in the community room a man repeatedly said the N-Word and I first left the room and a Black man which is his friend remained at the table with this man. He had no respect for his Black friend by speaking the demeaning and degrading work because he knows what it represent. Back in my apartment I remembered something I had heard from my mother and that was; “you don’t solve problems by walking away from them” and I returned and confronted the man and told him how offensive it was for me to hear the spoken N-Word. He said he was exercising his first amendment rights of freedom of speech. And I responded that I was exercising my first amendment rights to let him know how I feel about hearing that word and would continue to do so. This morning I have a sign on the back of my power chair (I have MS) that reads; “To stand in silence when one should be protesting makes cowards out of men.” Abraham Lincoln. As a reminder to him and all who heard this word and remained silence, this will remain on my chair.
Men and women of different races died fighting for equality for Blacks during and after slavery. At age 23 my grand mother was an activist for Chickasaw Freedmen. My mother was a teacher. Got her teaching certificate in 1929 and she was a what you would call now a community organizer. She taught migrant children in Arizona. My daughter who has a disabled child has spent her adult life fighting for rights for the disabled thorough Families Ties here in Reno. She met with senators in Washington D.C.
I was told to walk away but I don’t know how to walk away if I could walk. Martin Luther King did not walk away. Brave men and women of all races and nationality did not walk away.
I cannot understand why anyone would chose to waste their right to exercise their first amendment rights by speaking a word knowing how hurtful, demeaning and degrading and what the word represent.

Everyone in that room should have been offended. Black, White, Hispanic or Pilipino.
The man was talking about the N-Word on the rock in Texas. Just because the work is in neon letter does not give anyone the right to speak it out loud in public if they are aware of how the word offends
I wonder, are the countries of Niger, or Nigeria pissed off about this political correctness stuff? The liberals are so ungrammatical.
I always tell blacks, when they're being stingy, not to be so niggardly. It always makes for a hearty laugh, then back to work.
I always tell blacks, when they're being stingy, not to be so niggardly. It always makes for a hearty laugh, then back to work.

You must be a prison guard, that makes it pretty easy to get away with that one. Where I'm from, you'd get stomped out.

I come from a different generation post Richard Pryor so it's completely different ball game. I have black friends who call me it... it really doesn't bother me yet I'll never use it because you never know who will over hear it and what they would think.

Using the word is so unimportant to me, I really don't understand when white people get if u can say it then I can. I'm white, I have no desire to speak the word it does nothing for me.
When blacks quit using it to describe and talk to each other, then ill stop. But as long as i have to pull up to get gas and the brother next to me has his busted speakers squawking out "lil wayne " or some other black rapper who is sayn ****** about every other word, then ill choose to use it. And to the OP , i to am chickasaw, i have quite a few relatives who still live on the reservation. My Dad was almost full bloodied and he never let his heritage keep him down, nor did he ever use it as a crutch. And he taught his 4 boys about the sticks and stones long before the birds and the bee's.
^^So you just in a round about pussy way said u call black people ****** cuz it is in the songs?

This is exactly what I was talking about in my post. Hold yourself to your own moral code, if you are a racist at least have the balls to own it and not give some bullshit excuse.

I am a 62 year old woman who lives in a senior citizen complex and my race is irrelevant. The word should be equally offensive to all Americans no matter of nationality.
Yesterday in the community room a man repeatedly said the N-Word and I first left the room and a Black man which is his friend remained at the table with this man. He had no respect for his Black friend by speaking the demeaning and degrading work because he knows what it represent. Back in my apartment I remembered something I had heard from my mother and that was; “you don’t solve problems by walking away from them” and I returned and confronted the man and told him how offensive it was for me to hear the spoken N-Word. He said he was exercising his first amendment rights of freedom of speech. And I responded that I was exercising my first amendment rights to let him know how I feel about hearing that word and would continue to do so. This morning I have a sign on the back of my power chair (I have MS) that reads; “To stand in silence when one should be protesting makes cowards out of men.” Abraham Lincoln. As a reminder to him and all who heard this word and remained silence, this will remain on my chair.
Men and women of different races died fighting for equality for Blacks during and after slavery. At age 23 my grand mother was an activist for Chickasaw Freedmen. My mother was a teacher. Got her teaching certificate in 1929 and she was a what you would call now a community organizer. She taught migrant children in Arizona. My daughter who has a disabled child has spent her adult life fighting for rights for the disabled thorough Families Ties here in Reno. She met with senators in Washington D.C.
I was told to walk away but I don’t know how to walk away if I could walk. Martin Luther King did not walk away. Brave men and women of all races and nationality did not walk away.
I cannot understand why anyone would chose to waste their right to exercise their first amendment rights by speaking a word knowing how hurtful, demeaning and degrading and what the word represent.

Everyone in that room should have been offended. Black, White, Hispanic or Pilipino.
The man was talking about the N-Word on the rock in Texas. Just because the work is in neon letter does not give anyone the right to speak it out loud in public if they are aware of how the word offends

This is a good post, unfortunatly it went over the heads of most of the people here.
I always tell blacks, when they're being stingy, not to be so niggardly. It always makes for a hearty laugh, then back to work.

You must be a prison guard, that makes it pretty easy to get away with that one. Where I'm from, you'd get stomped out.

I come from a different generation post Richard Pryor so it's completely different ball game. I have black friends who call me it... it really doesn't bother me yet I'll never use it because you never know who will over hear it and what they would think.

Using the word is so unimportant to me, I really don't understand when white people get if u can say it then I can. I'm white, I have no desire to speak the word it does nothing for me.

You are aware the word niggerdly has absolutely nothing to do with ****** RIGHT?
"N" word? Oh brother. I grew up with blacks, Negroes say they find THAT word offensive, and the fact is, they sure used it a LOT. This is a joke! This double standard ticks me off, I never heard whites use THAT word as much as Negros , ever. Were is the outrage at THAT?
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I always tell blacks, when they're being stingy, not to be so niggardly. It always makes for a hearty laugh, then back to work.

You must be a prison guard, that makes it pretty easy to get away with that one. Where I'm from, you'd get stomped out.

I come from a different generation post Richard Pryor so it's completely different ball game. I have black friends who call me it... it really doesn't bother me yet I'll never use it because you never know who will over hear it and what they would think.

Using the word is so unimportant to me, I really don't understand when white people get if u can say it then I can. I'm white, I have no desire to speak the word it does nothing for me.

You are aware the word niggerdly has absolutely nothing to do with ****** RIGHT?

That's quite irrelevant... actually the definition of the word is completely irrelevant.
I'd say you calling them Negroes reflects a lot about you.

Let's don't play games, they are Negroes . What does that say about ME? Don’t make this personal.
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I wonder, are the countries of Niger, or Nigeria pissed off about this political correctness stuff? The liberals are so ungrammatical.

I am wondering why you think that liberals are the only ones to be politically correct? I can remember my grandmother telling us not to use the bad words to describe people, she said it was not what a good christian did. This was in the 1960's and '70's

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